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How not to waste time thinking and decide to change jobs?

Increase self-confidence

How not to waste time thinking and decide to change jobs?

Endless routine and ungrateful boss, unloved professional work and daily plea for an early return home, an unfriendly team and low wages - do these characteristics correspond to your idea of ​​your own place of work? If yes, then this job is doomed, and if you give it a second, third and all subsequent chances, then you will be doomed.

Five reasons to stop inactive

What you are doing does not bring happiness and sufficient monetary reward, and you are all drawn to dismissal. But how to decide to change jobs? Here is what will become the motivation for a job change:

  1. The negative attitude of the authorities and the collective has a negative effect on the psychological state of the person, on his self-esteem. Staying at the current place of work, you indulge in the fall of your own self-esteem and deprive yourself of the possibility of development.
  2. Fear of changing something in a supposedly well-established life is an illusion, because of which a person’s plans may remain unfulfilled. Do you think you know what will happen tomorrow? You really know, and therefore you endure, though “squeak”. Give up that confidence, and another will replace it: each tomorrow will be promising and long-awaited.
  3. If something does not suit - act. Long nightly conversations and complaints will not change anything, and the decision to leave will open a new life.
  4. Clearly identify the reasons for which you want to leave the current place of work. You can write them on a piece of paper, compare drawn minuses with found advantages. Careful analysis will guarantee the right direction, make you much more confident in your choice.
  5. Understand not only what you want to leave. Understand where you want to go. It is not about knowing the exact name of the dream company. But, at least, understand what should be in the new place of work - a high salary, an understanding team, an opportunity for career growth?

Reasons for changing jobs

It is important to understand why you need to leave? How to correctly determine that a job change is needed? Often among the reasons are the following:

  1. Low wages - the most popular reason for dismissal. Perhaps your life has changed, and now the level of wages that met the consumer demand then does not respond to it now.
  2. Low probability or its absence at all with respect to promotion. If, in addition to the forced achievement of the “career ceiling”, the work also does not give an opportunity to develop professionally, then it is simply necessary to change it.
  3. You no longer enjoy the workflow. It doesn't matter what exactly became different. If in the morning you do not want to go to your workplace, then it's time to change it.
  4. Problems in the team. Even if you are not an object for outright harassment, this does not mean that the situation is such as could be allowed. The inability to find a common language with the team or the bosses is a powerful stumbling block in the way of a comfortable and efficient working process.
  5. This is simply not your profession. Such a problem can be encountered at almost any age, and it's never too late to turn your life 180 degrees. Rejecting the sphere in which you work every day now, you open yourself to learn new things that will become a new matter for your life.

Whatever it was, and you just need not be afraid to change jobs. It is possible that the future employer will provide you with a decent salary, sane schedule and a good team.

Author: Elena Likhovtseva 28.10.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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