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The best vitamins for men

Who said being a man is easy?

The best vitamins for men

Early baldness, hypertension, neurological disorders and (well, where without it) erectile dysfunction are conditions that are familiar not by hearsay more than 75% of modern men. And if you do not want to be among them, you need to pick up not a hammer with nails, but your own health. It is advisable to do this before trouble sets in. And one of the ways to take care of your health is to take good vitamins during periods of increased physical, emotional stress, in the offseason.

About the best vitamins for men and will be discussed in this article.

Men's Formula Potential Forte
best vitamins for male strength

Photo: smed.ru

The cost of packing capsules (30 pieces) is about 800 rubles.
The composition of this bioactive supplement includes substances whose action is aimed at strengthening the male urogenital system, including the treatment of erectile dysfunction. In addition to the "traditional" vitamins and minerals, the complex contains extracts of ginseng root, sassaparilla and dominian leaves, which are rich in biologically active substances that have a stimulating effect on sexual functions.

Benefits. Men’s Formula is one of the best vitamin complexes for men who experience stress, feel a decrease in vitality, and have an erection disorder or a decrease in sexual desire. The main advantage of Men's Formula Potential Forte is that, taken in recommended doses, it does not cause side effects and can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of sexual disorders.

disadvantages. Part of the drug yohimbe makes Mens Formula inaccessible for men suffering from cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, diabetes, kidney disease and hormonal drugs are also contraindications for taking this complex. Another "but." If the impairment of potency is associated with impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area, stress, post-traumatic syndrome - Men’s Formula will work as it should. If erectile dysfunction is the result of problems with blood vessels, pressure, hormonal imbalance, and bad habits, the tool will be useless.

findings. Yes, this drug has a rather rigid framework, within which its reception is indicated and prohibited. But if you use common sense and prior consultation with the attending physician, then Men’s Formula vitamins are among the best for improving men's health. Rating: 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. «I was bribed not only by the promised strengthening of potency, but also by the fact that the manufacturer promises protection against sexually transmitted infections. To admit, I myself was surprised that the effect came after the first course - the tone appeared, the mood was excellent, and the man’s strength increased. ”

Lamin Vision
tonic food supplement for men

Photo: lh6.googleusercontent.com

Packing gelatin capsules (60 pieces) costs about 2,700 rubles.

Modern lifestyle - a separate headache for a man. It is the need to have time to build a career, to participate in public life, not to forget about the personal one and at the same time look like a great martyr, and not a winner. And if time can somehow be found, then by the end of the day there is only free energy left to get to the bed.

The reason for this is the body’s ability to heal itself, weakening with age, not only cellular, but also energetic. But instead of saying “welcome to middle age,” we suggest that you evaluate the Lamin Vision.

Benefits. The composition of this dietary supplement is unusual. Herbal extracts include Eleutherococcus and Paraguayan tea, flower pollen and L-carnitine with vitamin C.At first glance, it does not look like a complex of vitamins, is it? Do not worry: your eyesight is all right - Lamin really does not belong to multivitamins, but rather to energy. This tool tones, strengthens the immune system and protects against the negative effects of the environment.

With the loss of vitality, fading activity due to overwork, frequent stress and lack of rest Lamin will be able to restore energy balance and will not let you fall into the abyss of midlife crisis.

disadvantages. No matter how good this dietary supplement is, but if you feel de-energized due to a recent illness, beriberi, unbalanced diet, chronic sleep deprivation and other "joys of life" - the Lamin will be useless. If only because there is nothing in it that supports the nervous system - it depends on the quality of work, will you fall asleep quickly and firmly, or will you take hypothetical sheep until morning.

findings. Nevertheless, it seems that the manufacturer simply greedy, not complementing this complex with more health-friendly substances than pollen. But on the other hand, for men who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, Lamin will be an excellent ally in short periods of deadlines and similar short-term episodes of overload. Rating: 8 out of 10.

Reviews. “I note lighter awakenings in the morning - earlier it was a real torture to force myself to get out of bed. Everything else is the same, although I have been taking Lamin for a month now. You expect more for this money. ”

best vitamins for hard work men

Photo: smed.ru

The cost of packing a dragee (30 pieces) is about 60 rubles.

Aerovit complex of vitamins has been created for men who are overly active and / or engaged in sports, hard physical labor, often in extreme conditions and often exposed to stress.

Physical forces, for all their seeming infinity, after 30 years are being spent faster and faster and, even more dangerous, they can consume the resources of vital organs for their recovery. As a result, jumps in blood pressure, headaches, gastritis "taken out of nowhere" do not take long to wait.

Benefits. The composition of Aerovita is designed in such a way as to compensate for the deficiency of the most important vitamins in people who, for whatever reason, are on an “artificial” ration - dry rations, canned foods, etc. Taking this multivitamin complex helps prevent vitamin deficiencies and metabolic disorders caused by eating disorders.

But that is not all. A truly “masculine” dose of vitamins of group B — the main regulators of nerve functions — makes Aerovit desirable and even recommended for work related to driving vehicles, since the complex helps to improve coordination of movements and reactions. And if we consider that absolutely everything in the human body is subordinated to the nervous system, then the work as a submariner, pilot, industrial climber, etc., also falls into the list of indications for receiving Aerovit. In a word, where vibration, radiation, noise, extreme temperatures, high / low atmospheric pressure, dusty / polluted air are acting on you, there is a place for Aerovita.

disadvantages. An overdose of the drug with subsequent nausea, dizziness and other symptoms could be attributed to the disadvantages. But, since Aerovit himself is unable to control how much he is accepted, then we attribute this to the lack of responsibility of certain individuals in their health.

findings. Multivitamin complex that everyone can afford is about Aerovit. And this applies not only to the cost of the drug, but also to its reliability. Use it according to the instructions and after a while you will agree with our assessment: Rating: 10 out of ten.

Reviews. «I chose Aerovit because of its availability, it was a pity for more expensive drugs that the student never had. Coincidence or not, but for the first time the session passed without consequences in the form of insomnia, headaches, and convulsions at night (as it was always before). Well, in general, even friends noticed that he became much more balanced and calmer. "

Duovit for men
best complex vitamins

The cost of packing tablets (30 pieces) is about 420 rubles.

The environmental factor can not only accelerate age-related changes in the body - the appearance of wrinkles, hair loss, muscle weakness, etc., but also become a trigger mechanism that initiates the development of serious diseases.

The vitamin and mineral complex Duovit for men is designed to “absorb” the loads that the body experiences when exposed to harmful substances, excessively high and low temperatures, and other undesirable environmental factors.

Benefits. In this complex, special attention is paid to the protectors: vitamins A and E, manganese, zinc, selenium, and iodine. But other equally important vitamins and minerals are also present, supporting and strengthening the immune system, optimizing metabolism and preventing the body's wear. Moreover, Duovit does not contain gluten and sugar, therefore men suffering from gluten intolerance and diabetes mellitus (as well as those with hereditary susceptibility to these conditions) can take a complex without a risk to health.

Particularly busy men who are trying to keep up everywhere, like the conditions for receiving Duovita: 1 tablet per day - even in the densest schedule there will be time to drink a single tablet per day.

disadvantages. Reasonable price, balanced and at the same time "specialized" complex, ease of reception - there is simply no flaws.

findings. 10 points out of ten will be a fair score.

Reviews. “I ordered myself 2 months ago - I drink, advised Duovit for men as the best vitamins for hair loss, just shampoo for hair loss did not help. Not to say that now the mane is like a lion, but after combing, there is no more hair in the sink, and it looks like they somehow became more alive. And the main thing is a surge of cheerfulness: as soon as autumn begins - everything, I fall into hibernation - and here the energy really appears, I am satisfied! ”.

What you need to know?

To build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son is not even the past, but before last century, and these criteria of masculinity are not enough in the modern living space. The current representative of the strong half of humanity has to prove its worth day by day, hammering endless nails in an already built house, choose and pay for a prestigious college to an already born son and protect a grown tree from all those who attempt on its fruits ...

But the main "bitterness" in the life of a man is not everyday melodramas and financial problems, but what they lead to.

For example, do you know that the average age of a male heart attack has shifted significantly on the age scale? And if a hundred years ago men were recommended to regularly visit a cardiologist after 40-45 years, now this same recommendation applies to everyone who have stepped over the 30-year milestone.

No matter how much you would like to believe in the omnipotence of pharmacology, even the best vitamins for men are unlikely to be effective if you are affectionately attached to your bad habits, rarely leave your familiar place on the computer or TV, and you get more pleasure from studying the annual report of your accountant than walking in the fresh air.

In general, no secret Polichinel: organize your life so that it has a place not only career and "fixed" hobby, but also sports, good rest and healthy eating. And then the vitamins will play their role, filling your body with energy, and your head with clear thoughts and fresh ideas.

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Natalia Poleva 29.06.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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