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How not to overpay for purchases in the store? 15 simple tips

We make purchases with feeling, sensibly, with an arrangement ...

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The question of how to save money in a store suggests a quite logical and simple answer: buy less. But how to do this when marketers also want to earn their own penny and constantly come up with new tricks to mislead an untapped buyer. There are some simple tips that allow you not to overpay for purchases in the store, and return home with a set of necessary, high-quality and not too expensive things.

Tip 1. Make a list

The most important rule, without which there is no way anywhere, you should always have a shopping list. Many ignore this advice, but in vain. Make a shopping list in advance, and not immediately before the exit: this way you will have the chance to “digest” everything that is written, not to forget the important and not to enter what is not necessary. Write down the list in the evening, if in the morning you are going to go to the supermarket. In the morning, review the plan, cross out the superfluous and irrelevant (for example, yesterday you really wanted canned pineapples, but today you don’t want to), add what you have forgotten because of distraction.

Tip 2. To the store - only in a good mood

If you are upset and think that shopping will save you, the chance to buy unnecessary things is very great. The same thing happens when you are hungry. In addition, the supermarket always smells of fresh pastries and aromatic coffee. So get enough sleep, eat and go shopping through the list.

Tip 3. Don't make a cult shop trip

Many are preparing to go to the supermarket, as on holiday. And then they spend more than an hour wandering from shelf to shelf. Set aside for certain time purchases, try to meet, for example, in half an hour. Then there will be no temptation to grab something superfluous from the next regiment, by which you passed for the fifth time.

Tip 4. Bring your husband

Men do not like shopping - it is a fact. Therefore, the husband or boyfriend will not let you “hang on” in the store for a long time and buy “this beautiful hairpin”, “this chocolate bar” and “that set of profitable shower gel sets”. The same applies to men - a bored spouse in the store accessories or fishing accessories will not allow to buy a lot of things.

Tip 5. In order not to overpay in the store, leave promotions for others.

Everyone loves sales and promotions, but as a rule, you can buy a lot of unnecessary goods on them. According to statistics, the Americans immediately after coming home from the supermarket throw away 40% of purchased items. With our fellow citizens, the situation is similar: things bought for a promotion, at home, as a rule, turn out to be not so attractive and, even more so, in demand.

Tip 6. Avoid Golden Shelves

We do not recommend to buy goods that are on the shelves at the level of your eyes. As a rule, not very cheap products are placed there, and sometimes even not very high quality ones. Study the assortment, look through both the upper and lower shelves, usually, there you can find great things at an affordable price.

Tip 7. Always check the price.

Often in supermarkets, the price tags for goods are scattered and mixed. Many just too lazy to understand how much a particular product costs, because the price can be found at the checkout. Either the price is not specified at all. Thus, it is easy to overpay for a product of similar quality, but more attractive in price. Also remember - if you know the value of the goods listed on the price tag, and at the checkout you hear a completely different number, you have the right to purchase the product at the price stated on the price tag. So few people can fool you.

Tip 8. Ignore promotional price tags.

Photo: www.spletnik.ru
Colored price tags with magic numbers 999 (“Total 1999 rubles!”, “Only today, 9999 rubles!”) Attract almost everyone. Of course, after all 1999 is not 2 thousand, in 9999 it is not ten.Looking at the first figure, buyers often overlook the main thing: it’s not nine thousand “with a little tail”, but all ten.

Tip 9. Stop being “black”

At the entrance to the store, you were immediately struck by a separate shelf with bright backlighting, color price tags and a large signboard? Know: marketers really want you to sell this product. If you are worried that the marketer also needs to eat something, get it, but if not, go past. Buyers often fall for these tricks, because the bright wrapper attracts an incredibly strong.

Tip 10. Do not collect chips

Popular promotional chips, giving the right to a 50% discount on the goods you do not need, are in great demand. Someone goes to one supermarket and willy-nilly collects such chips, but does not buy anything from them. And someone, having learned about the action, begins to visit the supermarket in order to purchase goods available in other stores at a much lower price. Before you start collecting chips, think: is it really that the store really benefits from such auctions of unprecedented generosity?

Tip 11. More expensive - does not mean "better"

If you think that the higher the price of a product, the better it is, you are mistaken. Realistically assess the advantages of one product over another: if it lies solely in the brand awareness, you should not fall for the tricks of advertising.

Tip 12. Get ready for a big purchase.

Before buying household appliances, expensive things, read the articles on the topic "How to choose", "Ratings of the best", reviews about the product of interest on the Internet. This will help you to know the approximate price, to find out what qualities of the goods are important for you - so as not to overpay for unnecessary functions.

Tip 13. Cheaper doesn't mean cheap

Very often, wanting to sell a product, marketers place it next to the similar, but more expensive. What will you do, see the blenders next to it on the showcase, which differ only in one not very necessary nozzle, but one of them costs 1500, and the other - 2300 rubles? Of course, buy a cheaper one and you will be happy with a successful purchase. Do not hurry, look around, think - most likely you can find a model even better and more profitable.

Tip 14. Do not take anything from the cashier

Standing in line in front of the cash register, customers often collect gum, chocolate bars, and waffles in baskets. They are not randomly located there: usually, queues in supermarkets are created artificially - only 4 out of 15 cash desks work, and the buyer, standing at the booth with a bar, will take a couple for himself. And chewing gum to caries was not. Remember that everything you need is on your list. If there is superglue, take it necessarily, because it usually lies on the shelf at the cash register. If the list of purchases does not have chewing gum and chocolates, do not go in the wake of marketers.

Tip 15. Carefully attend the "final sales"

Typically, the shops arrange “complete liquidation” of goods at the end of the season, for example, when it is already autumn on the threshold, and summer T-shirts are still hanging on hangers. If the “final sales” take place at the height of the season, it’s just a signal that the store needs to attract buyers and sometimes sell out stale goods. You have a chance to get a lot of unnecessary things, but at a great price!
As you can see, the rules and tips on how not to overpay in the store are extremely simple. The main thing is when shopping, do not leave your head at home, and do not go in the wake of marketers who are just waiting for this. Successful, pleasant and useful acquisitions to you!

Author: Alla Velichko 30.06.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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