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Literate choice juicers

Without juice, do not imagine a healthy diet

Competent selection of juicers

Table of contents
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Additional functionality
  3. Popular Juicer Manufacturers
  4. Common customer mistakes

A glass of fresh orange juice and crispy croissants for breakfast ... tempting, isn't it? Tired of being surprised at the number of unfamiliar words in modern juices? Treat yourself to a natural drink, squeezed before your eyes and preserve all the vitamins - buy a juicer.

The only problem is the choice among many models, which, at first glance, seem to differ only in price. However, things are not so simple. We will tell you how to choose a quality juicer, without spending half the family budget.

Main selection criteria

In order for the new juicer not to gather dust on the mezzanine, you need to choose it according to your own needs, rather than luring out on a bright color or an extremely low price. So, we will consider the main criteria that will help us narrow the range to several models that suit you the most.

What juices will you cook?

If you are an ardent fan of orange or grapefruit juice that does not recognize any other drinks, then you should pay attention to citrus juicers. When choosing such a model, be sure to pay attention to:

  • Device power: the higher the rate, the faster the spin will be made.
  • Capacity volume for juice: it varies from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. The smaller the person in your family, the less volume you will need. Do not be greedy: freshly squeezed juice retains vitamins only for 15 minutes, so it is not prepared for future use.

If you want to try the whole range of tastes of freshly squeezed drinks, then it is better to purchase a universal juicer. Undoubtedly, such models will cost more than their counterparts for citrus, but at the same time they will be able to squeeze the juice even from young carrots. If you decide to buy a universal device, specify the information on:

  • Existence of function of removal of pulp from a separator. If not, then you will have to do it manually.
  • The shape of the separator. There are two of them: conical and cylindrical. It is better to take a juicer with a cylindrical separator, as it gives more juice by about 30%.

How often will you prepare juices?

If you buy a juicer to enjoy a glass of tasty drink every morning or lunch, then you should not spend money on a super-powerful device - a universal device with a capacity of 250-300 W is quite suitable for you.

If you have a vegetable garden, and from summer to autumn your juicer will work to its fullest almost without switching off, then it will be more profitable to spend money on a more powerful model - about 500 watts. It will last longer and will work much faster.

Does your kitchen have enough space for another appliance?

The compactness of kitchen appliances is far from the last characteristic. The modern dominance of high-tech gadgets for housewives and cooks sometimes turns the kitchen into an impassable jungle. If your kitchen is already filled with household utensils of different caliber, then you should get a more compact model without a built-in juice container.

If there is still enough space in your kitchen for dancing to the music while cooking your favorite dishes, then there will definitely be enough space for a larger juicer, which will, by the way, be much more convenient to use.

Additional functionality

Of course, manufacturers of juicers do not stand apart from technological progress, so even the most inexpensive models sometimes have a set of functions that a Soviet industrial computer could envy. Which of them will be useful to you, and which - not very, you decide. Our business is to tell you about them.

  • A variety of nozzles that are included in the kit, allow you to squeeze the juice from both large fruits and vegetables, and from small ones; Nozzles can also affect the quantity and consistency of the finished juice. If you like variety, it is better to choose a model with a lot of extra tips.
  • The lever for fixing the fruit fully automates the process of pressing - you do not even have to make any additional effort.
  • The reverse is a function of reverse rotation of the nozzle, which serves for more efficient pressing and obtaining a homogeneous consistency of juice. If you are used to squeeze every last drop, then you can not do without reverse.
  • The system of regulating the amount of pulp in the juice will help you to prepare the juice of such consistency and thickness as you like. Without such a system to get a translucent juice you just will not work.
  • Direct flow of liquid into the glass will appeal to those who do not like to wash the dishes. In addition, you will not be afraid of a crack on a standard container, which will be difficult to replace in this case.
  • The included capacity for juice with millimeter divisions will be useful to fans to mix cocktails according to original recipes.

Popular Juicer Manufacturers

In order not to be trapped, choosing the unknown model where the assembled model is, it is better to trust trusted brands. Juicers which manufacturers are now in demand in the Russian market? The most different - depending on the price segment.

Juicers from 8 thousand rubles

Expensive devices of such brands as Cuchen, Omega and Coway made of steel of the highest quality and are called auger. Such models produce the most delicious juice of a uniform consistency without foam. They have useful functions in everyday life: self-cleaning system, silent mode, and automatic shutdown.

Juicers from 4 to 8 thousand rubles

The most popular brands in the middle price segment are Krups, Panasonic and Bosch. The models of these companies are distinguished by stylish design, high-quality durable materials and a large number of various functions and tips. For example, the model Panasonic MJ-DJ31 with a capacity of 800 watts is able to squeeze juice even from whole fruits.

Juicers up to 4000 rubles

If you want to save, but do not lose in the quality of the purchased product, then you should pay attention to the following manufacturers: Scarlett, Maxwell, SUPRA and Kenwood. Despite the low cost, they have all the necessary functions (the mode of adjusting the level of pulp, reverse and other modes). The only drawback of such models is the average power and plastic case. On the other hand, if you do not plan to use it too often for squeezing hard vegetables, then an inexpensive juicer will serve you well.

Common customer mistakes

We want to warn you against a bad choice, revealing to you the three most important mistakes that customers make without having to devote enough time to a thoughtful selection of a juicer. If you do not want to then rush through the service centers with a brand new broken juicer under your arm, take a couple of minutes to familiarize yourself with the mistakes of your careless predecessors.

  • Purchase a narrow neck juicer condemn you to everlasting shred even small fruits and vegetables. By the way, a narrow neck is also a sign of low power: the manufacturer deliberately puts such a detail if the device is not able to cope with large pieces. Do you need it?
  • Buyers do not read the instructions. In today's market there are such models that simply can not operate continuously for more than 5-10 minutes. The recommended operation mode is specified in the product specifications (for example, 10 after 10 - 10 minutes of operation and 10 minutes of cooling). If you want to make blanks, then buy a juicer that will last longer.
  • Purchase a juicer with a lid and a container of thin plastic. When choosing a product in the store, feel all the plastic elements.If they seem too fragile, we advise you to look for a more reliable model, either with a thicker plastic or without plastic parts at all. The fact is that during operation, the juicers can vibrate quite strongly, and not every plastic cover can withstand such a mode of operation without the appearance of cracks.

So, you are now more savvy in the selection of high-quality juicers. To become a real expert, before going to the store, we advise you to choose the three most suitable models for you and read reviews about them on the Internet. Believe me, it is better to put aside all risky options in advance so that you do not bite your elbows because of the money thrown away.

Author: Julia Arkhipova 24.08.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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