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8 best tools from cockroaches

Or that will save from the "mustache misfortune"

8 best tools from cockroaches

What is cockroaches - everyone knows. However, these unpleasant and dangerous for human health insects choose a certain environment for their habitat. Most comfortable they feel in damp, dusty, warm rooms. Despite the fact that cockroaches are omnivorous, they prefer places where you can find food debris, household waste and water.

Fortunately, as experience shows, even the largest population of cockroaches can be eliminated by using time-tested and high-quality drugs. In the ranking of the best means of cockroaches are effective poisonous substances, different in the degree of toxicity, speed and cost.

Globol - the best pasta from cockroaches

In the photo - pasta from the cockroaches Globol. The average price in the Russian Federation: 300 rubles (75 grams).

To date, the German paste Globol is one of the most popular and potent tools in the fight against cockroaches. The active ingredient of the paste is chlorpyrifos (at a concentration of 0.5%) is class IV toxicity and, according to the manufacturer, is completely safe for people and pets (however, contact with it is best avoided). Paste is applied with small peas in the habitats of insects. Cockroaches, eating pasta and transferring its particles on the paws to their relatives, begin to die within a few hours. The maximum effect is achieved in two weeks.


  • An effective tool that can bring a large population of insects.
  • Fast and long action.
  • Insects do not get used to it.

Disadvantages: not found.

From Globol reviews:

“For several years we were fed up with cockroaches. They tried everything: traps, sprays, crayons ... At first, these reptiles became smaller, but then they multiplied again. A friend gave Globol, and in just a couple of weeks the problem was solved! Only had time to sweep them. For a year now they don’t care. ”

“Surprisingly, only German pasta Globol saved our home from the Russian misfortune - the omnipresent, rustling and nasty red cockroaches. We were almost desperate to fight them, it seemed that they were becoming more and more every day. One tube of pasta was distributed around the perimeter of the apartment, and they forgot that they were in general. The best cure for cockroaches - the Germans are able to do high-quality things! ”

Rating: 10 out of 10.

Regent - effectively and from cockroaches, and from the Colorado potato beetle

In the photo - Regent insecticide. The average price in the Russian Federation: 30 rubles (3 capsules).

The Regent intestinal insecticide is designed to kill the Colorado potato beetle, but it has also proven itself in the fight against cockroaches. Regent is produced in ampoules, capsules and powder, the concentration of the drug depends on the size of the insect population. If there are many pests, then one sachet of powder or one or two capsules should be diluted in 250 ml of water and the resulting solution should be applied to the surfaces with which the cockroaches come into contact most often. The active ingredient of the drug is fipronil, has a high concentration of toxicity class II, it is recommended to carry out the treatment with rubber gloves and a respirator, then leave the room for two hours and rinse and ventilate thoroughly after one or two days.


  • Chain effect.
  • The action starts in a few hours.
  • It does not smell, leaves no residue.


  • Toxic.
  • Short action.

From Regent reviews:

“The most effective means - I would never have thought that the problem of cockroaches is solved so quickly! I bought one packet of Regent, spread it in a glass of water, sprayed it with hard syringe in hard-to-reach places, and after a few days swept away the dead insects. After three months, I again noticed a couple of individuals, repeated the procedure, and is not visible yet. ”

“For a long time I did not dare to use such a strong insecticide as Regent — poison, after all, but when I realized that this was my last hope for getting rid of nasty Prusacks, I decided. The family was taken to the cottage, and I treated the apartment with one sachet of the product, diluted in a spray bottle with 0.2 liters of water. Two days later, she collected all the victims of the “massacre”, washed the floor with a salt solution, and a new life began - without cockroaches! ”

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Get - the best microencapsulated cockroach remedy

Photo: sredstvo-ot-komarov.ru

In the photo - insecticidal concentrated remedy for get cockroaches. The average price in the Russian Federation: 700 rubles (100 ml).

Get is the equivalent of the highly effective and popular Gett product, which is currently withdrawn from sale. Get is a broad-spectrum contact insecticide drug (kills cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and other insects), which also works with a barrier method, that is, it prevents insects from entering the house. The active ingredient, chlorpyrifos, is safe for humans and domestic animals. The product is diluted in water (at a concentration of 1:10 - one bottle per liter of water), and then sprayed on the surfaces where insects crawl. During the month, all individuals die. Get can be used to make baits, which greatly accelerate the removal of pests.


  • No need to wait until the insects eat the tool, they only need to go through it.
  • The solution has no odor, leaves no residue.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Remains active for six months or more.

Disadvantages: high price.

From Get reviews:

“I once used Gett a long time ago - in a spray bottle, the effect was just lightning, and cockroaches didn’t appear about 10 years ago. Recently they came again, bought an analog to that tool - Get. It also worked great - after a day I started collecting dead insects, and after a week they were completely gone. The best cure for cockroaches is worth the money you give for it! ”

“Half a year fighting with cockroaches in a new place of residence - nothing saved. On the advice of friends acquired Get, spread out according to instructions, poured into a spray bottle, sprayed around the apartment. Most of all - in the kitchen and in the bathroom. It worked gorgeous just! A week has swept out cockroaches, and for a year now not a single nose-piece has been showing up in my apartment. ”

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Dohlox - the best gel from cockroaches

In the photo - Dohlox gel from cockroaches. The average price in the Russian Federation: 45 rubles (20 ml).

Dohlox gel belongs to the group of insecticidal preparations, the active substance is fipronil (concentration - 0.05%). The drug has low toxicity for people and animals (toxicity class IV). It affects the nervous system of the insect, resulting in paralysis and death for 8 hours. The gel is produced in a syringe with a fine tip, applied with a dotted line in the habitats of insects. Symptoms of the drug are seen after 6 hours, the maximum effect is achieved on the third day.


  • Quick action
  • Affordable price.
  • Low toxicity (nevertheless, the manufacturer strongly recommends protecting people and animals from contact with the substance).

Disadvantages: insects get used to it, and the drug loses its effectiveness. The solution is to alternate Dohlox with other means.

From reviews of Dokhloks-gel:

“Dohlox is the best cure for cockroaches! Only he helped us get rid of the mustache! We tried traps, sprays ... We acted very sluggishly. And after having walked Dohlox, the very next day they started to collect the corpses of cockroaches. After two weeks, they never saw a single living thing. Already half a year does not appear.

“Super remedy! The best of cockroaches! Fast - like a hurricane all the red beasts endured! Put mainly in places such as the ventilation grille, pipes, behind the stove - so that the cat is not poisoned. It worked! One syringe was enough to kill most of it. They finished off the rest, already lethargic, by the traps of other firms, since the last of the survivors seem to be accustomed to Dohloks. ”

Rating: 9 out of 10.

Combat - the best "traps" for cockroaches

Photo: blesk-na-dom.alloy.ru

On the photo - wheels for cockroaches Combat. The average price in the Russian Federation: 310 rubles (6 pieces).

An effective, safe and easy to use remedy for cockroaches - disks, or the so-called traps for cockroaches Kombat. Inside the disc there is a bait, which contains the active ingredient hydramethylnon. Having eaten the bait, the insect infects other individuals. At the request of the manufacturer, two weeks after the start of using the discs, the cockroaches will disappear. The validity of the funds - up to three months.


  • Absolutely non-toxic, do not cause allergies.
  • Convenient to use, do not leave marks and have no smell.
  • The active ingredient is not addictive.

Disadvantages: effective with a small number of insects, or you need to install more disks, which is quite expensive.

From Combat trap reviews:

“We have long suffered from cockroaches, tried to fight with folk remedies - it did not help. Chemistry can not be used - we have a small child and a cat. Advised in the Kombat trap shop. Put in the kitchen and hallway. As the cockroaches disappeared, we didn’t even notice, it seems about two weeks have passed. ”

“I don’t know how many cockroaches there should be so that the traps do not help ... We had enough. We bought two packs of Kombat (12 pieces), pokleili throughout our two-room apartment, a week later was less, after two completely disappeared. "

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Mashenka - the best chalk from cockroaches

In the photo - the chalk from the cockroaches Masha. The average price in the Russian Federation: 40 rubles (20 grams).

Shallow Masha - insecticidal agent for cockroaches contact action. It can be safely called the most popular and the best small from cockroaches. Active substances: deltamethrin - 0.05% and zetacypermethrin - 0.1% have an IV class of toxicity, i.e. it is of low toxicity to humans and animals. Melk handled the places of accumulation and passage of insects, by applying fat continuous lines that cockroaches can not get around. Pests eat the remedy and die within 24 hours. The effect of the applied substance lasts for 7–9 days, with the repeated appearance of insects, the procedure is repeated.


  • The product is safe for humans and animals.
  • Convenient to use, odorless.


  • Quickly loses effectiveness.
  • Can not cope with a large number of insects.

From the reviews about the tool Masha:

“I cannot say that there were a lot of cockroaches in our apartment, but we regularly saw one or two. Not scary, but pleasant enough. They bought Masha's crayon, drew them the perimeter of the apartment under the ceiling, ventilation, doorways (they were afraid to smear the baseboard - we have a cat). For three months I have not seen a single misguided cockroach. ”

“We were not lucky with our neighbors - an untidy, drunk family. They have cockroaches - a dime a dozen, and they periodically dropped in to us. We were advised to Masha. We have exhausted her baseboards, doors, balcony, ventilation grilles. Like, cockroaches are gone. We repeat now every two or three months, just in case. ”

Rating: 8 out of 10.

Dichlorvos - the best cockroach spray

Photo: marislav.ru

In the photo - insect spray Dichlorvos. The average price in the Russian Federation: 70 rubles (200 ml).

As practice shows, among sprays from cockroaches and other crawling and flying insects Dichlorvos remains the most effective. The modern versions are practically odorless; however, they are toxic to humans and animals (Class III toxicity). As active ingredients contains the following poisons: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, tetramethrin, diethyl toluamide, dimethyl sulfoxide. Spray is sprayed directly on the individuals and their larvae or in their habitats.


  • When directly hit on an individual or larva, the tool almost instantly kills them.
  • Suitable for repelling insects.


  • Toxicity. The classic version has an unpleasant smell.
  • Cockroaches get used to it.

From the reviews of spray Dichlorvos:

“When fighting cockroaches, there is no better and most reliable means than the good old Dichlorvos. There is only one minus: after the treatment of the room, it’s better not to show your nose there for a couple of days, so as not to poison yourself with creeping creeps.

“Under our apartment is a cafe with a suspicious reputation. And from there to us cockroaches flee in droves. We are saved by Dichlorvos - we spray them in places of their accumulation, mostly - hard-to-reach ones, and also sprinkle on individuals who have come "at the light". Fortunately, the new Dichlofos is odorless, but inferior in efficiency to the old version. ”

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Boric acid - the best folk remedy for cockroaches

Photo: stopklopam.ru

In those cases, if the use of chemicals is impossible (allergies, small children and animals in the house), many are saved by folk remedies. The most famous and best folk remedy for cockroaches is boric acid, which, when ingested by insects, guarantees them a painful death. To prepare the bait, you need to take raw or boiled egg yolk, pour into it one bag of boric acid, roll the balls and arrange them in the habitats of insects. You can also make sweet bait with borax powder.
Dry boric acid powder can be scattered where the routes of cockroaches lie (for example, under the sink where they go to drink water). Cockroaches cling the powder to the paws, and then lick when cleaned. But this method is less effective - the bait act better.


  • Safe for people and animals.
  • Inexpensive.


  • The method is effective if there are few cockroaches, and in the apartment they monitor cleanliness. Otherwise, some insects can go to eat, for example, in the trash can, and not try bait.
  • Balls should be regularly updated until the insects disappear.

From reviews of boric acid:

"Boric acid was advised from cockroaches. Of course, I didn’t believe that she could really help me, but I decided to try it. I bought a bag of acid, boiled an egg and stirred 1/3 yolk with acid. I made balls, laid it out in the evening I couldn’t sleep in the kitchen for a long time, because I was worried that the balls would attract even more cockroaches. I was in vain! For a week now there were no “cohabitants” in the house!

"Whatever recipe you use: with potatoes, raw eggs or boiled - you need to understand that cockroaches run for food and burst with acid, because boric acid has neither taste nor smell, they cannot immediately identify it and it corrodes them from the inside and they leave this apartment forever, periodically they send messengers there, so for messengers it is better not to remove balls from under the cabinets ".

Rating: 8 out of 10.

What is the best cure for cockroaches?

As a rule, success in the application of any means in the fight against cockroaches depends on the size of their population and the time of residence in the apartment. If cockroaches started up relatively recently and there are not too many of them, then it is quite possible to do with such means as traps, crayons, gel, or even try to bring them out by folk methods. At the same time it is necessary to block access to water by insects. Since cockroaches do not like the cold, “freezing” is considered to be an effective method - in the winter for a few hours or even days you need to leave the windows open. In order to scare away cockroaches, ammonia is used - it is added to the water, which wash the floor (one tablespoon or more per bucket). Also, these insects do not like the smell of bay leaves, but he will not be able to destroy cockroaches. And, one of the most effective ways in the fight against cockroaches is to maintain cleanliness and the optimum level of humidity in the room.

If the cockroach population has reached an impressive size, it will be necessary to use “heavy artillery” - Globol paste, micro-capsule preparations, powder insecticides, which need to be used to process most of the premises. Sprays are good for scaring off single individuals and carrying out preventive treatments.As research and practice have shown, ultrasonic repellents do not act on cockroaches in general.

If no funds help, it is worth applying with a request for disinsection to the SES or a private company. The cost of such a service for a two-room apartment will be about 2000 rubles.

Author: Anna Ivanova 31.03.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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