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Literate choice monitor

How to choose a good monitor

Competent choice of monitor

Table of contents
  1. Main rules of choice
  2. Matrix type
  3. Resolution
  4. Connectors
  5. Response time
  6. Other factors of choice
  7. Most Popular Monitor Manufacturers
  8. Common customer mistakes

A desktop computer is hard to imagine without a monitor. Some use it even when paired with a laptop. The monitor provides a broad overview and high resolution, making management of the system and complex programs easier. But these words are not applicable to every monitor. Store shelves are literally littered with low-grade products that turn computer work into real torture. Make every effort to avoid buying such a monitor!

In this article we will try to talk about which lines in the technical specifications you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor. You can also understand exactly how to behave in the store in order to weed out products of low quality. The main advice - try not to take the advice of a sales assistant. His task is to sell exactly the product for which he will receive the largest deductions. And not always such a good product are good monitors! So try to rely only on your knowledge.

Main rules of choice

If you are going to buy a monitor, then get ready to face a lot of difficulties. We do not live in the 20th century, when all such devices were created using CRT technology. Modern monitors have a different matrix and, sometimes, supplemented with a specific functionality. Try to follow simple rules - so you can at least understand what kind of monitor you need.

Decide on the size

Even before coming to the store or visiting the online retailer, you need to decide on the screen diagonal. And for this, imagine for what tasks your computer is used. If you buy a monitor for its installation in the office, then especially large sizes will only interfere. But you should not choose a very small model - employees need to ensure a comfortable work. The aspect ratio of the screen in this case does not play a big role - suitable options 4: 3 and 16: 9. In the end, films in the office, with high probability, no one will not watch. If the monitor is purchased for home use, then you only need a model with a 16: 9 aspect ratio. The diagonal is up to you. Our advice - choose a bigger monitor, it is more comfortable to play and watch movies on it.

Think again about the destination.

Then you have to think a second time about the future use of the monitor. Now you need to decide how many devices you will connect to it. Not always the similar product is used only together with the PC. Some people connect a game console and even a video camera or camera to it. If you also want to have this opportunity, then choose a monitor with a large number of connectors (you need at least a couple of HDMI). But we'll talk about the ports a little later.

Forget about saving

A monitor is one thing that has been acquired for many years of use. It would be ideal if such a device will last much longer than the computer itself. So try to force yourself not to save. Cheap models are assembled from poor quality plastic, which is reflected in their appearance. You get tired of this monitor after a year of its use. Also, low-end models may have defects in the design. For example, the facts of using low-quality solder are widely known. Under the action of high temperatures, it literally melts, after which the contacts open. This leads to a deterioration of the image or its complete disappearance. Of course, repairing such a breakdown is not difficult. But do you want to visit the service center and spend your money (such troubles usually happen after the expiration of the warranty period)?

Matrix type

It may seem to you that all the LCD screens of modern monitors are created using a single technology. But this is far from the case. There are three most popular types of matrices. All of them are seriously different from each other, which is noticeable in the image displayed on such displays.

TN + film

Equipped with such a screen devices are cheaper. But one should not expect much from such a monitor. Such a matrix has a number of drawbacks, whereas in the number of advantages there is only a short response time and a low price tag. The screen, created by technology TN + film, has a narrow viewing angle. It is necessary to move a little or look at the monitor from the top, as the picture is almost inverted. This greatly complicates the life of the owner of the computer. Although you can get used to it, which shows a high demand for such monitors.

Pros: minimum response time, low cost.

Minuses: narrow viewing angles, low brightness, implausible colors.


Created by IPS-technology screens were originally used in tablet computers and smartphones. But now you can easily find monitors equipped with such a display on store shelves. The viewing angles of this screen will be close to the maximum. The colors can be called very plausible - but for this you will first have to work with the device settings. It is a pity that such a matrix is ​​more expensive, which is why some people think the cost of the monitor is too high.

Pros: believable colors, high brightness, wide viewing angles.

Minuses: quite high cost, long response time.


This production technology was invented relatively recently. Monitors equipped with a VA-screen are very expensive. An ordinary computer owner rarely decides to buy it. Yes, he does not need a similar monitor, as it is primarily intended for photographers and video editors. The display, created by VA-technology, has the greatest color depth. This allows it to display almost any shade. As a result, colors are obtained as natural as possible. A photographer can be sure that the picture will go to print exactly in the form in which he observes it on the monitor screen.

Pros: natural colors, high brightness.

Minuses: Long response time, cost prohibitive.


When choosing a monitor, be sure to pay attention to its resolution. This is one of the most important parameters! It's no secret to anyone that even tablets and tiny smartphones now have Full HD resolution. It will be stupid if a much larger monitor will display a less clear picture. Try to weed out all models that do not have a resolution of Full HD, since they can be called obsolete.

Of course, a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels will cost more, but it's worth it! Again, you do not buy the monitor for one year. If now you are satisfied with a smaller parameter, then in the near future everything may change. In the end, now video cameras and smartphones are shooting video in Full HD resolution. Do you like to watch the finished material is not in the best quality?

There are now monitors with higher resolution. But the purchase of such a device should be considered only if you want to be on top of progress. If in the future you are not considering the purchase of a 4K video camera or a very powerful video card, then you do not need the corresponding monitor.


Photo: review.lospopadosos.com

On the back of the monitor, in any case, you will find one or another number of connectors. All of them are necessary to connect the system unit and other image sources. The office usually has just one connector - it can be DisplayPort, D-Sub or HDMI. At home, you may want to connect something other than a computer to the monitor. In this case, it is better to choose a model with a pair of HDMI ports. So you can alternate work on the computer with the game on the console.

There may be some specific connectors on the monitor, but their presence is no longer important. Most of the technology transmits the image via HDMI - these are the ports that are used most often.

Response time

This parameter primarily depends on the type of matrix. It is very important for any gamer. The less this time, the faster the screen will react to user actions. Estimate the response time is easiest on the example of sports simulators. If this parameter is equal to five to seven seconds, then a white line will be left for the players or hockey players. If the response time is only two seconds, then you will not notice any artifacts.

If you do not consider yourself to be inveterate players, then this parameter should interest you least. As a rule, when watching movies, artifacts are not noticed, not to mention the usual work with the operating system.

Other factors of choice

Not all monitor buyers have enough quality picture display. Some people would like to get their hands on a device with advanced functionality. If you are from this group of consumers, we advise you to pay attention to the following parameters:

3D support - if you thought that only televisions have it, then we hasten to dissuade you. There are game monitors capable of displaying three-dimensional images using one or another technique. In particular, products with support for NVIDIA 3D Vision technology are very popular - they come complete (although not always) with shutter-type glasses. It is much more difficult to find a monitor with 3D support based on polarization technology.

Built-in TV tuner - they can have monitors with a fairly large screen. In fact, such a device can be considered a TV, sometimes shop owners have it in the relevant department. Such a monitor allows from time to time to be distracted from work, switching to watching TV. It may also have a Picture-in-Picture feature.

Appearance - This is also an important factor influencing the buyer's inclination to a particular model. If the monitor has a thin frame and a stylish stand, then the consumer will definitely want to buy this copy. We do not advise you to do so, but all other things being equal, you should still take note of the design.

Ability to mount the monitor on the wall - not every model has it. If you are not going to put the monitor on the table, then make sure you have the appropriate mounting.

Most Popular Monitor Manufacturers


Computer monitors, manufactured by Acer, a Taiwanese company, are very popular all over the world. This is explained by a very reasonable price tag. The product range of this manufacturer can be found as the simplest models, endowed with a low-resolution screen, and quite advanced, with a large number of connectors and great design.


ASUSTeK is better known for tablet computers and computer components. But from the conveyor of its plants and monitors go. A sufficiently large assortment allows consumers to choose a device for specific financial opportunities. If low-end models have a low resolution and a tiny diagonal, then the more expensive products can not be said. ASUS flagship monitors are asking for a computer desk - so impressive is their appearance.


Monitors from LG Electronics can not be called particularly cheap, but the maximum price tag on them usually do not hang. This can be said about the functionality, which is simplified only for budget products. If you do not save, then you can buy a version with a good design and a decent set of ports on the rear panel. And South Koreans have relied on 3D, working with the help of polarization technology. Monitors with a fairly large screen diagonal support it.


Headquarters of AOC International (Europe) B.V. located on the territory of Amsterdam.Products are distributed almost all over the world. Interestingly, a consumer electronics manufacturer based in Taiwan was founded in 1967. Now his monitors are in decent demand - this contributes to both low price and adequate performance. Although budget products rarely please buyers, what is to blame for the outdated matrix.


About the Taiwanese company BenQ, many of us first heard after buying it a mobile unit of Siemens. In fact, the consumer electronics manufacturer was founded in 1984. Laptops, peripherals and LCD monitors come off its conveyor. The best products can boast of 3D support, working with the help of shutter technology, as well as a nice design. Budget products are much less interesting - they are equipped with a low-resolution matrix and a minimum number of ports.


Samsung Electronics was founded in 1969. For all the time of its existence, it has produced a huge number of DVD-players, music players, laser printers, air conditioners and, of course, computer monitors. In the company's assortment, you can find both low-end devices and advanced models endowed with support for 3D shutter type.


The Dutch company Philips has long been not engaged in independent release of televisions and monitors. However, products under this brand are still coming off the assembly line of TP Vision factories. It should be noted that this company got all the technologies previously owned by the Dutch. In this regard, buyers rarely have complaints about their monitors.


ViewSonic tried to enter the Russian market soon after the collapse of the USSR. Its monitors (then they were created on the basis of a CRT) were in constant demand. Now under this brand available LCD monitors, the matrix of which is created by technology TN + film or IPS.


The American company Dell was founded in 1984. It is engaged in the production of computer equipment, including peripheral devices. Dell monitors can easily be found in offices and educational institutions in the United States and Canada. The company entered the European market relatively late, not to mention penetration of Russian retail into the counters. That is why Dell products are not very active in our country.

Common customer mistakes

Photo: tehnoshtuchki.com

If you decide to buy a monitor at random, then get ready for serious consequences! Cheap model can cause you almost disgust. This feeling will arise because of the minimum viewing angles - they will not allow to sit at the computer of a large company. Also, do not forget to check the monitor in the store for the presence of dead pixels. Even one such point can cause irritation.

Some buyers face a shortage of connectors. They purchased the monitor at the moment when it was necessary to connect to it only a computer. They did not think about the near future. As a result, the console or any other device had to be connected to a TV set or inconveniently to change the cable.

Another common problem is the purchase of a monitor with 3D support, when it is simply not needed. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether you are going to watch 3D movies in the future. If the answer is no, then the appropriate support will cost you too much - it is better not to overpay.

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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