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9 best oils for eyelashes

Let's make the look irresistible

What girl does not want to have beautiful, thick and lush eyelashes? After all, it is they who give the female gaze the very seductiveness and magical depth that it is impossible to resist!

But, as usual, not all young ladies are satisfied with the look of their eyelashes - someone lacks length, someone has volume, and someone complains about their loss or not enough black color. Fortunately, building up is not the only way out! With due diligence, some problems can be eliminated with the help of ordinary natural and essential oils. Believe me, regular oil masks are able to change cilia beyond recognition, turning them into a luxurious fan! Moreover, most eyelash oils are multifunctional and allow you to solve several problems simultaneously.

How to apply eyelash oil

The eye zone is the most delicate on the face, therefore, applying oil on the eyelashes, you need to be very neat and try not to fall on the mucous membrane. Professionals advise treating hairs starting from the tips, to allow the oil to gradually drain to the base of the cilia. If there are lenses, it is better to remove them.

You should not scoop too much money - an excess of oil can cause swelling and redness of the eyes. And the more so it is not necessary to leave it on the eyelashes for the night, in order to not be surprised in the morning by the puffiness. It is enough to hold the oil mask for one to two hours. The procedure is recommended in the evenings.

For application, you can use a cotton swab, but it is most convenient to use a thoroughly washed and dried brush from the old mascara - so the oil can be evenly distributed over the hairs, gently combing each of them.

And in order for the mask to function more efficiently, you must first slightly warm a portion of natural oil in the steam bath or in a container with hot water.

And, of course, it is necessary to clean your face from make-up before mashing.

Important nuances

Allergy sufferers and girls with sensitive skin should choose a clean oil without any additives, and before the first use try it on your wrist.

Before buying, be sure to check shelf life and do not ignore the instruction - it contains useful information on how to properly store the product, and a list of possible contraindications.

If the goal is to strengthen the eyelashes or speed up their growth, it is recommended to do it with courses of 10-15 masks in a row, then there is a monthly break and you can repeat it again. If you just want to feed the cilia and make them more silky and elastic, you should resort to oil masks 2-3 times a week.

And to choose the right oil, which will allow you to quickly get the eyelashes of your dreams, will help our ranking of the best, made up of expert opinions and reviews of ordinary users.

Top oils for eyelashes

Category A place Name Rating Price
The best oils to strengthen the eyelashes 1 Peanut butter 10 / 10 87
2 Castor oil 9.9 / 10 65
3 Usma oil 9.8 / 10 500
The best oils to stimulate the growth of eyelashes 1 Peach oil 10 / 10 100
2 Almond oil 10 / 10 74
3 Burr oil 9.9 / 10 70
The best eyelash oils 1 Apricot butter 10 / 10 60
2 Sea buckthorn oil 9.9 / 10 150
3 White camphor oil 9.8 / 10 200

The best oils to strengthen the eyelashes

Peanut butter
87 (45 ml)

Walnut oil from pistachios or walnuts, rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, perfectly strengthens the eyelashes, gives them vitality, gives shine and softness. Many girls praise DNC nut oil - for the best effect other useful oils are also added to it, and a brush for applying oil to the eyelashes is also included.

The texture of the oil moderately thick, fluid. It wonderfully lengthens the eyelashes, protects them from falling out, adds pomp.

Main advantages:
  • small consumption;
  • universal application.
10 / 10
For eyelashes, I think DNC firming peanut butter is the best - a very convenient bottle like those that sell mascara. It is easy and pleasant to use, the effect is super! I advise.
Castor oil
65 (for 30 ml)

Castor oil extracted from castor seeds is known for its healing and regenerating properties. It has a rich composition, which includes ricinoleic, palmitic, oleic and other fatty acids, as well as vitamins A and E. Thanks to these substances, the oil moisturizes eyelashes and prevents their loss, softens and protects against destructive external influences.

Its texture is thick and sticky. Oil perfectly helps to strengthen the cilia, to make hairs thicker and darker, to activate their growth.

Main advantages:
  • affordable price;
  • universality;
  • economical consumption.
  • hard washed off.
9.9 / 10
For a long time I pasted false eyelashes, which terribly spoiled my own - they became short and brittle. Castor saved my eyelashes and gave them back the beauty! I advise this oil for eyelashes as the best!
Usma oil
500 (for 30 ml)

Unusual for the Slavic girls oil usmi, which is obtained from the leaves of the plant of the same name, has recently become increasingly popular. But in the Arab and Central Asian countries, it has long won the love and respect of women, who in the reviews call this oil the best for strengthening and restoring eyelashes and eyebrows, for increasing their density.

The texture of the oil is not very oily, medium density. Due to the high content of flavonoids, alkaloids and vitamins, it can wake up dormant follicles, stimulate the growth of eyelashes, make them stronger and healthier.

Main advantages:
  • economically used;
  • multifunctional;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • well washed off.
  • very expensive;
  • for some, it smells specifically.
9.8 / 10
I bought Belarusian oil USM in a bottle with a thin nose - very satisfied, met all expectations! In a relatively short period of time eyelashes have become much more fluffy and longer, even my husband noticed.

The best oils to stimulate the growth of eyelashes

Peach oil
100 (for 30 ml)

Peach seed oil, rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and B, useful acids suitable even for sensitive skin, does not provoke irritations, does not cause allergies. Among the large range of oils, hundreds of girls prefer the product of GalenoPharm.

The texture of the peach oil is light, non-greasy. It stimulates the growth of cilia, enriches them with valuable substances, makes the hair more voluminous and silky, enhances shine.

Main advantages:
  • economical consumption;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • universal application;
  • well washed off.
10 / 10
After using some other oils, my eyes swelled and reddened, and with peach I don’t worry about anything! Cilia are long and well-groomed, look gorgeous even without mascara.
Almond oil
74 (for 30 ml)

Oil obtained from a mixture of bitter and sweet almond nuts, contains a large amount of vitamins E and F, linoleic acid, phytosterol, amygdalin. It can significantly accelerate the growth of eyelashes, make them more beautiful, healthy and shiny. Among Russian women, products of domestic brands GalenoPharm and Mirrolla are especially popular.

The texture of almond oil is comfortable, gliding, watery. Simultaneously with the power of the eyelashes, it will carefully care for the delicate skin of the eyelids, rejuvenating it.

Main advantages:
  • minimum consumption;
  • acceptable price;
  • multifunctionality;
  • quickly washed off.
10 / 10
Almond oil - my best and only way to care for the skin of the face, eyelashes and hair. Began to use it several years ago on the advice of a beautician, and our love will last a long time!
Burr oil
70 (per 100 ml)

Perhaps the most famous oil for hair and eyelashes is burdock, and they make it from the roots of an ordinary large burdock. Often in reviews women recommend the tool "Burdock" from the company Floresan, which includes other valuable supplements. It is available in a convenient tube with an applicator for applying to the eyelashes and eyebrows.

The texture of burdock oil is quite thick and heavy. It is rich in inulin, beneficial trace elements, stearic and palmitic acid and has a regenerating, moisturizing and firming effect, activates the growth of eyelashes, making them more silky.

Main advantages:
  • budget cost;
  • small consumption;
  • versatility.
  • not very easily washed off.
9.9 / 10
Burdock oil is a real find! Affordable, cheap, effective - in my opinion, the best oil for eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Try it all!

The best eyelash oils

Apricot butter
60 (for 10 ml)

Apricot kernel oil contains oleic and linoleic acids, potassium and magnesium, enzymes, vitamins in active form. In parallel with the eyelashes, it can care for the skin of the eyes, moisturizing, refreshing and smoothing it. Many positive reviews from users gathered Asper oil, enriched with vitamin-antioxidant complex.

The texture of apricot oil of medium thickness, slightly viscous, fatty. It helps to quickly restore the damaged cilia, nourish with valuable substances, give them softness, health and strength.

Main advantages:
  • democratic price;
  • economical consumption;
  • multifunctionality.
10 / 10
I am a fan of various natural oils, and apricot takes the first place in my personal list. With him, the eyelashes have become more fluffy, strong, elastic, which I am very happy about!
Sea buckthorn oil
150 (for 50 ml)

Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent source of provitamin A and fat-soluble vitamins K, E and F, antioxidants, as well as many valuable trace elements, and all the beneficial substances in it mutually reinforce each other. Therefore, the oil is very well suited for feeding cilia and giving them elasticity and healthy strength. Many girls use oils Biask and Mirrolla.

The texture of the sea buckthorn oil is comfortable, light, the color is rich orange. When buying it is important to pay attention to the composition - it should be at least 180 mg% of carotenoids, only then the oil is considered high-quality.

Main advantages:
  • universality;
  • moderate consumption.
  • very brandy.
9.9 / 10
I apply sea buckthorn oil everywhere - as a balm for chapped lips, in face masks and, of course, I indulge their hair and cilia. I can safely say: for the power of eyelashes is the best oil that I had!
White camphor oil
200 (for 30 ml)

Camphor oil is extracted from Japanese laurel wood and, unlike the previous ones, it is essential - therefore, it cannot be used in its pure form, only with base oil. It helps to restore the density of eyelashes, improve their growth by increasing blood circulation, prevent loss. Women speak well of Botanika oil.

The texture of camphor oil is fluid, rapidly evaporating. It will make the cilia longer, twisted and elastic. Approximate dosage - three drops of camphor ester on a tablespoon of natural oil.

Main advantages:
  • very small expense;
  • multifunctionality.
  • decent value;
  • can not be used solo.
9.8 / 10
Camphor oil has an incredible aroma of freshness - only for it I am ready to call it the best among the ethers! Excellently cares for eyelashes and hair, I use it in combination with castor.

We hope, now it will be easier for you to choose for yourself the best oil for eyelashes, and you will be very pleased with the results of its impact!

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Updated: 15.04.2019
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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