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5 best creams for cracked heels

Give softness and tenderness to those who remember "all your cracks"!

Unfortunately, dry, cracked skin of the feet is not only a cosmetic, but also a medical problem that some people face all the time. Our heels reflect the consequences of poor diet, lifestyle and wearing uncomfortable shoes, as well as systemic health problems.

While corns, calluses and cracks are not visible, many do not pay attention to special care for the feet. But when summer comes, vacation in hot countries is being prepared, or it’s just necessary to “get into” open shoes urgently, all means go into battle. But we know that to soften the heels, only those creams that act directionally are good.

In this rating, we will review the 5 creams for cracked heels and rough skin of the feet. All the "nominees" were on the list due to their popularity and the presence of many positive reviews about them on various sites.

1 place is taken by the domestic heel cream “Healer with urea” - for the medicinal power of natural components and cumulative effect

Our rating: 9.5 points

Approximate cost: 190 - 200 rubles

Weight: 50 ml.

How does he work?

The main functional component in the cream is urea. Scientists discovered the miraculous power of this product about two centuries ago. Each person produces its own urea, the content of which can be detected by biochemical analysis of blood. But when internal resources are not enough, cream comes to the aid of cracked heels. "Doctor", judging by the reviews in runet, is one of the most popular means of rescuing rough skin of the legs from peeling, cracks, corns.

Composition: urea, tea tree oil, allantoin, extracts of celandine and oak bark, vitamin E.

Pros: The absence of harmful components, hypoallergenic, economical price, the effect of the application lasts a long time.

Minuses: It does not give instant results, rather small volume.

Typical reviews:

“Problems with the skin on the feet are constant. It cracks for a long time, regardless of the use of vitamins. Just such health. Cream - great! It softens well, and the cracks go away for a long time. ”

“The cream is excellent. But the manual says to use it once, but I would highly recommend for really rough skin 2 times a day at least. Then the effect will appear faster. "

2nd place is occupied by the British foot cream "Scholl Active Repair K +" for quick results!

Photo: www.pharmacosmetica.ru

Our rating: 9 points

Approximate cost: 360 rubles

Weight: 60 ml.

How does he work?

Scholl cream also contains urea. But besides her, his formula includes about two dozen active components. Thanks to several types of keratin, "Active Repair K +" acts on cracked skin of the heels quickly and relieves it of cracks, corns and calluses in a few days.

Composition: urea, creatine, lanolin, glycerin, paraffin, hydrolyzed keratin, oleates, etc.

Pros: Quick effect, pronounced skin softening.

Minuses: High price, a large number of substances that quickly give a cosmetic effect, but is guaranteed not to heal the skin.

Typical reviews:

“The only thing that saved me from cracking quickly was in 3 days, as promised by the manufacturer. But there are downsides - it is slowly absorbed and leaves a greasy film long after application. ”

“Everything was fine until I stopped using it. I think that for such a price the quality could be better. The cream just “stuck together” for a while deep cracks and got rid of small ones ”.

At the 3rd place in the ranking - "Active cream-care for the feet from corns" from Natura Siberica. For the best value for money!

Our rating: 8.7 points

Approximate cost: 120 rubles

Weight: 75 ml.

How does he work?

Like all “Natura Siberica” products, foot care cream is enriched with medicinal extracts of Siberian and Far Eastern plants. In addition, its formula contains softening and moisturizing vitamin components. And he solves the “structural” problems of cracked skin thanks to white beeswax. The tool perfectly restores the damaged layers of the epidermis, relieves inflammation, heals calluses.

Composition: Yakut acid, cocoglyceride, calendula, tavolga, chamomile, Siberian flax, Siberian fir extracts, D-panthenol, vitamins F, PP, E, etc.

Pros: Favorable price, high concentration of natural components, ecological design characteristic of the “Natura Siberica” products.

Minuses: No pronounced cumulative effect for dry skin.

Typical reviews:

“I love Natura Siberica, but, despite the name, I did not expect a greater effect from this remedy than cosmetic. The manufacturer himself writes that the cream works for about a day. Then it needs to be applied again. But she noticed that under the condition of constant use it acts as a good supportive therapy and saves from corns. ”

“Girls, this is a great tool at a low price! I immediately replace them with two creams that I used before (one just for moisturizing, the other from natoptysh). The result is almost threefold savings. ”

On the 4th place of our rating is the cream for heels "Sage and Linseed oil" from Green Mama - for its excellent texture and generous volume!

Photo: cherrymess.com

Our rating: 8.5 points

Approximate cost: 180 rubles

Weight: 100 ml.

How does he work?

Cream from "Green Mama" is good to use after exfoliating procedures (peeling, hardware pedicure, other, more "operational", creams). It does not give an instant effect, but with regular use it acts as an excellent emollient, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Especially a lot of positive feedback is left about the texture and smell of "Sage and Linseed oil". The cream is pleasant to apply, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave greasy marks on linen and shoes.

Composition: extracts of sage, yarrow, peppermint, sesame oil, linseed oil, pine nut oil, menthol, etc ..

Pros: natural ingredients in the composition, large volume, pleasant smell, comfortable application, deodorizing effect.

Minuses: Does not solve quickly the problems of dry, cracked skin.

Typical reviews:

"The cream well softens dry skin of the heels, but for really problematic, cracking feet a little weak."

“It cools, tones, moisturizes well, suitable for skin of the feet with various problems. We buy it with the whole family, constantly. But at first glance, the cream in the package a lot, but it is consumed quickly. "


5th place is occupied by Neutrogena brand cream - for an integrated approach to solving the problem of cracked heels!

Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Our rating: 8.4 points

Approximate cost: from 320 rubles

Weight: different

How do they work?

For cracked heels “Neutrogena” developed three creams at once - “Intensive restoration”, “Regenerating”, “From corns”. The basis of all the funds is a special Norwegian formula. The composition of the simplest, cream that restores and softens the skin, includes vitamins, bisabolol and glycerin. For really problematic, cracked areas, Neutrogena Corn (50 ml.) Can be recommended for excellent exfoliation and rapidly reducing the stratum corneum. And in order to permanently consolidate the result from pedicure procedures, apply “Intensive Recovery” cream (40 ml.) With B5 and allantoin on the heels.

Composition: different in different media

Pros: high quality and directional action

Minuses: if you buy all three creams, you will have to spend about 1000 rubles to care for your heels, and it will take a lot of time.

Typical reviews:

“I have been buying Neutrogena cream for a long time, and I usually take them from the pharmacy and always treat them as medicine. But earlier she used only tools for face and hands. Now I realized how much I underestimated the need for foot care! (I just didn’t think they could be so soft). ”

“Problems with heels began after childbirth. Over the month with “Intensive Recovery” they became much softer, but we are still in the process, although the cream is already running out (uneconomical consumption is obvious). But the tool "Neutrogena from corns" coped with my terrible natoptysh in a week! Very pleased.

So which heel cream is best to choose?

Generally speaking, all the funds that are included in this rating, noticeably help the rough, cracked feet. Just some of them do it faster, while others - act cumulatively. Some of the creams provide adequate care by themselves, others need helpers.

Choosing cream for cracked heels, focus on the condition of the feet. The optimal solution, in our opinion, is the exchange use of various means. For example, you can start with “heavy artillery” from Scholl or Neutrogena, and then treat the heels with “Healer”, and after that constantly use Green Mama or Natura Siberica as means for daily care.

We have it all. Be soft and gentle from top to toe! And do not forget to read the ratings of "Price Expert".

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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