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Literate choice air conditioner

How to choose a good conditioner, so as not to be afraid of its breakdown

Proper selection of air conditioning

Table of contents
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Other characteristics
  3. Most popular air conditioner manufacturers
  4. Common customer mistakes
  5. Answers to frequently asked questions

Only those who have air conditioning, do not soar in the summer and do not freeze in the winter, in contrast to the unfortunate, who are accustomed to the whims of central heating. Do you want to join the ranks of these lucky ones by installing an air conditioner at home? You are on the right track! We will help you purchase a quality unit that will fulfill your wishes for many years to change the microclimate in the apartment.

Main selection criteria

To begin with, let's highlight the main characteristics that will allow us to brush off most of the unsuitable options.

Type of air conditioner

Depending on the design and principle of operation, all household air conditioners are divided into four large groups:

  • Windowed;
  • Outdoor;
  • Wall split systems;
  • Channel.

Let's see what each type of advantages and disadvantages.

Window air conditioners- the first models that appeared on the market. It's like CRT TVs against the background of modern plasma giants. Of course, new models of window air conditioners have a number of improvements, but their principle of operation and the method of attachment has not changed. The voluminous block is installed in the window pane of a wooden window, or in a slit on the glass or thin wall so that its main part is on the outside. Today, window air conditioners are a dying type of this technology, since with the advent of more compact and powerful models that do not require installation on a window, the demand for them has plummeted. But if you like the retro-style and rumbling of the motor in combination with the rattle of the windows, then the window heavyweights might like you. In addition, an indisputable advantage is their low price.

Their floor standing analogues are also not the ultimate dream of modern buyers. Such air conditioners are quite large. However, even a fragile woman will cope with their installation: it is enough to put the unit near the window and bring the pipe out to remove hot air (about 10 cm in diameter) outside. Lovers of silence just do not like this unit: compared to other modern models, floor air conditioners can not boast of silent operation. At the same time, the cost of such devices is not inferior to the prices of more functional and powerful analogues.

Split system - This is an ideal option for a modern home due to its compactness, high power and affordable price. Such air conditioners are installed in homes, small offices and shops most often. A large number of colors and forms of the case will allow to enter the split system in any interior, and a convenient remote control will allow you to easily change the air temperature. To one outdoor unit can connect multiple air conditioners.

Duct air conditioner - this is the dream of any designer, since all communications and the block itself of such a device are hidden under the ceiling curtain. If you have a large house or a large apartment with an area of ​​100m², then the installation of a channel conditioner will solve all your problems. Due to the fact that the design of the air conditioner and its air ducts resembles a road junction, one such unit can cool the air in several separate rooms at once. There are two drawbacks to ducted air conditioners: the high cost and the need to make repairs immediately after or during installation.


The area of ​​the air conditioner depends on the power characteristics. The larger the room, the higher the power should be. When calculating the required power it is necessary to take into account the degree of illumination of the room with sunlight.If the room comes out on the sunny side, and in the summer it looks more like a sauna than a living room, then you need to take 1.5 kW for every 10m². If sunlight enters your room with varying success, you can purchase a unit at the rate of 1 kW per 10 m².

Modes of operation

If you care about saving energy and are asleep, we recommend that you buy an air conditioner with night mode: it automatically reduces the speed of rotation of the fan blades, reducing the consumption of electricity and making the work of the air conditioner almost silent.

Other characteristics

What is the difference between air conditioners from each other? What are the useful "chips" are the most popular models?

  • Timer. Imagine: you come home from work on a hot summer day, and your home is fresh and cool. This is possible thanks to setting the wake-up timer one hour before your arrival. Love comfort? Then buy a conditioner with a timer.
  • Air direction adjustment. Each person is individual: someone loves a fresh breeze, and to someone the slightest whiff seems like a draft piercing to the bone. To avoid arguing over cool air flows, choose a model with the ability to direct the air flow up, down, or horizontally. Believe me, it will save you from the eternal "I am cold", "I have lost my entire back", "I’ll get sick" and similar complaints.
  • Draining. If your home is located near the sea or the ocean, then this feature is definitely not superfluous. The air conditioner will not only cool and warm the air, but also lower the humidity.
  • Ventilation. This function evenly distributes warm and cold air flows in the room, creating a more uniform microclimate. If you do not want it to be cold in one corner and hot in the other, then look for a model of an air conditioner with ventilation mode.
  • Air cleaning and ionization functions. People with poor immunity, allergies, asthma, this function will allow less to hurt and feel much better.

Most popular air conditioner manufacturers

When buying an air conditioner is better not to save. This is not a cheap pleasure, and its installation can cost almost as much as the unit itself. It is better to spend a little money, but to be sure that the air conditioner will faithfully serve more than one year.

We will tell you about the most proven manufacturers in three price segments: economy, medium and elite.

  1. The best brands that produce low-cost household air conditioners: Ballu, Suzuki, Samsung, LG, Aeronic, Haier. Models of these manufacturers will cost you around 10-20 thousand rubles.
  2. Popular manufacturers of air conditioners of the average price segment (20-30 thousand rubles) are Goldstar, SHARP, Panasonic, Hitachi, Hyundai, Toshiba. As you can see, the names of these companies have long been heard, and there is no reason to doubt the quality of their products.
  3. Elite air conditioners are produced by companies such as MitsubishiElectric, GeneralFujitsu, Gree, Daikin. For such monsters will have to pay from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

Common customer mistakes

What to fear, listening to the sweet-haired smiling seller of air conditioners? Here is a selection of the most terrible mistakes of buyers.

  1. Purchase of air conditioning without taking into account the area and level of lighting of the room Too powerful air conditioning can turn a small room into a refrigerator, and its weak colleague will not cope with his task in a spacious hall. Be sure to make an independent calculation (for rooms with average illumination, 1 kW per 10 m² is enough).
  2. Buying a multi-split system with one outdoor unit is akin to buying a cat in a bag. If the control unit fails, all air conditioners in the rooms will stop working. A small financial benefit can turn into an impressive bill for the services of repairmen. If you need air conditioning of several rooms, it is better to install a separate split system in each one or to install a cable conditioner.
  3. Purchase along with the air conditioner permits to install it.The fact is that these permits are no longer required by law, but fraudsters are still cashing in on the ignorance of the law by consumers. If you are offered to pay for such a permit, run straight from Rospotrebnadzor from this store.

Photo: stroyprogress.info

Answers to frequently asked questions

Air conditioning and its installation for many seem to be something on the verge of fantasy. Of course, it is better to know in advance all the details in order to prevent annoying mistakes that will require a lot of money and nerves. We suggest you read the answers to the most common questions that buyers ask when choosing air conditioning.

Can I get sick because of the air conditioner?

An air conditioner is a complex unit whose improper operation can be harmful to health. To avoid this, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Do not direct the flow of cold air to people.
  • It is not recommended that the air temperature in the room be lower than the outdoor temperature by more than 7 ° C.
  • To avoid asthma attacks and allergic reactions, it is important to regularly clean the air conditioner filters from dust. It is not recommended to do this yourself: it is better to call a specialist before the start of the hot season.

Do air conditioners supply fresh air?

Many people mistakenly believe that window air conditioners directly supply fresh air to the apartment. This is not so: they are able to throw out only 10% of the apartment air. Like other air conditioners, they are intended only for cooling or heating the air. The exception is cable air conditioners with ventilation function, which take up to 100% of fresh air from the street.

Can I turn on air conditioning in the winter?

If the outside air temperature drops below -5 ° C, the air conditioner cannot be turned on due to the high risk of compressor breakdown.

Is it possible to strengthen the outdoor unit on the territory of the glazed loggia?

It is advisable to install the outdoor unit on an open wall, because in the process it produces a lot of heat. This option is possible only if the following conditions are met:

  • A large area of ​​the loggia;
  • The presence of opening doors in front of the block.

When is the best time to buy air conditioning?

Spring and summer - this is the season of sales of air conditioners, when the demand for them just rolls over. Installation teams rush from one apartment to another, trying to fulfill as many orders as possible in a day, so the quality of work decreases. If you want to save money and not worry about the quality of the installation, it is better to buy air conditioning in the fall or winter. At this time, sellers and installers of air conditioners are fighting for each client, so prices are falling, and the quality of services is increasing.

Which air conditioners are the quietest?

Most modern models do not exceed the norms of noise in the process. If this option is crucial for you, pay attention to Japanese companies. Daikin, Panasonic, Fujitsu and MitsubishiElectric. They are famous for their quiet performance and reliability. If you follow all the rules of operation, you can expect that the air conditioners of these companies will last more than 15 years.

Finally, I would like to remind you that before going to the store you should read customer reviews about the models you have chosen to compare. It is better to know in advance about the possible shortcomings than to experience them after the purchase of low-quality goods.

Author: Julia Arkhipova 28.08.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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