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Literate choice vacuum cleaner

Dust must be fought!

Proper selection of vacuum cleaner

Table of contents
  1. Dust collector type
  2. Filtration
  3. Power
  4. Type of cleaning
  5. Equipment
  6. Most Popular Manufacturers
  7. Common Customer Mistakes

Some people believe that every citizen of Russia already has vacuum cleaners. But statistics show that it is not. Until now, some Russians prefer to use a brush with a mop or even an ordinary broom. It's time to stop this! It’s hard to believe, but the vacuum cleaner does the cleaning much better than any hand tools! But it concerns only good models. Unfortunately, there are a lot of completely unworthy vacuum cleaners on store shelves, the purchase of which with joy in the eyes of the sales consultants impose. How not to fall for them? How to choose a vacuum cleaner that will be most convenient to use? All this will tell our article.

It should be noted that in this material only standard models of vacuum cleaners are considered. We do not mention the methods of choosing a car vacuum cleaner, as they are very different. Electric heaters with steam cleaners pass by, vacuum cleaners are not actually considered.

Dust collector type

Most of all, different models differ in the type of dust collector used. If before the dirt from the floor only got into the fabric bag, now devices have been created that have a different method for collecting dust.


The most inexpensive and practical dust collector is still the bag. However, be careful! Cheap models of vacuum cleaners can be endowed not with a cloth, but with a paper bag. Needless to say that it is easy to damage? If in a good way, then this package should be used as a one-time, the benefit of their kit can be found in any electronics store.

Interestingly, there is a paper bag and undeniable dignity. He does not pass through a speck of dust! You cannot say the same about fabric products - the smallest particles of dust theoretically make their way through them, quickly contaminating the filter, which will be discussed below. Also cloth dust collectors are very difficult to empty. Even such a bag from time to time needs to be washed, and it is difficult to call it hygienic, not to mention the fact that a washing machine may not like such a high volume of dirt. If you do not want to do this, then harmful bacteria and, quite possibly, even mites will begin to multiply in your vacuum cleaner. In short, a vacuum cleaner with a bag is cheaper than the others, but its use brings certain inconveniences.

Dust Container

And this is a more interesting option. Vacuum cleaners with a container are much more expensive, most often they are a little more noisy, but using them is much easier. Suffice it to recall that the container does not require replacement, it is easier to empty it, and instead of washing it requires light washing. If you are afraid of a high noise level, then you should look towards more expensive vacuum cleaners. On their so-called flagships, large manufacturers try various methods of sound absorption and the elimination of resonance, some of which work very well.

Water filter

And this is a relatively recent development. There is no container or bag in the water filter vacuum cleaner. In it there is only a container where water is poured. The air with dust passes over the water, after which all the dirt it contains remains. Such vacuum cleaners are not very noisy, but they also have drawbacks. First, such devices should not be turned over, especially during their work. Secondly, before cleaning you will have to look into the bathroom to fill the device with water. And some people may not like the large size of such a vacuum cleaner.


Previously, vacuum cleaners were not supplied with any filtration system.In this regard, no one was surprised that the device spits out a cloud of dust when it starts up. Now it’s harder to imagine. Even in the cheapest model there is a semblance of a filter in the form of a foam pad. Another thing is that he practically does not fulfill his duties.

If at least one allergic person lives in your family, then it is necessary to choose a vacuum cleaner with a quality filter. As a rule, the best thing is that fine dust particles are delayed by the HEPA filter, which will have to be changed from time to time. A set of such filters is usually packaged with a vacuum cleaner that supports them. But even in this case, you will ever have to visit an electronics store to purchase additional filters.

If you want to achieve the complete elimination of dust and allergens, then you will have to consider buying the already mentioned vacuum cleaner with a water filter. Only such a device detains more than 99.9% of dust.


Some consumers believe that they must purchase the most powerful vacuum cleaner. We hurry to warn you, high power may be a disadvantage of your chosen model. The fact is that manufacturers usually achieve an increase in this parameter by increasing the size of the engine. From this follows the fact that such vacuum cleaners take up a lot of space and make much more noise. Do you need it? Not to mention the fact that high power will necessarily affect the bills for electricity. The funny thing is that some owners of vacuum cleaners almost never use full power - most often they use a less “intake” mode, in which the appliance produces less noise and still cope with its duties.

Focus on power depending on the coverage of your floor. If parquet is laid in your apartment, even the weakest vacuum cleaner will cope with its cleaning. Greater suction power is required only if you have carpets. And you should definitely pay attention to this option if you live in an apartment of cats or dogs.

Type of cleaning

The first vacuum cleaners worked very simply. Their motor spun the spiral, resulting in an air flow that sucked all the dirt into the device. Now the situation has changed. And if the design of the engine should not interest you, then you can think about supporting wet cleaning.

Most vacuum cleaners only offer dry cleaning. It represents the most simplified process - you drive the floor with a brush, and she tries to collect dust, hair and other contaminants. Then all this flies away in a bag, container or container with water. But there are instances that allow wet cleaning. They allow you to forget that the floor after using a vacuum cleaner should also be washed. It would seem the dream of any hostess! However, such devices have a number of undeniable drawbacks:

  • The washing vacuum cleaner has a large size, and therefore its purchase in small one-room apartments is not recommended.
  • They can not make the appropriate cleaning in rooms with linoleum or other smooth surface - have to use the normal mode.
  • Most often, washing vacuum cleaners emit an increased noise level, which not every buyer will like either.

Perhaps, to recommend the purchase of this type of home appliances is only allergic. No matter how powerful the vacuum cleaner is, the smallest particles of dirt in carpets and paths still remain. If an ordinary person doesn’t react to them, then a person with allergies may have a runny nose or sneezing. And you can not even understand what exactly it caused! Washing vacuum cleaner allows, if not to solve this problem, then greatly reduce the likelihood of its occurrence. If he doesn’t have enough power to suck up all the dust, he will nail the smallest of them to the depth of the carpet with water.

Of course, you can always wash the floor yourself! If you think that this occupation does not give you any special trouble, then you can not even consider washing a vacuum cleaner.


The last selection criterion is difficult to overestimate. Be sure to appreciate the complete set of the vacuum cleaner! To do this, you can contact the seller-consultant or look at the technical specifications - they usually indicate what exactly the buyer will receive. As a rule, a variety of attachments should be supplied with the vacuum cleaner. Their number varies from two to six - the larger user is usually not needed.

  • Crevice nozzle present in the vast majority of complete sets. It is a small tube, one end of which is very narrowed. This allows her to squeeze into different angles. It can also clean the battery. In short, a useful thing, without which it is difficult to do.
  • Turbo brush designed for high-quality cleaning of carpets and furniture from wool, hair, poplar fluff and other debris. This brush rotates - this is due to the flow of air passing through it. Due to this rotation on the floor or furniture there is not a single hair. The disadvantage of the turbo brush is some reduction in suction power.
  • Oval brush has a short tin pile. She should clean vertical textile surfaces (curtains, wall hangings) and upholstered furniture.
  • Round brush Ideal for cleaning complex surfaces, such as ceiling or moldings, as well as furniture with carved patterns and fancy handles. Another such nozzle you can walk through the bookcase. The brush has a long soft bristle, so it is almost impossible to cause damage to something.
  • Brush with natural bristles does not interfere with the owners of expensive flooring - laminate, parquet or even artificial stone. Such a nozzle will remove any dirt, and you will be sure that it will not leave marks on the surface in the form of scratches.
  • Power brush similar to the traditional turbo brush. The only difference is that it is in no way connected with the air flow. The rotation of it provides, as is easy to guess, an electric current. The advantage of such a nozzle is less noise, which it makes. It also does not reduce the suction power. However, it is noticeably heavier than a conventional turbo brush. The manufacturer does not recommend using a similar nozzle for cleaning carpets that have a pile longer than 1.5 cm.

Photo: bt-test.ru

Most Popular Manufacturers

If you remember all the companies involved in the design and creation of vacuum cleaners, you can easily get lost with the bill. This type of home appliances has gained such popularity that it began to be produced in almost every country. Of course, high-quality devices are created only by a few firms. If you do not want to scratch the floor or finish cleaning with a broom in your hand, it is better to focus on their products.

Luxury vacuum cleaners are made in Italy. For example, products Krausen boasts a powerful engine and the presence of elektrovybivalki! BUT EuroFlex by all means trying to achieve the minimum size of a vacuum cleaner with a water filter. It is a pity that in our country the device from these companies is almost impossible to find.

But in the Russian retail there is a huge amount of equipment from Electrolux. It costs, as a rule, not very expensive, but serves for years. In the assortment of the Swedish giant there are even rechargeable vacuum cleaners, about which not a word is written in this article. The fact is that such devices are far from ideal. You understand that no battery is enough to provide a huge suction power.

We also recommend that you look at the products. Samsung, Bosch, Bork and Philips. Their vacuum cleaners are present in any price segment. However, we hope that you will not look in the direction of devices whose cost is less than five thousand rubles. The fact is that the budget products of these and other companies are endowed with an extremely unreliable electric motor.Such a motor can easily break. In most cases, this occurs after the expiration of the warranty period, which in such models does not exceed 1 year.

Common Customer Mistakes

In the vastness of the global web, you can find a lot of angry reviews that buyers leave vacuum cleaners. Often people complain about the large size of the device. Sometimes they are not conditioned by anything - much less often the creators increase the dimensions for the sake of supplying the vacuum cleaner with a compartment for nozzles.

More consumers complain about the noise generated by the vacuum cleaner. This applies to buyers of about half of the models on the Russian market. It so happens that any manufacturer saves most often on noise insulation and engine.

Slightly less buyers complain about insufficient power. The fact is that there is no ideal in this regard. You can understand that the suction power is not enough only if you immediately compare your purchase with a more powerful unit. We recommend purchasing the “golden mean” - vacuum cleaners with medium power. So you will be satisfied with the suction power, and you will not go broke on your electricity bills.

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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