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Literate choice vacuum cleaner

Forget about the dusty apartment!

Competent selection of the robot vacuum cleaner

Table of contents
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Additional selection criteria
  3. Most Popular Manufacturers
  4. Common customer mistakes

A few years ago, many of us were convinced that the robot vacuum cleaner is just an expensive toy that doesn’t carry any benefit. However, with the improvement of these unusual devices, those wishing to purchase such a gadget are becoming more and more every day. And it is not surprising, because a robotic assistant can independently move around the room, avoiding any obstacles and collecting garbage. Robot vacuum cleaner is indispensable for those who do not want to waste their valuable time cleaning. The main thing is to choose the right model, and then even the high cost of the device will not be an obstacle to its acquisition.

Main selection criteria

Cleaning area

The area intended for cleaning is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the maximum cleaning area in the technical passport. You can also define this parameter yourself. To do this, you need to subtract 10 from the time of the vacuum cleaner in minutes. The result will be the area that the robot vacuum cleaner can process efficiently without recharging.

Cleaning brushes

  • Robot vacuum cleaners are equipped with two or three brushes. Side brush collects large debris and moves it to the main. Well, if the device has two side brushes at once. Due to the additional thrust, while rotating towards each other, they will qualitatively remove any garbage.
  • The main brushes collect both small and large debris and move it to the dust collector.
  • It is equally important to pay attention to the brushes themselves and evaluate how comfortable they will be in operation.

Volume and type of waste bin

  • View. Robots, as well as traditional vacuum cleaners, can be equipped with a conventional bag, an aqua filter and a container. The bag dust collector most often meets at the simplest models. Cyclone filters (containers) create less noise and are easier to remove debris. Models with aqua-filter are much more expensive and are quite rare, but they do an excellent job with any pollution.
  • Volume The standard size of the garbage can is from 0.25 to 1 l. But it should be borne in mind that models with a dust collector capacity of less than 0.3 liters will have to be cleaned quite often, so they are only suitable for cleaning small rooms with an area of ​​up to 50 m2.

Additional selection criteria

  • Overcoming obstacles. Many in vain underestimate this important parameter. But what quality of cleaning can we talk about if the vacuum cleaner gets stuck at every corner? Therefore, it is important to pay attention to how the vacuum cleaner overcomes obstacles.
  • Movement speedThe speed will depend on how quickly the robot will cope with their work. Unfortunately,nothing is written about this in the instructions, so you can only estimate the speed of the vacuum cleaner when it is turned on. It is also important to pay attention to the movement patterns that the robot uses during operation. Some intellectual assistants move erratically, others build a room map and move only along it.
  • Cleaning time. This indicator determines how long one cleaning cycle will last. As a rule, it ranges from 40 minutes to 4 hours.
  • Soft touch mode. Many models are equipped with a springy bumper, softening the blows in a collision. But if there is a large number of fragile items indoors, it is better to give preference to vacuum cleaners with a soft-touch function. Such models have special sensors, due to which they are suspended when approaching obstacles.
  • Cleaning schedule. This mode can be very useful for those who are often away.In this case, you only need to create a cleaning schedule, and the robot will independently start cleaning and return for recharging.
  • Power. In the case of vacuum cleaning robots, this parameter is not critical. The quality of cleaning in “smart assistants” is determined, first of all, by brushes that collect garbage.
  • Filtration system. Since the cleaning is carried out with the help of brushes, much less dust will get into the air, but you still cannot do without a filtration system. Therefore, it is necessary to check the presence of the HEPA filter.
  • Battery. It is better not to buy a model with a Ni-Mh battery, because after 6-12 months it may be necessary to replace the battery. Much longer the robot vacuum cleaner will work on the basis of a Li-Ion battery.

Most Popular Manufacturers

  • Among the most popular manufacturers are such brands as: iRobot, YUJIN ROBOT, NEATO ROBOTICS and ROBZONE. The products of these brands are of high quality and long service life.
  • In the hotel category, you can select the robot-vacuum cleaners from well-known companies such as: Philips, Samsung, Karcher, LG. Although these manufacturers do not specialize in the production of such intelligent gadgets, they have quite good models in their assortment.
  • Smart technology from Chinese manufacturers Deebot, xRobot, Clever & clean, Panda, LRobot and some others have a low price, but often fails very quickly and cannot boast of a good quality of cleaning.

Common customer mistakes

  1. Not all robot vacuum cleaners are able to clean up the corners. Even the square form does not guarantee complete cleaning of the insidious dust in inaccessible places, so it is better to give preference to the model that has two side brushes at once.
  2. Equipping a vacuum cleaner with a UV lamp, supposedly designed to kill bacteria and microorganisms, is nothing more than a marketing ploy. It is better to give preference to a quality model from a proven brand.
  3. Many manufacturers, instead of a multi-layer HEPA filter, install thin, almost paper filters in vacuum cleaners that only partially keep dust.

It is a mistake to think that a robot vacuum cleaner will be able to fully charge the premises to its smart shoulders. There will still be places in the apartment where the little helper will not be able to penetrate, but he will greatly facilitate daily cleaning and allow the house to be kept clean.

Author: Olga Chernaya 24.09.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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