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The best firms - manufacturers of gas boilers

The most reliable and popular brands on the market today.

The best firms - manufacturers of gas boilers

If you go to the store to choose a gas boiler, you will find that the absolute majority of boiler models are of European production. An important place in the market is also occupied by two Korean factories (Daewoo and Navien). Our only two well-known factories are the Zhukovsky Plant (ZhMZ) and the Conord Plant. In this article we offer you a brief overview of the best manufacturers of gas boilers, whose products are considered the most reliable and efficient.

Table 1: The best manufacturers of gas boilers

Manufacturing firm

Price range

Country, brand owner



From 35 to 400 thousand rubles


The range includes a variety of boilers, water heaters, indirect heating boilers, and solar heating systems.


From 17 to 800 thousand rubles


The range includes gas, electric, condensing, solid fuel boilers, wall and floor boilers, boilers as well as radiators and water heaters. Develop eco-technology.


From 30 to 100 thousand rubles


They produce solid fuel, condensation, gas heating boilers, water heaters, boilers, accumulators.


From 20 to 300 thousand rubles


The range includes solid fuel and gas boilers, indirect heating boilers, water heaters, solar-powered systems, etc.


From 20 thousand to 3 million rubles


Since 2003, part of the holding of "Robert Bosch GmbH". In assortment - heating boilers, water heaters, radiators, gas power plants, heating devices based on renewable energy sources


From 20 to 50 thousand rubles


They produce turbocharged and atmospheric gas boilers, components for them, spare parts and related products (batteries, voltage stabilizers, expansion tanks)


From 20 to 700 thousand rubles


In addition to gas heating boilers in the range of different types of radiators, industrial equipment, accessories


From 20 to 30 thousand rubles


Produces wall and floor gas, condensation and floor fuel oil boilers


From 13 to 700 thousand rubles


Included in the holding Vaillant. In assortment - floor and wall gas boilers


From 30 to 500 thousand rubles


A unique system of personal responsibility for product quality.


From 30 thousand to a million rubles


The company is constantly engaged in the development of new technologies, including energy-saving.


From 10 to 40 thousand rubles


Two types of boilers are produced - AOGV and AKGV


From 10 to 40 thousand rubles


In the range - gas, solid fuel and universal boilers. All models are electronic.

And we will tell you more about the 5 most popular manufacturers of gas boilers:

most popular gas boiler manufacturer

Corporate stand of Baxi

Baxi can be called the market leader in gas heating boilers. The Baxi brand is owned by BDR Thermea (Italy, one of the world's leading manufacturers of heating boilers). The official representative office in Russia is already open. more than 10 years (Moscow, since 2002). The range includes gas, electric, condensing, solid fuel boilers, wall and floor boilers, boilers as well as radiators and water heaters. The company is actively developing new eco-friendly technologies (for example, biofuel boilers). Many experts advise buying exactly Baxi boilers - as convenient, reliable, fully suitable for Russian conditions of operation.

Heating boilers Baxi is very widely represented in stores. It is easy to find both the boilers themselves and their service centers.. At a comfortable official website Companies and buyers, and masters will find a lot of useful information. There is forumwhere experts and users can consult, discuss models, find the necessary document. There is a separate emergency help section in emergency situations (for example, what to do if “on the street minus 30, and my boiler does not work”). Service center employees can quickly get help (there is a free telephone hotline). Therefore, the purchase and repair of boilers Baxi problems should arise.


Protherm plant

Photo: static.etrend.sk

The company was founded in Prague in 1991. At the same time, the first boilers of this company were produced. In 2004 she became a member of the Vaillant Group holding, in 2005 she opened a representative office in Russia.

You can pick up the boiler directly on the site - in the "Configurator" section. What else is convenient? The site has a dictionary where you can spy an incomprehensible term from the instructions or description in the store. A list of service centers, shops and online stores that sell Proterm boilers and spare parts to them is also published. In the section "Documentation" - passports, instructions for any model, certificates for products. Protherm gas boilers respond well to service center specialists as well as regular customers.


Vaillant booth

The brand belongs to the holding Vaillant Group. Experience the company is very significant - the history of the brand has been going on for more than 140 years, the first workshop was opened in 1874. The company has its own research and production centers in major European countries (in Germany, Italy, Spain, France, etc.). Head office - in Germany, Remscheid. There is production in China, but, according to representatives of the Vaillant Group, this product is intended only for the domestic market of China.

A representative office in Russia appeared in 1994. There are centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don.

The company has 10 own plants in Germany and other European countries. In particular, wall heating boilers make in Remscheid. Characteristic and important detail - in the enterprise do not use the conveyor system. Instead, each boiler makes one master - from beginning to end. This particular master is responsible for the build quality of his product.

The company ensures that competent specialists work with its products, and regularly conducts training workshops sales, design, installation and maintenance of gas equipment with the issuance of certificates. Company website is user friendly. Here you can find addresses of service centers in your city, answers to frequently asked questions, documentation on design issues.

Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant (ZhMZ)
most popular domestic manufacturer of gas boilers

Zhukovsky engineering plant

Photo: photos.wikimapia.org

Produces brand boilers AOGV (single-circuit, heating) and ACGW (double-circuit, heating and hot water). The plant was formed on the basis of repair shops and opened in 1939 for the production of metal structures. Performs including orders of the Ministry of Defense and Emergencies Ministry. In 1967, the company mastered the production of heating boilers. Now in the assortment of the plant - more than 30 types of boilers of different performance, which are suitable for small country houses or for cottages up to 430 m2. They have high efficiency (up to 90%). Outside Zhukovsky boilers are covered with white enamel. Equipped with high-quality imported and Russian automation. Suitable for work in systems with natural and forced circulation of the coolant.

LLC Conord Plant

Stand Konord at the exhibition

The Conord factory has been specializing in the production of heating equipment since 1979. The range of the factory includes more than fifty models. Including gas boilers, solid fuel and universal. It should be noted an important advantage of Conord boilers - the plant models do not depend on electricity. Conord boilers do not need to be connected to the mains, they can work without additional connection of the generator - a very important point if you have a power outage.


Not all firms producing gas boilers got into our list. But these are the companies whose products are of the greatest interest to consumers. All companies have extensive experience, a rich history, produce gas boilers of various types. In the assortment, perhaps, of any of the companies listed, you will find a boiler of exactly the type that suits you. But the most important thing is that buyers have very few complaints about quality products of leading companies because such companies value their reputation, take care of comprehensive backed by craftsmen who maintain their equipment and usually have their own research centers.

Gas boilers of foreign manufacturers benefit in design and functionality, domestic - are captivating at an affordable price. There are practically no complaints about the quality of gas boilers, both domestic and foreign, listed in the producer rating.

Whatever company you choose - we wish that the purchased gas boiler faithfully served you for many years without breakdowns and other troubles.

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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