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How to choose the right punch - we guarantee it will be useful

How to choose a good punch

How to choose the right punch - we guarantee it will be useful

Table of contents
  1. Main rules of choice
  2. Completion and functionality
  3. Other factors of choice
  4. Most popular punch manufacturers
  5. Common customer mistakes

Using a quality assembled power tool is one sheer pleasure. Such a device will work stably for many years without requiring any serious maintenance. But you need to understand that the relevant stores are literally inundated with low-grade products. Typically, the consumer's eye falls on her. How to choose a good punch? This article will try to answer this question. We will give you some important tips, thanks to which you can get a great tool.

Main rules of choice

Focus on device power

The most important parameter of any punch is power. It can vary from 500 to 2500 watts. It must be remembered that it is impossible to increase power without increasing the size of the electric motor. In this regard, the largest copies can be compared with a jackhammer. It is easy to guess that an ordinary owner who is not a professional should not buy such a device. If you live in a brick house, then you are quite satisfied with a low-power drill. A slightly more powerful model is required only for drilling holes in the panel house. If you live in a "piece of wood", then you can restrict yourself to an ordinary drill.

Rate the shape of the punch

When visiting the store, you need to pay close attention to the shape of the punch. Such tools differ from electronic devices in their uniqueness. The trigger lock button can be located on the side, bottom or even on the back wall. Also, the perforator can be D-shaped. Usually it has powerful instances, the work with which causes certain difficulties. Do not forget to make sure that the instrument case has rubber pads - without them, your hands will be repulsed in an instant.

Focus on brand strength

If you choose a toaster, focusing only on the characteristics, then in the case of a puncher the brand is important. Make sure that there are service centers in your city that serve the products of this manufacturer. In this case, there will be a high probability that you simply will not need their services - power tools from eminent companies have increased reliability.

Completion and functionality

Photo: remontdetskoy.ru

Virtually all drills come with a plastic case, greatly simplifying transportation. The rest of the equipment may vary. Budget models are endowed with only one drill. If you need a hole of a different diameter, you will have to go to the store for a set of other drills. Not to mention the fact that the drill is not immune from emergency damage. Some rotary hammers have spare brushes for an electric motor. They also never hurt, as their separate purchase will cost a lot of money. Some other manufacturers are bundling an adapter for installing drill bits from a drill. If you have never had such a power tool - you should not think about an adapter.

As for the functional, in this regard, many perforators are equal. As mentioned above - only their power differs, because of which the tool may be able to provide one or another speed of rotation. This parameter is adjusted using a special wheel available on most models. But turning off the shock function is not available for every punch. If it is absent, the device is not recommended for drilling a brick wall. Not to mention that such a tool will not be able to tighten a handful of screws, even if you try to reduce the spindle speed.

Other factors of choice

Once again, you need to repeat that you need to pick up a punch for the planned work. It makes no sense to purchase a massive tool if you are going to carry out repairs only in your apartment. In this case, you fit any lightweight model, equipped with a standard handle and quick-release chuck. The latter allows you to quickly change the equipment, and this is very important in the case of attempts to use the device as a screwdriver.

If you buy a punch for professional repair or construction work, you will have to fork out. In this case, it is recommended to choose a model that has the support of many modern technologies. In particular, the antivibration system, which is available in devices with a D-shaped handle, will make work more comfortable. Also useful is the ability to protect against dust, putting on the drill.

Most popular punch manufacturers


The German group of companies Robert Bosch GmbH was founded back in 1886. In the early years of its existence, it was a modest workshop of electrical engineering and precision mechanics. Now this association is engaged in the production of automotive components, power tools and security systems. Bosch rotary hammers are renowned for their reliability. They are endowed with all modern technologies, especially when it comes to expensive models. Professionals in 150 countries make their choice in favor of this product.


Makita is a highly advertised brand. It is owned by the Japanese company Makita Corporation, founded in 1915. From the conveyor of its factories go various petrol and power tools. In particular, perforators are quite popular. The range of this company can be found as a professional model, and low cost devices. All of them have the support of modern technology and recognizable design.


The American company DeWALT was born in 1922. She is engaged in the production of various construction equipment. Power tools have a branded yellow-black design, due to which they can be easily distinguished from the products of competitors. The most popular DeWALT budget drills are designed for those who are engaged in repair from time to time. Present in the assortment of the company and professional models with enormous power.


Products under the brand Metabo produces a German company Metabowerke GmbH, which was born in 1924. In its assortment there are various power tools, including very good perforators. The choice in their favor is made by amateurs who need to repair their own housing. Professional products are in less demand.


The Japanese conglomerate Hitachi produces everything in a row - this is exactly what the impression is now. Take a look at the nearest construction site - with high probability you will find a Hitachi excavator on it. A huge number of drills from this company, which recently celebrated its centenary, are sold in hardware stores. Of course, these tools may have different power, which affects their purpose. Without exception, models are painted in green.


Power tools from Sturm have a controversial design. Some perforators are painted blue, while other models have a light green color. And it does not depend on the purpose of the device. The choice in favor of this product is most often made by novice workers who intend to test their strength in repair or construction.


The Russian company "Interskol" was founded almost immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Headquarters is located in Khimki. For all time of existence from the conveyor of the company more than 10 million power tools descended. Now such products can be found in any Russian construction store. About its quality says at least the fact that its part is produced at a factory in Spain, purchased in 2010.

Common customer mistakes

Photo: strport.ru

If you do not come to the choice of the tool with all the responsibility, then in the future you can face a lot of trouble. Most often, a punch simply fails - this happens with the cheapest devices. Remember that metal and high-quality plastic cost money, not to mention the motor itself. If the manufacturer offers a cheap punch, then he definitely saved on something. And this is sure to come back to you.

Also, unreasonable buyers are faced with the fact that working with the tool delivers certain inconveniences. And all due to the fact that they have acquired too powerful a device that is required only by professionals. In a word, use our advice - then you definitely will not complain about the puncher purchased!

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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