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Top 5 Embroidery Kits

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Top 5 Embroidery Kits

There are about fifty well-known manufacturers of embroidery kits and embroidery accessories. Cross-stitch embroidery kits, beads, tapestry stitch are all available to buyers. But still what sets to give preference?

(When considering embroidery kits, the standard was a 40 cm by 30 cm kit)

"Riolis" - the best sets for cross stitch

Photo: www.riolis.ru

Rating: 10 out of 10.

Average price: 990 rub.

"Riolis" - the most popular manufacturer of products for needlework. It manufactures products under the trademarks “Riolis Premium”, “Merry bee”, “Create it yourself”. It produces not only cross-stitch kits, but also accessories for beadwork and for embroidery with beads, organizers for threads, frames, sets of zippers and felt, woolen threads.

The range of cross stitch kits is wide enough: icons, cityscapes, flower arrangements, still lifes, children's motifs. Any needlewoman can find exactly the picture that can not wait to embroider.


  • Variety of plots
  • The number of threads in the set is optimally adapted to the picture
  • Convenient color scheme
  • Good needle in set
  • Qualitatively selected schemes and threads - the work looks great in the finished form

From reviews about embroidery kits of the firm "Riolis": “Two years ago, I discovered the wonderful cross-stitch kits for the firm“ Ryolis ”from the“ Create Yourself ”series. They have a very good detailed pattern, and for embroidery they are used not wool, but wool. At the expense of what the embroidered picture looks the most expensive, live! ”.

"Dimensions" - the most beautiful sets for embroidery

Rating: 9.5 out of 10.

Average price: 1430 rub.

"Dimensions" is an honored manufacturer of good embroidery kits. In the market for over 30 years. A large staff of designers (more than 200 people) constantly monitors fashion trends among needlewomen. It also works among fans of products made of felt, embroidery by satin stitch, and embroidery by the technique of pulling. Until 2009, the production of sets was established in the United States, but for almost 5 years the goods have been produced in China. But this does not detract from all the qualities of the sets - they are still amazing!


  • The largest selection of scenes - for every taste and wallet
  • Very comfortable and high-quality canvas
  • Threads of the highest class and in the right quantity
  • Elaborate scheme
  • The embroidered picture looks as if it were alive - embroidery is thought out to the smallest detail.


  • Often in the schemes uncomfortable organizer for threads

From reviews about embroidery kits of the company “Dimensions ": “Dimensions embroidery kits have great quality. Strong, starched canvas, very easy to use color scheme, silky threads. But the most important advantage is the magnificent designs. Dimension has a series that is made from paintings by famous artists. Each oiled work is without exaggeration a work of art. ”.

"Golden Fleece" - the highest quality materials

Photo: www.shop-rukodelie.com

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Average price: 1020 rub.

The Golden Fleece is another domestic producer of good embroidery kits. The highest quality materials and accessories for embroidery are from him. Canvas, threads, tambour, hooks, needles - everything is available for purchase. The Golden Fleece has an established trading network: more than 15 official stores, an Internet site, and that’s not counting the small dealer points. Themes of embroidery kits are quite diverse: long-distance roads, zodiac signs, myths and legends, sea motifs - it's impossible not to choose!


  • Convenient, readable layout
  • Excellent thread organizer
  • High quality canvas
  • Sets from the simplest to the "professional"
  • detailed instructions
  • Price - for some sets it is pleasantly ridiculous.


  • The number of threads is almost abutting - it is necessary to embroider economically.

From reviews about embroidery kits of the company "Golden Fleece": “For the first time, when I took an embroidery kit in my hands (a set from the Golden Mirages series), I realized how simple and accessible it is to everyone! No need to pick up threads, canvas - everything is already in the set! ";

"The sets of the company" Golden Fleece "delight diversity. A lot of reproductions of famous paintings, there are also funny pictures of children. When creating sets used threads and canvas made in Germany. Threads are not torn and not confused. On the canvas you can embroider without a hoop ".

"The Mistress" - the best sets for embroidery with beads

Photo: 0.cs-ellpic.yandex.net

Rating: 9.5 out of 10.

Average price: 2690 rub.

"The Mistress" is a Russian company specializing in the manufacture of embroidery kits with both cross and beads. And it was thanks to the sets for embroidery with beads “The Mistress” that gained honor and respect among a wide range of embroiderers. The company is relatively young - next year will celebrate the 15th anniversary of its activities. Located in Nizhny Novgorod, but their sets are recognized throughout Russia. It also produces embroidery kits for ribbons, canvas with an already printed pattern, pads, embroidery patterns on rayon, potholders, postcards.


  • Convenient and clear scheme
  • Threads, beads - all neatly sorted
  • Low cost for sets of this class
  • Tight canvas
  • The set includes a special needle for embroidery with beads.


  • Some series have no special bead needle.

From reviews about the sets for embroidery "The Mistress": “I liked the set of sets: color embroidery scheme. Clear, bright, well viewed. Good white canvas. The edges are not really processed, but I do not consider this a disadvantage. The main thing is to put the canvas with a good margin.
Beads are large, bright, almost one to one, very little waste. Also included monofilament and bead needle. As a beginner amateur regarding work with beads, I really liked this work. ”

"Panna" - the best sets for embroidery ribbons

Rating: 10 out of 10.

Average price: 1786 rub.

“Panna” is just the apotheosis of embroidery. Any set is a work of art. Often the works are produced in several techniques, that is, embroidery with beads can be added to embroidery with ribbons, but this picture becomes even more beautiful.

The Russian company cooperates with famous talented designers. The components of the sets are made by Gamma, a well-known manufacturer of muline threads. The sets include threads, canvas and embroidery needles of this brand.


  • Bright, clear pictures
  • Simple and easy to read layout
  • Thick, strong canvas
  • Instructions in Russian
  • Excellent quality threads and needles

From reviews about embroidery kits of the company “Panna: “Personally, I do not regret that I began to embroider from the Panna sets. They make such colorful paintings that I want to admire them. The canvas in all the sets is tough, maybe someone does not like it, but I like to embroider it on a rigid canvas, with time it becomes softer. If someone likes a soft canvas, then it just needs to be dipped in water and allowed to dry. If you still think whether to take on the Panna sets or not, then I can safely say, “Hold on and do not be afraid of difficulties!”.

What to buy?

Today there are no obstacles to starting to engage in needlework. The main thing - to choose a technique that will be close to the spirit. Whether it be ribbons, a cross or a bead - work should bring joy and peace.

Manufacturers offer good embroidery kits for every taste and budget. African motifs, Parisian streets, village landscapes - it's easy to find what you want to embroider. The main thing to remember is that the time spent on embroidery is worth the result!

Author: Anastasia Krutko 07.11.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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