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9.1 / 10
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BEHRINGER SRC2496 Specifications

* 24-bit / 96 kHz A / D and D / A High-end converters that provide the ultimate in signal quality
* Converts any sample rate between 31 and 100 kHz to 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96 kHz
* Flexible signal conversion between AES / EBU and S / PDIF (coaxial and optical)
* Excellent output quality with 16, 20 or 24 bit resolution
* Universal sample rate synchronization via digital input or wordclock
* Parallel use of A / D and D / A converters with identical sampling rate
* Accurate indication of the signal level at the input and output and a powerful headphone amplifier
* Automatic adaptation of dithering (dithering) when converting bit depth
* Allows direct control of the emphasis-bits and other important information of the digital stream, providing the ability to record virtually any audio signal
* High precision quartz oscillator removes jitter and corrects sample rate deviations.
* Extremely fast tracking supports speeding applications.
* Self-regulating smoothing (anti-aliasing) filter with a high steepness cutoff
* Household digital equipment (eg. DAT-recorders) can be synchronized with the studio beat
* Simultaneous use of all three outputs: XLR, RCA and optical (splitter function)
* Separate assignment of inputs (switching panel functions)
* Galvanically isolated digital inputs and outputs
* Servo-balanced analog inputs and outputs
* Concept and design by BEHRINGER Germany


Evaluation 5
Comment: Excellent air conditioning digital signals with analog inputs and outputs for converting various formats, sample rates, and split. This filters out the signal dropouts and jitter. Behringer SRC2496 provides full digital compatibility and superior sound quality. It is perfect for everyday studio work.
BEHRINGER SRC2496 is selected in rating:
6 best digital to analog converters



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