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5 best cream powders for natural makeup

Natural beauty is just a trick!

The most imperceptible and at the same time indispensable part of any makeup is powder. Usually in our cosmetic bags are stored several of its options: everyday, seasonal, evening. We use something in the office every day and sometimes we share it with our girlfriends, we keep something under the “top secret” signature just for ourselves, in case of an important date or a responsible photo shoot.

Powder presented in different textures and packaging. For those who value their time and do not want to "fill in" the skin with excess layers of cosmetics, powder cream is best suited. It allows you to use one tool instead of two: at the same time moisturizes, mattes and perfectly hides skin defects.

In this ranking, we will talk about popular cream powders. The choice fell on those funds, about which buyers and beauty-blogies of Runet most often respond well. These are the cosmetics of the brands “Max Factor”, “Clarins”, “Estee Lauder”, “Lumene”, “Shiseido”. Well, in the first place we decided to put the brand that we liked the most after a test drive to the author of the article.

1 place is occupied by the cream powder of the Finnish brand Lumene - “Natural code” and “Touch of Radiance” - for 100% natural and ecological approach to beauty!

Photo: s6.hostingkartinok.com


Both tools perfectly matte and mask imperfections, do not crumble, do not irritate the face. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the cream powders Lumene "Natural code" and "Touch of Radiance" contain a minimum of harmful components. So, in their composition there are no “clogging pores” of parabens and talc. But there is an extract of arctic plants that have a beneficial effect on the skin. But the main advantage of Lumene powders is that this is a real salvation for allergies and girls with rashes. At the same time, despite their quality, both cream powders are several times cheaper than other mineral powders and are economically consumed.

Weight: 10 grams

Price: Cream-powder «Natural code» - from 268 rubles. in the network "Rive Gosh";

Cream-powder “Touch of Radiance” - 300-400 rubles. in online stores; 510 rubles in "Rive Gosh".

Pros: Low price, additional SPF protection factor 15, hypoallergenic, natural ingredients, good texture.

Minuses: With a “native” rubberized sponge, powder does not fall as naturally as with a brush. Not always suitable for dry skin, with careless application emphasizes flaking.

On the 2nd place - cream powder “Cremm Puff” from Max Factor - the most popular cream powder in Russia

Photo: www.cosmetics-parfum.com

On the websites of otzovikov you will find the most positive reviews about this cream powder. Most customers like “Cremm Puff” for their perfect matte texture, rich colors and volume (21 grams versus 10 for the same Lumene Touch of Radiance is a really weighty argument). But if Cremm Puff hides the oily shine on the skin easily, then finding a really suitable shade from the whole variety is difficult. Because of this, sometimes the tool looks unnatural. But provided that you are lucky, the compact “Cremm Puff” will become for you the best cream powder for daily makeup for at least a year - the powder keeps on the face rather “firmly” and is economical.

Weight: 21 grams

Price: From 327 rubles in L’Etual, from 220 rubles - in online stores.

Pros: Cost-effective, smooth matte finish, a rich selection of colors.

Minuses: The lack of a mirror, uncomfortable sponge, a characteristic "powdery" smell.

In third place - Estee Lauder Double Wear, the best cream powder for those who can afford expensive pleasures!

Photo: www.allwomens.ru

Cream powder "Double wear" is more expensive than the "leaders" of the rating. But, given the quality, the price of just over 2000 rubles per jar is not so exorbitant. The tool has a delicate texture and lies flat on the skin. According to reviews of those who have tried the cream powder, it has a noticeable effect of care: it mats, perfectly absorbs excess fat, moisturizes.Using the "Double wear", you can restrict the usual everyday "base" and do not smear the face with additional serum and concealer.

Price: from 2300 rubles from the manufacturer, from 1500 - 1600 rubles in L’Etual or Rive Gauche on a discount card.

Weight: 12 grams

Pros: The pronounced effect of "care", a comfortable mirror, soft, high-quality sponge.

Minuses: According to some reviews, it changes the color of the tone on the face. Price risky for the first application (what if the color does not suit you?). Fast consumption.

4th place in the ranking of the best is taken by Clarins “Haute Tenue” cream powder - for excellent design in addition to quality!

Photo: www.ladiesproject.ru

The cream powder “Haute Tenue” from Clarins, in contrast to the Double Wear that overtook it in our rating, is not only worth but also looks expensive. The red color of the packaging with gold leaf is a great option for those who are not averse to "showing off" with a fashion brand, powdering the nose in public. A convenient box is divided into two compartments, in one of which there is a sponge, in the other - the tool itself. Powder lies flat on the face, does not lump together and does not emphasize desquamation. But apart from the cosmetic effect and design, nothing extraordinary is no different, except that it slightly protects against ultraviolet radiation.

Price: from 1,800 rubles from the manufacturer, from 1,300 rubles in L’Etual on a “diamond” discount card.

Weight: 10 grams

Pros: Soft texture, dense coating (for those who need to mask defects), convenient and beautiful packaging, the protection factor SPF-15.

Minuses: High price for low weight. It is quickly spent on fat skin.


And closes our rating is another good cream powder - “Perfect Smoothing” from Shiseido - for tenderness and durability

Shiseido's “Perfect Smoothing” cream powder - in terms of quality, is something between luxury and good “mass-market”, but at the price it is more expensive for “luxury”. Very gently falls on the skin. It smells good. However, in the presence of irregularities and problems requires accuracy and skill. According to some reviews, the owners of oily and problem skin is better not to risk, choosing for the first time this cream powder.

Price: from 1500 rubles in cosmetic stores at the maximum discount.

Weight: 10 grams

Pros: Tenderness, natural tone, good alignment.

Minuses: Only suitable for dry application. It is quickly spent on fat skin.

And finally: Which cream powder is better?

Of course, each of us has our own pet powder. But sometimes the usual cosmetic still want to change. If you decide on this, we hope our rating will help you in some way. But recall that choosing the tone of the new powder is better to trust the experience of a consultant in the store. Even the most expensive luxury cosmetics sometimes has the ability to change color on the skin. And yet, do not be afraid to experiment and be always beautiful !!!

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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