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Literate choice air purifier

How not to overpay for an air purifier

Competent choice of air purifier

Table of contents
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Additional features
  3. Top Air Purifier Manufacturers
  4. Common mistakes when buying

Clean air in many Russian cities horrifies environmentalists, and especially the difficult situation with the composition of the air in metropolitan areas: try to hang out the washed white sheets on the balcony, and they will turn into gray dirty sheets that look disgusting, not like to sleep. And by this we breathe!

If you care about the health of your family, then you understand: buying an air purifier for a resident of a big city is a necessity. This device not only cleans the air of particles of dust and dirt, but also from pollen, neutralizes odors, kills viruses and bacteria. We will help you determine the most appropriate model.

Main selection criteria

Air Purifier Type

It depends on the features of the air cleaner what problems it fights best of all. Consider the most common types and their useful properties:

  • Electrostatic filtersdesigned to absorb dust. If your apartment is located near a busy highway or factory, and no one from your family suffers from asthma or allergies, then you can choose a model with this filter. It is easy to wash it, therefore it is necessary to buy replaceable infrequently.
  • HEPA filtersprovide a more thorough air cleaning, so they are suitable for allergies and asthmatics. You can clean them with a conventional vacuum cleaner, and change them 1-2 times a year.
  • Ionizersthey do not collect dust inside themselves, but make it settle on horizontal surfaces. Such cleaners are suitable for economical people: they do not require replacing filters, but the owner will have to wipe the dust in the house more often with his own hands.
  • Air washalso do not need to replace the filters, as they purify the air by passing it through the water suspension.


Most of the devices presented in the stores combine several functions at once, so you can purchase two devices in one. Here are some options for combining:

  • Purifier and humidifier (suitable for families with babies who need moist air);
  • Air purifiers with ozonation function kill all disease causing bacteria and viruses, decompose cigarette smoke particles and pollen (this is a find for people with weak immunity)
  • Photocatalytic air purifiers fight bacteria and fungus (a great option for rooms with high humidity).


The power of the device determines how much air it can clean. Before going to the store, measure your room, so as not to be mistaken with the purchase.

Photo: www.ochistitelvozduha.ru

Additional features

  • The timer will be useful to those who save energy or often forget to turn off the appliances, leaving the house.
  • Several modes will allow you to adjust the fan speed, which determines the performance and noise level. Convenient feature for those who have small children or a spouse with a sensitive sleep.
  • The pollution detector will increase the cost of the device, but will reduce its power consumption. The air cleaner will decide when to switch on, depending on the air pollution in the apartment.

Top Air Purifier Manufacturers

If you want to purchase the simplest, but at the same time high-quality model, then pay attention to the products of companies AirComfort, MARTA, Maxwell, ORIENT and AirTec.

If you need a deeper air purification and additional functionality, then you should choose from models of manufacturers such as NeoTec, Polaris, Vitesse, Timberk, Ecology Plus.

Common mistakes when buying

  1. If you are not ready to run around your air cleaner, like around a newborn child, do not buy air washing: they need to be cleaned manually once every 2-3 days. Also, you will not fit a humidifier: it needs to constantly pour water.
  2. Buying an air cleaner with replaceable filters can turn a poor student's life into a constant struggle for survival. If you are not ready to regularly buy expensive filters, it is better to buy an ionizer.
  3. Do not buy a cleaner until you decide where you put it. Some models require special conditions, such as exotic expensive and capricious animals. It is quite possible to get into a mess by buying a cleaner, which should stand at a height of 1.8m, in an apartment in the Japanese style, where there is no furniture with horizontal surfaces above the meter.
Author: Julia Arkhipova 26.08.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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