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Literate choice heater

Cozy home only when it is warm

Competent choice of heater

Table of contents
  1. Additional features
  2. The best manufacturers of heaters
  3. Common customer mistakes

Rarely meet a man who does not like heat. Agree, it is much more convenient to wear light clothes at home, rather than cotton trousers, a knitted sweater and wool socks, trying to stop a shiver from the cold. In early autumn and late spring, as well as on cold summer evenings, when heating does not work, only a quality heater is able to save freezing people. How, you have not got such a useful device? Then we will help you make an informed choice.

Main selection criteria

Where do we start the search for the perfect option? Of course, with the main parameters that will help us rather decide.

Heater Type

  • Oil heaters similar to the classic battery, as they consist of several sections, while they are often equipped with wheels and operate on the network. They are quite ergonomic: they take up little space, do not require special care, consume a little electricity. The cost of such devices starts from 900 rubles. We do not recommend to buy such heaters in a house where there are small children and pets, as during work they get very hot and can burn curious researchers. In addition, oil heaters are not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity.
  • Convector heater - a more effective device that does not affect the composition of the air. It has a higher efficiency than other heaters. The convector can be installed on the floor and mounted on the wall. Such devices are able to function for days without overheating. If you want a reliable heater for your home or office, we recommend that you consider this option, because it has virtually no flaws. In addition, the process of its work can be programmed using a timer.
  • Infrared heaters emit infrared waves that heat the surfaces of objects and human skin, while not affecting the temperature and composition of air. Their main advantage is effective work in spacious rooms, where it is difficult to warm the air with conventional heaters, but when choosing, one should pay attention to the maximum area of ​​operation. If you are looking for a heater for a large room or bathroom, the infrared device will suit you perfectly.
  • Carbon Heaters - the most economical of all. By the principle of action and characteristics they are very similar to IR heaters, but at the same time consume even less electricity. At the same time, their efficiency is almost 2 times higher than that of oil heaters.
  • Fan heaters - the most compact of all, they create a stream of hot air. Perfect for warming your feet in a cold office or to speed up the drying of freshly washed clothes. Models are floor and table. Low cost and directional action - the advantages of such devices. However, they will be inefficient for heating rooms of more than 8-9m².
  • Ceramic Heaters most environmentally friendly, because they do not burn dust, respectively, the air remains clean and fresh. But the high cost and low efficiency make such models not the most popular on the market.

Photo: gooosha.ru

Heater power

The second important criterion is the power of the device. Even if you buy the most expensive ceramic heater with a power of 0.5 kW, it will not be able to heat even a room of 10 m².

To understand how much power you need, measure the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings in it. We will argue from the calculation of the standard height of 2.5 m.

  • Up to 6m² - 0.5 kW;
  • Up to 10m² - 0.75kW;
  • Up to 15m² - 1.25 kW;
  • Up to 18m² - 1.5kW;
  • Up to 25m² - 2kW.

Additional features

  • Timer will allow the most efficient use of electricity.Agree, it will not be very pleasant to see a large amount on the electricity bill at the end of the month, just because you forgot to turn off the heater several times when leaving for work.
  • Availability thermostat the heater has another useful function in everyday life. The thermostat will help the heater to maintain the desired temperature constantly: it will turn on and off automatically when the air temperature drops or reaches a certain level.
  • Wheels make life much easier for you, because moving a heater from room to room will be hard.
  • Several modes of operation will save electricity consumption. Agree, it is not always necessary to warm up the cold room quickly, sometimes it only takes a little to raise the temperature.

The best manufacturers of heaters

Since there are many types of heaters, and many manufacturers produce more than one type, we will focus on the cost of devices.

  • Economy class heaters can be purchased at prices ranging from 400 to 2000 rubles. In this range, it will be possible to choose thermal fans, oil, infrared, carbon heaters. You can safely buy products from companies like Timberk, Polaris, Ballu, VITEK, Bork, Rolsen, SUPRA.
  • The average price segment - from 2 to 5 thousand rubles - is represented, in the bulk, by convector and infrared heaters from the following manufacturers: Elecrolux, Vitesse, Timberk, Shivaki, NeoClima.
  • Heaters at a price higher than 5000 rubles, we attribute to the premium class. Here it is necessary to choose, basically, from devices of convector type. The leaders in this group are Noirot, Nobo, Shivaki, Electrolux, Stadler, Bork, Delonghi.

Common customer mistakes

  1. Buying a heater without a quality certificate can be threatened by short circuits, fires, etc. unpleasant things. The certificate confirms that the wires and materials meet the standards. If there is no certificate, then you should not rely on chance.
  2. Buying any other heater, besides a convector one, to a house with small children is a doubly rash act. They are the safest, although they are more expensive. But the health of children does not need to save.
  3. Heaters without a built-in fan warm up the room very slowly. If you do not want to wait forever, tapping your teeth against the cold, check with the seller the presence of a fan in the chosen model.

We wish you a happy shopping and warm family evenings at home!

Author: Julia Arkhipova 09.09.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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