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The best dentures

The best dentures according to dentists. Choose the type and material

Defects of the dentition or the complete absence of teeth can lead to the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the deterioration of human well-being in general. With the help of timely dental prosthetics, you can restore the aesthetic deficiencies and functional characteristics of the dentition and avoid health problems. Depending on the type of defect can be applied removable and fixed prosthetics In what cases what type of prosthesis is used, and dentures from which materials are better - we will try to understand this article.

Fixed prosthetics

Fixed structures are used if it is impossible to restore the tooth using therapeutic techniques, it is necessary to eliminate aesthetic defects and if partial defects of the dentition are present. Depending on the size of the defect can be applied

  • Microprosthetics - various types of tabs and veneers,
  • Defect repair using various types of artificial crowns and bridges.

Tooth Tabs

In the presence of large carious cavities or significant tooth damage, tabs are used to restore its functional features and anatomical shape. More often such constructions are used in chewing teeth. The pros tabs are:

  • Have high accuracy and more durable than seals,
  • Serve several times more than the restoration of filling materials
  • They have low abrasion and shrinkage of the material.

Main minuses uses are high cost and duration of treatment.

All-ceramic dental tabs are considered the best.

Photo: www.artislab.ru

Rating - 9.5 out of 10

Such inlays can be made of pressed ceramic mass or based on zirconium dioxide. Aesthetically do not differ from porcelain, and in terms of strength they are not inferior to metal ones. The manufacturing process of such a micro-prosthesis is fully automated, which allows you to make accurate and durable structures. The only disadvantage can be considered a high price - from 12 to 17 thousand rubles.

In second place in terms of reliability and durability - metal dental tabs

Photo: www.sofortimplantate.net

Rating - 8.5 out of 10

They can be gold or made of an alloy (chrome-palladium or silver-cobalt). These are the most durable and durable constructions that are often used to restore a tooth for prosthetics with an artificial crown or bridge. Sometimes used to restore chewing teeth. Main minus - low aesthetics. The cost depends on the material from which the tab is made and varies from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles. The price of a gold product depends on its weight (1-5 grams), plus 10% of the weight of the tab, added to irreparable losses of gold during production.

Third place - porcelain tabs

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Rating - 8.3 out of 10

Porcelain inlays are usually used in restoring damaged teeth of the front group. For prosthetics, it is necessary to depulp the sore teeth and carefully prepare them. Porcelain tabs have high aestheticsbut low strength. The price practically does not differ from the cost of metal microprostheses (from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles).

Fourth place - metal-ceramic dental tabs

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Rating - 8.0 out of 10

Metal ceramics tabs began to be used relatively recently. They have high aesthetics and durability. disadvantages - have a relatively high price and can quickly fall out of the cavity, since the coefficient of expansion of metal and ceramics does not match.


Veneers are thin plates made of ceramic, composite materials or porcelain, with which you can eliminate the aesthetic drawbacks of the central group of teeth. TO pluses The use of veneers include:

  • Durability - the service life of veneers, depending on the type, is from 10 to 20 years;
  • High aesthetics - you can eliminate the darkening of the enamel, the presence of diastema or three, chipped or cracked;
  • Constancy - veneers are not afraid of the influence of coloring products or tobacco smoke.

Like any design, veneers have their own limitations:

  • They may break, crack or peel off;
  • Enough high cost.

Lumineers - the best veneers

Photo: rusmedserv.com

Rating - 9.9 out of 10

Lumineers - especially thin porcelain veneers, which are also commonly called Hollywood. They have high aesthetics and durability, do not require dental treatment (they can be removed without harm to the tooth), they are quickly manufactured (in order to install lumineers, only two visits to the dentist are required). When installing veneers, fluoride-containing material is used, which has a remineralizing effect on teeth. The only disadvantage is the high price of the product - from 15 to 25 thousand rubles per tooth.

In second place in the ranking of the best - porcelain veneers

Photo: socclinik.com

Rating - 9.0 out of 10

They are made of ceramic material in the laboratory according to the patient's jaw model. For installation, they require processing (preparation) of the front surface of the teeth to the thickness corresponding to the size of the product. Possess high aesthetics and are not afraid of the influence of coloring products. The price depends on the clinic and can be from 12 to 15 thousand rubles.

Third place - composite veneers

Photo: stom-medcentr.ru

Rating - 8.5 out of 10

They are made of composite mass directly in the dentist’s chair. Requires the preparation of tooth enamel on the thickness of the veneer. The least durable of all types of veneers, but the most affordable financially - their price ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Artificial crowns and bridges

In some cases, with a large volume of tooth lesions, artificial crown prosthetics are recommended. In the absence of one or more teeth, the defect can be repaired with a bridge. The technology of creating crowns and bridges is the same, so we consider them depending on the material used for manufacturing.

The best are dental crowns or bridges made of metal-free ceramics.

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Rating - 9.9 out of 10

They are made on the basis of zirconium dioxide, on which the thinnest layers of ceramic mass are applied. Main advantages uses are considered:

  • High aesthetics
  • Manufacturing accuracy
  • Durability which provides long service life
  • Hypoallergenic.

Minuses - high price (from 15 thousand rubles) and increased fragility.

In second place among the best - metal-ceramic dentures

Rating - 9.5 out of 10

The basis is a metal cap on which thin layers of ceramics are applied. For the manufacture of the cap can be used gold alloy. Merits This type of prosthetics are:

  • Durability and high durability with proper care,
  • Acceptable aesthetics.

Main limitations - for the installation of metal-ceramic crowns or prostheses requires significant preparation and depulpation of teeth. The price of the product varies depending on the materials of which the crown is made and ranges from 4.5 thousand per crown of Russian materials to 15-17 thousand per unit on a gold basis.

Third place among the best bridges dentures occupy adhesive or adhesive prostheses

Photo: 24stoma.ru

Rating - 9.0 out of 10

It is made in one or two visits directly in the dentist’s chair. The basis is a fiberglass tape or tank, which is fixed in the cavities created on the abutment teeth. On this beam of photopolymer material is missing the missing tooth. Benefits uses are:

  • Short production time
  • Small amount of preparation
  • Low cost (6-10 thousand rubles).

Minuses - low strength and reliability, it is recommended to use such prostheses in the form of temporary structures.

Solid cast and brazed metal prostheses and crowns are not considered because they have low aesthetics, although they are the most affordable.

Removable prosthetics

If the dentition defect cannot be repaired with the help of fixed prosthetics or the patient has a complete absence of teeth, the use of removable dentures that can be made of various materials is justified. Removable dentures may be partial - if the patient has his own teeth and full - with full edentulous.

The best removable dentures - byugelnye

Photo: mezon-stom.ru

Rating - 9.9 out of 10

The basis of the clasp prosthesis is a thin metal arc on which the plastic base and artificial teeth are located. Benefits are:

  • High reliability and durability
  • Ease of use, which is achieved by the small size of the prosthesis,

Minus - high cost (clamp fixings - 25-30 thousand, and the castle 40-90 thousand rubles), and when using the camera mounting system suffers aesthetics, since the metal clamer can be seen in a smile. If attachments are used to fix the prosthesis, this drawback disappears.

Read more about the bugel prostheses

Second place - nylon (soft) prostheses

Rating 9.3 out of 10

It is made of nylon and can be used with partial or full edenty. Benefits soft dentures are:

  • Flexibility,
  • Aesthetics,
  • Resistance to the influence of dyes.

Negative qualities considered - difficult adaptation and difficulty eating. The cost of manufacturing from 10 to 25 thousand rubles.
Read more about nylon prostheses ...

Third place - acrylic dentures

Photo: easydental.ru

Rating - 9.0

The most commonly recommended prostheses that can be used with partial or complete adentia. The main advantage is a fairly low price from 3.5 to 15 thousand rubles. Main minus - short term use (up to a maximum of 5 years).

Read more about acrylic dentures ...

What dentures are better to deliver?

Photo: watkinsfamilydentistry.com

The choice of prosthesis primarily depends on the type of dentition defect. Although modern technologies allow carrying out fixed prosthetics even on a completely edentulous jaw, for this it is necessary to implant 5-7 implants. The wishes of the patient must be taken into account by the doctor when choosing a design for prosthetics.

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Elena Selezneva 11.08.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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