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How to choose the right washing machine - we guarantee it will be useful

How to choose a good washing machine

How to choose the right washing machine - we guarantee it will be useful

Table of contents
  1. Download type
  2. Dimensions
  3. Built-in washing machines
  4. Engine and capacity
  5. Other selection criteria
  6. Most Popular Manufacturers

Many people think that choosing a washing machine is possible without much difficulty. After all, almost all of them are the same - only the design and the price tag differ. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. There are several types of washing machines. They may have a different number of automatic modes. Finally, the engine is different. In short, not everything is so simple.

This article will help you choose a decent washing machine. After reading it, you will understand what specifications you should pay attention to and what questions to ask the seller-consultant. A home appliance bought after that will please you with every wash. And it will definitely serve for many years.

Download type

There are two common types of washing machines. To the first belong instruments with vertical loading. During Soviet times, they were the most popular. The laundry is loaded on top of them, which is why a washing machine cannot be used as a stand for shampoos, powder or other things. Now similar devices are made less and less. However, the assortment of each large company necessarily includes at least a couple of washing machines with a vertical load. Their main advantage is the minimum dimensions, such a unit can fit anywhere.

Much more popular now are front-loading machines. The linen in that case is put in the special hatch possessing a glass door. Additional space is required to open it - this should be remembered. In terms of reliability, such washing machines are not inferior to their frontal sisters, and the washing quality is not much better for them. Some models have at their disposal a removable top cover - this allows you to use the device in the kitchen, putting it on the countertop.


Photo: domashniy-ray.ru

Almost all front-loading washing machines have a width of 60 cm and a height of 85 cm. In some models, only the depth is different. If you live in a small apartment, then you have to buy a narrow washing machine. If you have enough space, then you can rely on standard dimensions, in this case the device will be more spacious.

There are unusual washing machines, the height of which differs in the smaller or larger side from the standard parameter. In particular, there are options with a height of only about 70 cm. Usually they are bought in order to put a certain type under the sink. Well, top-loading washing machines are not so diverse. Usually their height is from 85 to 90 cm, and the width and depth are 40 and 60 cm, respectively. Exceptions happen, but extremely rarely.

The best way to start choosing a washing machine is to measure the space allotted to it. So you immediately exclude those models that simply do not fit into your kitchen or bathroom.

Built-in washing machines

You must have heard about embedded appliances. This is a special type of appliances, due to which a certain amount of space is freed up in the kitchen. This type of equipment is disguised as furniture - a tabletop is placed on top, and the front part has a hinged cover. All this makes the kitchen aesthetically attractive, all appliances fit perfectly into the interior.

Embedded washing machines are no different from their standard counterparts, with the exception of appearance. They necessarily have a replaceable top cover, so that instead of it you can put a tabletop.The front panel of the device is most often supplemented with a separate lid, so that the washing machine does not stand out against the background of the same cabinet or refrigerator. If you do not have a single built-in appliance in the kitchen, then you do not need a washing machine of this type.

Engine and capacity

Any front-loading washing machine is able to spin. To do this, the drum spins up to a very high speed, and further work remains for centrifugal force. She literally squeezes out a drop of moisture from the laundry that has squeezed into the walls of the drum. The more powerful the motor, the faster the drum spins up. Most often, the user selects spin at 800 rpm. A washing machine with support for greater rotational speed of the drum is required only if for some reason you have very little time for drying.

Now there are several common engines that are endowed with washing machines. The greatest interest should cause the inverter motor. It has a high efficiency and a large operational resource (over 6 years). And it works quieter than any collector engine. Such motors are able to rotate the drum, guided by any algorithms. Equipped with this engine machine offers a large number of programs.

The rotor of the motor is usually connected to the drum with a special belt. Unfortunately, this element may break after a few years, which will force you to contact a service center. This problem is deprived of the direct drive engine. The drum in this case is its continuation - all kinds of intermediaries are simply absent. Similar motors work even more silently, the efficiency increases even more, and the term of operation can reach 10 years.

The capacity of the washing machine is measured in kilograms of dry laundry. The average device can hold up to 6 kg of all kinds of clothing. There are less roomy models - they are much cheaper. And there are real monsters that load up to 8 kg of linen. And this is not yet mentioned washing machines used in laundries. Their capacity is one and a half to two times higher, and the price for this is accounted for by the large size of the device.

Other selection criteria

Photo: bt-test.ru

Control type

Mechanically controlled now have only washing machines with a vertical load, and even then by no means all. The overwhelming majority of other models used electronic-mechanical control. This is when all sorts of rotary knobs and buttons are used, although in reality all information is processed by electronics. This principle of management is most convenient, anyone can get used to it. While this cannot be said about some expensive washing machines that use electronic control - all information must be entered using the touchscreen LCD.

Wash programs

All appliances have a different number of washing modes. Sometimes manufacturers in their advertising campaigns even begin to brag about their number. But in fact, it is worth paying attention to this parameter only if you regularly wash non-standard fabrics. And absolutely any machine will cope with the washing of ordinary linen and clothes. It is advisable to make sure only the presence of the program "Children's clothes" - when using it, the device rinses the laundry much more actively. This eliminates all traces of powder, so that the child’s skin will not be allergic. Sometimes this mode is replaced or supplemented by the "Super Rinse" program.


If there is no place for drying clothes in your apartment, then you will have to fork out for a more expensive washing machine. But it will be endowed with built-in drying. All things after washing in this case remain inside the unit. There they dry under the influence of hot air. However, it should be noted that this function will work adequately only in the case of a half load of the capacity indicated on the washing machine. You should also prepare for increased power consumption.

Noise level

The technical characteristics of any washing machine indicates the noise level.This is a very important parameter, because unknowingly, some people acquire terribly noisy specimens. Such devices are well heard even from another room. The least noise is made by the cars with vertical loading and those models in which the direct-drive engine is integrated. Most sounds are made during spinning - because at such moments the drum rotates at a very high speed.

Color and design

Perhaps the coloring and appearance of the washing machine should be guided in the least. Although you have the right to decide to buy a custom device, painted in blue, silver or red. It all depends on the interior in the room where you will install the item you purchased.

Most Popular Manufacturers


The Italian company Indesit is one of the largest manufacturers of household appliances in Europe. She owns not only her own brand, but also Scholtes, Hotpoint-Ariston, Prime and Aqualtis. Indesit washing machines have a very high build quality. Most often, their engine extends a long warranty. The electronic part of the machines is endowed with very wide functionality.


The German company Robert Bosch GmbH was founded back in 1886. Since then, she has produced a huge number of electrical appliances. The whole technique is distinguished by the traditional German quality and recognizable design. The greatest profit of the corporation is the creation of power tools, construction equipment and automotive components. Bosch home appliances are also known around the world.


The South Korean company LG Group was founded in 1947, shortly after the end of the Second World War. It was originally called Lak Hui Chemical Industries. The abbreviation of the name to LG occurred only after the merger with Goldstar. Now the financial and industrial group is engaged in various fields. Household appliances - this is only one of the directions, bringing not the greatest profit. Perhaps, LG washing machines have the best ratio in terms of quality and price.


The South Korean brand Samsung is now best known for smartphones and tablets. However, the company over the years of its existence (founded in 1938) managed to produce a huge amount of equipment, as well as go into the chemical and financial industries. You can find Samsung washing machines in stores. They are not distinguished by the highest price and a good set of automatic modes. The company also has instruments with non-standard hull colors.


The Swedish company Electrolux was born in 1919. Her whole story is the absorption of many other brands. That is how Electrolux became the largest manufacturer of household appliances. It consists of 52 thousand employees. The products created by the company are distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity - electronics offers a large number of programs, and thoughtful protection will not allow harm to the owner or his children.


The Italian group of companies Candy Group began its history in 1945. At first it was a mechanical workshop. The production of household appliances started only in 1970. The first washing machines appeared only 15 years later. But now the products of this company are distributed throughout Europe. Also, the Italians bought the manufacturer Vyatka washing machines.


Slovenian company Gorenje was founded in 1950. In the post-war period, the population of the country required agricultural equipment, and it was the new enterprise that was engaged in its production. Only a few years later started designing household appliances. Now about 95% of Gorenje products are exported - you can find washing machines of this company in our country.


Initially, Hotpoint and Ariston were separate brands - it is quite possible that someone still has the appropriate washing machines or refrigerators. In 2007, these brands were merged. Products under the Hotpoint-Ariston brand are manufactured by Indesit - it is distinguished by a low price tag and simplified management.


The BEKO trademark belongs to the Turkish company Koç Holding Durable Goods Group.It was created at the time when the Turkish corporation entered foreign markets. Now under this brand a large number of various household appliances is produced. BEKO washing machines have a simplified design and low price tag.


Among the operating German companies Siemens is one of the oldest. This company was founded in 1847. The Germans are actively working on the production of electrical engineering, medical equipment and even railway transport. Therefore, it is not surprising that their washing machines are endowed with high-quality electronics, and the service life of such appliances can reach one and a half decades. The disadvantage of Siemens technology is only the high cost.


The foundation of the Whirlpool Corporation took place in November 1911. Throughout the years of its existence, the American company has been working to improve washing machines, although its range also includes other household appliances. The company earns the most money in the US and Canadian markets. In our country, finding washing machines Whirlpool is much more difficult. And in terms of cost, they will be inferior to similar competitors brought to the store not from overseas.

Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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