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The best vitamins for women over 30 years

We keep youth and beauty

The best vitamins for women over 30 years

The age of 30 years is considered "golden." The woman is already behind the teen storm, youth disappointment and the burden of entering into an independent life. From 30 and older - how not to envy them? They have everything: the family (the majority), their own living space and work (for many) and grandiose plans for the future, which looks very colorful.

This magnificent picture can darken only a few strokes. Small The peak of career growth with its stresses, difficulties with raising young children and family disagreements on this issue, the purchase of their own housing and related financial obligations.

Even after 30 years, women begin to notice the ever-increasing signs of age-related changes on the skin - small and not very wrinkles, circles under the eyes and more and more difficulties in bringing themselves into proper form in the morning. And the kilograms gained go away with mocking slowness, leaving behind a completely non-perfectly elastic skin that sags without a “fatty frame”.

And as a control shot to the head - statistics: almost all chronic diseases with which 40-year-old and 50-year-old patients go to a doctor originate in that very “golden age”.

Are you still jealous of a 30-year-old? Or are you yourself at this age, when everything is fine, but the first clouds have already appeared on the horizon?

Fortunately, there are many methods and means capable of slowing down and even stopping the process of turning a young and successful woman into a sufferer, moving from doctor to doctor in search of a panacea for illnesses and ever-bad mood.

One of these tools are vitamins and minerals, about which you are most likely to forget when planning your daily diet. But pharmacists have made it easier for you by offering vitamins after 30 years, and today we will talk in detail about the best of them.

Lady's Formula 30+

The cost of packing capsules (30 pieces) is about 800 rubles.

The composition of this vitamin-mineral complex is designed to meet the needs of women in the age group of 30 years and older. Lady’s Formula contains vitamins and minerals in a bioavailable form - this means that the body does not need to take additional steps to absorb these substances. Extracts of medicinal plants with which the drug is enriched add flavonoids and other natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on women's health.

Benefits. The action of Lady's Formula is aimed at improving the functions of the female body and the prevention of various disorders and diseases. This complex improves the microcirculation of blood and lymph and, consequently, the supply of nutrients to the tissues and the elimination of edema. It stimulates the production of collagen - a natural protein framework that supports skin elasticity. Vitamins are "packed" in a convenient capsule.

But most importantly, Lady's Formula vitamins are aimed at the main cause of the problems of women older than 30: a gradual decrease in the production of sex hormones, which provokes mastopathy, endometriosis, decreased sexual desire and a host of other problems. The restorative, toning and antioxidant effect of this supplement helps to prevent premature aging of the endocrine system and, as a result, to prolong the youth of the whole organism.

Disadvantages. The presence of biologically active and herbal components make Lady'sFormula not recommended for women suffering from allergic reactions and individual intolerance to any component of the drug.

findings. A great tool for every woman who cares about their own health and attractiveness. 10 points out of 10.

Reviews «I'm already 37, only recently started taking Lady-s. I regret that earlier no one advised. Many troubles could have been avoided.And so the terrible dryness of the skin tortured me, and the state of my hair, and my general state of health in recent years has somehow become worse, a little overheated and I get sick. Now here I am drinking this complex for the second month and I am very, very satisfied. And the skin condition is noticeably better, and the overall condition. Even sleep has become better. So feel free to recommend - the best vitamins for women who are over 30».

Will direct. Vitamins for the heart

The cost of packing tablets (20pcs) is about 110 rubles.

You are surprised how vitamins for heart got to this list? Unfortunately, there is a good reason for this: since the age of 30, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases by 0.7–4.0% every year. Such a difference in percentages is due to the presence of other factors besides age, which are considered to be provoking for diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hereditary predisposition, smoking, lack of rest, frequent psycho-emotional stress and stress, living or working in ecologically unfavorable conditions, etc.). If you carefully re-read this list, it will become clear: every modern woman somehow falls into the risk group for the development of heart and vascular diseases. And the fact that heart attacks and strokes have greatly “looked younger” in the last few decades is common knowledge: a rare telecast or article about health goes without mentioning this fact.

Benefits. The structure of Nepravita includes "specialized" vitamins and trace elements that support the work of the heart muscle and improve the regeneration processes in it. Special forms of potassium and magnesium normalize the balance of electrolytes - a kind of fuel for cellular processes, without which the full work of the heart is impossible. Extracts of medicinal plants serve as auxiliary substances that normalize blood pressure, regulate the contractile function of the heart and prevent atherosclerotic plaques from forming on the walls of blood vessels.

disadvantages. The only drawback - the undesirability of taking this complex pregnant and lactating.

findings. An excellent vitamin-mineral complex, which is effective as a prophylaxis of cardiovascular pathologies for women over 30 years old, and as part of complex therapy it accelerates recovery from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Reviews. «Over the years, my heart has become a little naughty. It then starts to beat often, often, then it seems to freeze. After all the examinations in the clinic I was prescribed a bunch of drugs and send. Vitamins for the heart. Good thing, but acts only as an addition to treatment. I recovered quickly. Now I just drink these vitamins in courses to maintain vascular and heart health».


The cost of packing tablets (60pcs) is about 130 rubles.

Complivit is a complex consisting of 11 vitamins, 8 minerals and lipolic acid. Action Complivit aimed at improving the metabolic processes in the body. No matter how boring it may sound, these processes are the basis of everything. Starting from your excessively violent reaction to the conflict with your boss and ending with your inability to fall asleep, even with the strongest fatigue - all these problems begin with one thing: a violation of exchange functions.

Benefits. Composition of vitamins Complivit is designed to meet the daily human need for the most important vitamins and micro and macro elements. His technique is recommended during periods of increased physical or mental stress, which is why this drug was on the list of the best “vitamins after 30”. Convenience of reception, thoughtful composition and the ability to strengthen the immune system and improve performance fully meet the requirements of thirty years old - still active, but already slightly tired.

disadvantages. Complivit contains vitamins A and E - essential for the body, but requiring attention to the dosage. Therefore, if you take any more vitamins or dietary supplements, be sure to ensure that they do not duplicate these substances.In addition, the prolonged use of Complivit - more than 1 month - must be agreed with the doctor.

findings. A product with excellent, “tasteful” selected components, but in need of a responsible attitude towards yourself. We do not doubt your sanity and careful attitude to your health, but, nevertheless, we give Complivit a grade of 9 out of ten possible.

Reviews. «In winter and spring, take the whole family. All the necessary vitamins and minerals in it, and the price is democratic».

Opti-Women from Optimum Nutrition

The cost of packing capsules (60 pcs.) Is about 1,200 rubles.

Problems with a figure that overtook after childbirth and breastfeeding, “office existence” or malnutrition (and even with a combination of all factors), begin to urgently demand attention to themselves after 30 years. Naturally: youth is still in full swing, and I would like the appearance to correspond to this very “height”. Opti-Women is designed for women who permanently sit on a diet or work hard on their figure on simulators, and who risk instead of a beautiful body to acquire lack of tone, stress and avitaminosis.

Benefits. Two capsules contain a daily dose of 23 vitamins and minerals (including zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron). This supplement is optimized precisely to meet the needs of the female body: it contains phytoestrogens, flavonoids and herbal extracts that regulate the reproductive system (which, by the way, begins to slow down somewhere between 30 and 35 years). In short, if you are a supporter of low-calorie diets, stick to a vegetarian diet and / or lead an active lifestyle (including training in the gym, at the stadium or fitness club), this complex will allow you to maintain an optimal level of energy.

disadvantages. Experts believe that the use of phytoestrogens that make up Opti-Women is significantly exaggerated, and these substances are unable to have any effect due to too small a dose (only 2 mg, instead of the recommended therapeutic dose, which starts at 120 mg). But at the same time, the same experts warn: women with elevated estrogen levels should not use this supplement. It remains unclear - phytoestrogens are effective or not, but statements with a diametrically opposite meaning are alarming. Another nuance: angelica extract that is part of this dietary supplement increases skin sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, be careful with the tanning or beach volleyball, especially if you are a type of women with aristocratic-pale skin.

findings. The vague comments of experts slightly spoil the euphoria of the rich composition of this complex and the rave reviews of those who have already experienced Opti-Women. Therefore, the estimate is 8 out of 10.

Reviews. “Before, I was not fond of vitamins, maximum ascorbic and fish oil. But in the gym we strongly recommended drinking vitamins and I decided to try these and did not regret it. What can I say, the vitamins are excellent !!!! "

What you need to know?

The annoying recommendations - to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits and regularly visit the doctor - work better than any medication, provided that these recommendations are followed.

Therefore, do not count on the help of even the best vitamins, if your breakfast consists of a cup of coffee and cigarettes, and you consider a good rest for a couple of hours of sleep before the TV is on.

An integrated approach is what is really important for maintaining health, activity and attractiveness at any age. Remember this, and the problems of age - both 30 and 70-year-olds - will not affect you!

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Natalia Poleva 03.09.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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