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Prada Candy Perfume Review

Attractive aroma of youth

Prada Candy Perfume Review

The fragrance of Prada Candy perfume water is seductive, impulsive, flirting.


  • Moderately sweet, not cloying.
  • Rich, expensive flavor.
  • Sufficiently resistant.

Disadvantages: If we take into account that this perfumery water is popular mainly among young girls, the price is quite high.

From Candy reviews:

“I love how Candy's perfumed water gradually unfolds on the skin. In the morning - musk-vanilla smell, in the evening it acquires a bitter bitterness and resembles burnt sugar. And who says that it is not resistant? Clothes before washing smells! ".

“My husband loves candy sweet smells, for him, one might say, I bought Candy perfume water. He was absolutely delighted! This fragrance reminds him of childhood, butterscotch ... I catch in it feminine notes, sexy ... ".

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Anna Ivanova 11.03.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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