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Literate choice kitchen mixer

How to choose a good mixer

The competent choice of the kitchen mixer

Table of contents
  1. Main characteristics of mixers
  2. Other selection criteria
  3. Most Popular Manufacturers
  4. Common Mistakes when choosing a mixer

A mixer is a powerful electrical device for kneading dough, making homogeneous masses, beating eggs and other culinary activities. If you decide to start a journey into the world of baking and air desserts, then we suggest you buy the right mixer - how to do it, we will be happy to advise you.

Main characteristics of mixers

Let's start with three main criteria that will help narrow the range of mixers offered in stores according to your needs:

  • Mixer type: manual or stationary;
  • Power;
  • Available modes.

Mixer Type

Hand Mixers sometimes suitable for fans to experiment: these models usually have a small or medium power, as well as very light weight. The main indisputable advantage is the convenience of storage and transportation. A hand mixer will become an indispensable assistant for students (it can be stored even in a box under the bed), owners of small typical kitchens in which there is not enough room without a mixer, and summer residents (you can easily take it with you to the garden).

Stationary mixers - This is a more respectable option for true connoisseurs of culinary art. If you cook dough almost every day, then without such a machine you will find it difficult. Practically all stationary mixers have an extraordinary capacity: they easily knead the stiff dough and in a matter of seconds will turn the egg whites into snow-white peaks. But they have a flaw: they take up a lot of space.

Mixer power

This is the determining factor. Mixers with a capacity of up to 300 watts will cope with the preparation of a uniform dough for pancakes or charlottes, but only a mixer with a capacity of 450 watts will be able to knead the tough dough for pies or dumplings. The presence of different speeds depends on the power of the mixer: the more powerful the mixer, the higher the speed of beating (lovers of meringues and air creams should be aware of this).

Mixer Modes

Modes of operation allow you to use the specified parameters of the speed and intensity of whipping. A large number of different modes (for example, a slow start to reduce the splashing of the dough at the very beginning, or overheat protection, which automatically turns off the mixer in the hands of an overly active housewife, preventing it from breaking) is a definite plus, but you have to pay more for it.

Other selection criteria

So, you, probably, have already defined for yourself the main properties of the necessary model. Do not rush to run to the store! There are several other characteristics that we recommend to pay attention to:

  • Mixer complete set. The more different baits, the better. The composition should be at least two: a universal nozzle and a whisk for beating eggs. It is good when the nozzle for purging (it has a round flat shape) and the nozzle for kneading dough (it has the shape of a stretched spiral) are also present.
  • MaterialsFrom which the device is made, directly affect the duration of its service life. Plastic mixers after six months of intensive use begin to creak ominously, so it is better to opt for a mixer with metal inserts.
  • Bowl volume of stationary mixer. If you purchase a device with a bowl up to 3 liters, then buy at the same time a good tool that you will use to wash the spray of dough from the walls.
  • Hand Mixer Weight should not exceed 700-800 grams, otherwise you will be able to measure your biceps with your own husband after a year of intensive use.

Most Popular Manufacturers

If you want to purchase an inexpensive mixer with basic characteristics, then we advise you to choose from models of manufacturers such as Polaris, Sturn, Kelli, Delta, Travola - they all have in their range of budget hand mixers with two or three nozzles, the possibilities of which are enough for infrequent use.

If you cook every day and you know what the difference between meringue and meringue is, and how much butter you need to put in the shortbread dough, then you need a reliable assistant from a respectable brand - Tefal, Bork, Kenwood, Bosch, KitchenAid (a company that first began to produce mixers in the world).

Common Mistakes when choosing a mixer

Forewarned is forearmed! What mistakes do buyers make when choosing a mixer?

  1. Overestimate their capabilities. If you need a mixer only for beating scrambled eggs, do not take a powerful beast that does not have a slow mode - it will take revenge on the inept user by sprinkling scrambled eggs on the walls, clothes and face of the offender.
  2. Do not think about whether there are service centers of this manufacturer in the city. There have been cases when the owners of expensive mixers (from 20,000 rubles) had to travel to another city to fix them.
  3. Buy mixers with poor quality "stuffing". Remember: all internal parts of such a dynamic device as a mixer must be made of metal! Plastic drives of some models cause their sudden demise within a couple of weeks after purchase.
Author: Julia Arkhipova 26.07.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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