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5 best feeds for kittens

The better feed tail baby?

Attention to the diet of children - even feline - should be given the most careful. Now almost every manufacturer of cat food offers an option for kittens. However, how useful is this food? Quite often you can find such food, which is for both kittens and nursing cats. How realistic it is to fully feed the same and adults and kids - this issue remains to be considered. In any case, the composition of the food for kittens must be subjected to the most captious study.

Is it necessary to separate the food of the mother cat and her children?

Surprisingly it may sound, but most kitty food is really suitable for feeding cats. Moreover, even during the pregnancy, the expectant mother is better to translate into such a diet. The meaning of this diet for an adult animal is that kittens, being not yet born, take all the necessary substances from the mother cat, which means it should be fed with a set of vitamins and minerals necessary for her offspring. In the following rankings, all feeds are recommended by manufacturers for both children and their parents, so this fact cannot be taken out separately for the advantages of a brand.

How to choose the best feed for a kitten?

Food for the smallest and fluffy brands offered by different brands both in dry form and in soft spiders (portion sachets). To choose your option, you should pay attention to such items:

  • feed composition;
  • age range;
  • individual health indicators kitten.

It is on these criteria that the ranking of the best feeds for kittens will be based, but for a start, it will not be too much to compare the prices of dry food for selected manufacturers.

Feed name



1st Choice

From 150 rub. for 350 g


Hills science plan

From 190 rub. for 400 g


Royal canin

From 180 rub. for 400 g


Purina proplan

From 200 rub. for 400 g



From 260 rub. for 400 g



Leader rating - feed for kittens 1st Choice


Best in category: high quality.

Feed class: super premium.

Variety of assortment: there is only one type of dry food for kittens from 2 to 12 months.

Virtues: excellent composition. This brand has a very high quality, almost at the level of a holistic, but the price is kept at the premium class level. A maximum of meat ingredients and a minimum of vegetable are perfectly balanced, and, especially for the health of the nervous system, brain and eyesight of fluffy babies, salmon fat they need is also added. Allergies to such foods are practically excluded. It is also worth noting that a kitten, accustomed to dry food from early childhood, in the future shows much less moodiness with regard to its food.

disadvantages: the lack of a spider and difficulty in buying - food is not always available in ordinary pet stores, so you have to order via the Internet.

Feed Reviews 1st Choice for kittens: “It is convenient that one food is suitable for both kittens and their mothers. And in online stores you can pre-order a large amount of time and not to worry every month where to get more feed. ”

Hills science plan

Best in category: variety of assortment.

Feed class: super premium.

Variety of assortment: there are two types of dry food and wet mousse for kittens under 1 year old.

Virtues: the brand has long established itself as a serious producer that cares about animal health. Food for kittens is even better than the rest of the Hills Science Plan. The food of fastidious cats can be transferred gradually, starting with a mousse. It is worth noting that the Hills have a veterinary line, so if in the future, pets will suddenly need a specific food, there will not be a long habituation when switching to another feed.

disadvantages: for the manufacturer noticed "love" for vegetable proteins and carbohydrates.In addition, the Hills plant in Russia has long been opened, which does not guarantee the same high quality of the composition in batches from different countries.

Feed Reviews Hills science plan for kittens: “It is very easy to teach a kitten to mousse, as it is rather soft and smells delicious. In order for the kid to taste it, you need to collect the mousse on your finger and bring it to the very nose - the kitten will start licking the tasty food itself. ”

Royal canin

Best in category: a unique assortment.

Feed class: premium

Variety of assortment: there is one type of dry food for kittens from 4 to 12 months, canned food for babies up to 4 months and milk replacer.

Virtues: the composition of the feed is well balanced and rich in vitamins. You can buy Royal Canin at any pet store, and its cost is slightly higher than that of economy class feed. The range for the smallest is specific enough, given the presence in it of milk replacer for kittens.

disadvantages: the company has long since opened a factory in Russia, where there are very different standards regarding the quality of cat food. The quality of the Royal Canin premium class is significantly inferior even to its own veterinary line of super premium nutrition. Milk substitute can be difficult to find on sale, so you have to order from specialized sites.

Feed Reviews Royal canin for kittens: “I like that you can buy this food by weight - it is cheaper. And in case mother-cat cannot feed the kittens, milk replacer comes to the rescue. ”

Purina proplan

Photo: www.karusek.com.pl

Best in category: availability.

Feed class: premium

Variety of assortment: one type of dry food for kittens from 6 weeks to 1 year and two variants of spiders up to 1 year.

Virtues: ProPlan is sold in any pet store at a very affordable price. Such feed can be taken by weight, which will save money even more. The composition of the premium class is characterized by the presence of nutritional supplements and elements necessary for kittens for healthy development.

disadvantages: in the composition there are still ingredients of plant origin, and, in considerable quantity. Some felinologists even consider PloPlan as an economy class rather than premium feed. There are also cases of allergies to this food - you should carefully monitor the appearance and behavior of the tailed children.

Feed Reviews Purina ploplan for kittens: “You can always get food, the kitten eats it with pleasure - you should even try not to overfeed, as cats can beg for an additive!”


Best in category: new to the Russian market.

Feed class: premium

Variety of assortment: there is only one type of dry food for kittens from 2 months to 1 year.

Virtues: Now the food can be found in most pet stores, moreover, its price is not high as for premium food. Josera is a large German brand (and everyone knows the expression “German quality”!) Of feed for farm and domestic animals. Nutrition for the smallest to the maximum is saturated with all necessary vitamins. Many people already know this food, and I must say that they have already won their fans.

disadvantages: there are no cats for kittens. In the composition of the feed in the first place, unfortunately, is the so-called "meat flour", which is not the best option of all. So far, there are not so many reviews about feed among domestic users when compared to Royal Canin and Purina PloPlan.

Feed Reviews Josera for kittens: “Once upon a time it is not necessary - one kitten ate food with appetite, the second one refused completely after a couple of trials. However, there were no allergies. ”

How to understand the ratings of this rating?

Estimates in this list are exhibited, based on a comparison of the five manufacturers named among themselves, but by no means in general among all the feeds on the market in a given class. So, holistic feeds didn’t get into this top-5 at all because they are very expensive and there are still difficulties in buying them in Russia - not everyone can order cat food via the Internet on foreign websites.It is much more expedient to compare the products for animals present in the domestic sale, about which there are already quite a number of reviews.

So how do you treat your kittens and what food is better to buy?

The choice of food for kittens should also be based on how well it suits their mother - after all, she will teach them to eat “adult” food. In addition, when buying a first feed for tiny fluffies, you need to soberly assess how affordable the option is and whether it is easy to buy. An abrupt change in the manufacturer of food can lead to food allergies in cats, as their digestive system is extremely sensitive. And the most important selection criterion is love, from which the owner will approach the purchase of food for their kittens.

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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