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Literate choice water heater

How not to get burned on the choice of water heater

Competent choice of water heater

Table of contents
  1. Main selection criteria
  2. Number of heaters
  3. Performance
  4. Housing and management
  5. Popular water heater manufacturers
  6. Common Customer Mistakes

Buying a water heater may be required for several reasons. The first is that the dwelling is simply not connected to the hot water supply. This is quite possible when living in a village or a small city that is not the center of a region, province or republic. The second reason is that you are tired of the hot water shutdown that occurs every summer. Of course, an expensive water heater in this case should not be bought, because you will use it for a short time.

Modern water heaters are divided into several varieties. Each model has a specific set of features. All this makes the choice of such a device extremely difficult. But it will be noticeably easier if you read this article. We will try to talk about how water heaters differ from each other. You will receive some important tips that you must remember when visiting the store.

Main selection criteria

Power source

First of all, you need to understand with what energy source water will be heated. Most logical device for this use gas. After all, tariffs for its consumption are significantly lower than for consumed electricity. But not everything is so simple. Installation of a gas water heater is associated with a lot of difficulties. After all, even the installation of a gas stove requires calling an employee of the relevant company. Here it is necessary not only to block the gas, but also to carry out new pipes. Not only for gas, but also for additional ventilation, which plays the role of a chimney. All this takes time and costs. Not to mention the fact that not all gas water heaters perfectly cope with their task. Budget models can take long hours to heat water, so they cannot be used for showering immediately after washing large quantities of dishes. In short, the gas model is rarely useful in urban environments. But it will be the perfect choice for a country building - just do not save much.

Electric water heaters are much easier to operate and install. Most often they are connected to a single-phase network (220 volts), which makes them the best candidate for installation in a city apartment. There are also devices that require a three-phase grid (380 volts). Usually it is necessary only for the most powerful water heaters. You should buy such a monster only if you use it constantly. And if you are sure that your home in the next decade is not exactly connected to hot water. But it should be remembered that such devices are strongly reflected in electricity bills.

If your choice fell on an electric water heater, then you should decide on its power. The higher this parameter, the faster the water will heat up, but the greater the load on the grid. In old town houses it is not recommended to install a device whose power is higher than 5 kW. And do not forget to make sure that you have a good electrical wiring, a new counter and a few "automata" in the panel! As for suburban housing built from scratch, then everything, again, depends on the wiring you use. If you are sure that it will withstand ultra-high load, then you can not limit yourself in anything.

Type of water heater

The most popular are storage water heaters. They are a relatively large container in which water accumulates and gradually heats up. If you use up all the accumulated water, you will have to wait several hours with hot water.That is why when choosing a storage water heater, special attention should be paid to its volume. You need to understand that only such devices provide water of the temperature that you need. The disadvantage of such devices is their size - in some bathrooms or toilets the most bulky copies simply won't fit. There are no problems only in country buildings with a large area.

Instantaneous water heaters are less popular. Their main advantage is the small size. Unfortunately, this list of advantages is exhausted. Not a single flow device will provide you with the maximum temperature water - it simply does not have time to heat up when moving inside it. Also, models of this type consume much more electricity. However, this water heater works only at the moment when you take a shower or wash dishes. The rest of the time, the device is inactive, without consuming extra electricity. And the storage water heater is switched on from time to time, trying to maintain a certain temperature. It is impossible to deny only that the flow-through instance causes a greater load on the network - most models have a capacity of 6 kW or more. In general, the instantaneous water heater should be bought with a lack of free space. You will have to accept the fact that most often the water temperature will be relatively low, and therefore you will be able to just wash the dishes, but not to take a hot bath or shower.

Type of attachment

Water heaters are most often hung on the wall. But this is not the only type of attachment. After all, expensive storage devices have a huge amount, and therefore their weight with water can reach huge values. The wall in this case can simply not stand. That is why such water heaters can be not only wall-mounted, but also floor-standing. The volume of such devices is capable of reaching 150 liters, which allows them to be used not only in residential apartments, but also in some commercial objects.

And there are still embedded water heaters. They are installed directly under the sink, so that such a device does not sore eyes in the toilet or bathroom. However, the volume of such a device is strictly limited - it is impossible to build a 100-liter tank under the sink.

Photo: remontistroyka.org

Number of heaters

If you choose a storage water heater, be sure to pay attention to how many heaters the device is equipped with. Most models can boast only one heater. In this case, the automatic controls the strength of its heating. In economy mode, less electricity is supplied, as there is enough of it to maintain the desired temperature. More power is required only at those times when the tank is empty, which requires heating of the new water.

If you are going to use hot water in large quantities, it is better to look for a model with two heating elements. In this case, the economy mode will use only one heating element, while the second is connected in difficult times when fast heating of the incoming water is required. A model with two heating elements will cope with its task much faster. You can not be afraid that the soul will have to stop at the most unexpected moment.


This parameter is directly dependent on power. Accumulative and flow-through devices capable of delivering water with a pressure of from 0 to 9 liters per minute. Non-pressure models are used in country houses, often complete with a shower head supplied. Such devices are not able to distribute water to several output points, so in the kitchen you will have to forget about hot water.

Non-zero performance requires additional power consumption. Most strongly depend on power instantaneous water heaters. If such a device consumes less than 5 kW, it produces less than three liters of water per minute. This is barely enough to wash dishes.A little more power allows the device to produce 3-4 liters of hot water per minute - this is quite enough for taking a shower. If the power reaches 12-20 kW, then there is enough water to solve any problems, including its simultaneous output in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Cumulative copies depend on power to a lesser extent. 2 kW of electricity is usually more than enough to output hot water in any volume.

Housing and management

When choosing a water heater should pay attention to its design. As a rule, such devices rarely make beautiful. Attractiveness should be expected only if you choose a floor model for a business or commercial company. Otherwise, you will definitely get a device with a body painted in white. Another thing - what will be created from the tank.

Low cost models have a plastic tank. This is the worst option, since the environmental friendliness of this decision is a big question. Yes, and such a water heater just will not be reliable, after three or four years it will have to be changed. More expensive devices have at their disposal a tank made of glass-ceramic. This is one of the best options. There are also stainless steel tanks with a coating in the form of ordinary or titanium enamel. However, it should be remembered that the water in the tank will be 24 hours a day. In this regard, over the years, welding seams will in any case be subject to corrosion. To slow down this process, some manufacturers put an anode rod inside the tank. The user can only change it every 5-7 years.

If your water supply is variable pressure, it is recommended to purchase a water heater with a safety valve. It will keep the device safe and sound if the pressure rises to 8 atmospheres or even a higher parameter. Also note the type of device control. Gas water heaters have only electronic control, which is not always convenient. Electric sometimes have a hydraulic system - automatic controls various parameters, focusing on the pressure of water, its temperature and some other characteristics. If you want to fully control the operation of the device, then look for a model with the maximum number of indicators. Then you will know the strength of the flow of water, its temperature, the amount of electricity consumed, and even the resource of a magnesium anode.

Popular water heater manufacturers

The production of water heaters are occupied by all those companies that are familiar to us by major household appliances. In particular, on the shelves of specialized stores you can find products Ariston. Such water heaters and are inexpensive, and meet the basic requirements. Their only drawback - the lack of fasteners in the kit, which must be bought in any hardware store.

The Swedish giant produces not the most expensive equipment Electrolux. At least, this concerns models that use gas as an energy source. Electrical copies are much more expensive, but they have the support of a huge number of modern technologies. If you buy a Swedish water heater, you will use it successfully for many years.

No less reliable are models from Bosch - for good reason they are also asked for big money. A rare buyer complains of a water heater produced by a German company. Also positive reviews deserve the devices created by forces Thermex, Drazice and Gorenje. However, their water heaters may have in their composition a tank of non-durable material. Therefore, in this case, close attention should be paid to the corresponding item in the technical specifications.

You can read more about the manufacturers of water heaters in our separate article.

Photo: www.royalsan.ru

Common Customer Mistakes

Not every person is the right choice for the choice of water heater.Most often, such a complex device is performed right in the store - the buyer is guided by the words of the consultant. Do not do this in any way! This can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Some buyers are faced with the fact that the device simply does not fit anywhere. This applies to people living in small apartments. Therefore, before choosing a storage device, measure a piece of free space in the toilet or bathroom. And be sure to stock up with a perforator - in order to hang such a monster on the wall, you need to drill very deep holes.
  2. Other customers experience constant power outages when using a instantaneous water heater. Therefore, think ten times over whether the elements located in the shield will withstand the increased load at times? If you live in an old house built in the last century, then at least think about installing new machines.
  3. But more often the problem lies in the money spent. People start to regret them. This applies to those who buy a water heater in a city apartment. Usually hot water supply is blocked for only one or two weeks. Is it worth the duration of comfort spent money? Everyone should answer this question independently. If you are in any doubt, it is better to refrain from buying a water heater.
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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