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Canon EF 135mm f / 2L USM

detailed information
9.8 / 10

Canon EF 135mm f / 2L USM specifications

Main characteristics
Lens type telephoto lens
Focal length 135 mm
Diaphragm F2
Minimum aperture F32
Mount Canon ef
Auto focus there is
Number of elements / groups of elements 10 / 8
The number of low dispersed elements 2
The number of diaphragm blades 8
Dimensions (D x L) 82.5 x 112 mm
Weight 750 g
Shooting options
Viewing angle 18 grad.min
Closest focusing distance 0.9 m
Additional Information
Ultrasonic motor there is
Internal focus there is
The diameter of the thread for the filter 72 mm

Reviews of Canon EF 135mm f / 2L USM

Evaluation 5
Advantages: Magic picture. Aperture Wonderful bokeh.
Disadvantages: not.
Comment: This lens - the grail of an amateur photographer who is looking for "those same photos." Sometimes you look on the internet for photos and think how they make them?

At the 135th such photos are made in automatic mode. After this lens, a soul demanding something like this in photographs was completely satisfied. The search is over.
Nikonov Vladimir July 14, 2017
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Just that it is light.
Disadvantages: Almost nothing I read in reviews was found in this lens. Probably, if I had not pumped myself up for several years on forums with enthusiastic reviews, I would not have written such a verdict.
Comment: I spent 3 dense days with a lens. For me, this is enough to catch at least in something and praise the technique. Here are the details: http://vesnins.ru/test-i-otzyv-ob-obektive-canon-ef-135mm-f-2l-usm-ot-professionalnogo-reportazhnika
I honestly tried to understand what people find in it, but failed. I put a subjective assessment of the lens: on the one hand, it does not suit me. And on the other hand, this is a high-end Canon with strong optical properties and thousands of photographers cannot justly praise it.
Vesnin Sergey March 11, 2017
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Good lens, I know him for a long time, I recommend
Disadvantages: With low light is not the best choice, because shutter speed needed at least 1/160
Comment: draws magically, for a street photo shoot in daylight is simply gorgeous.
Medvedev Vladimir January 18, 2017
Evaluation 5
Advantages: “The colors are just awesome!”
- The depth of the frame on this lens is of course huge +
- Very sharp with the right settings (people need to understand that this is a long-focus lens, and on a portrait type 50)
- Shakes hands :) I use it together with Canon 5d and already got used to it somehow, it doesn't seem heavy.
Disadvantages: He has no flaws! Cool lens!
Comment: In general, the lens is very good, glad as a horse! After the first photoset on this lens, my joy knew no bounds: D So far, incredibly satisfied! If you don’t feel happy with this lens, you just need to set the camera correctly: D
Silina Natalya February 09, 2016
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Fast, elegant bokeh, quality assembled, Love for portrait painters.
Disadvantages: NO, ............ even if there is, I do not see them)))) although there is a price!
At the moment, from 50,000 rubles. I was lucky to buy it in 2009 for 29,000 rubles.
Comment: This lens, or rather lens No. 1, needs not only to write reviews, but also create fan clubs!
Anna Pavlova December 23, 2015
Evaluation 5
Advantages: original bokeh, aperture, weight, focus
Disadvantages: except that the price bites
Comment: Unfortunately, I am not yet the happy owner of this unrealistically cool lens, but I have already begun to save money.
For a long time he looked at various photo sites, or rather at work done with this glass, and now, there was an opportunity to test it.
First, I would like to note the unusual bokeh, which no other lens will give. Describe the effect is not possible - you only need to watch the finished pictures.
Secondly, I noted for myself that this lens is well waterproof.He also withstood large and sharp temperature drops (+20 in the room, -23 outside), which alternated for 8 hours two days in a row.
Third, fast and smart focus. The percentage of misses during reportage photography is negligible, and I photographed rather chaotically moving dogs in a not very illuminated room. From this follows the fourth virtue.
Fourth, the aperture. ISO higher than 400 was not necessary. L-series, what else can I say?
In general, I fell in love with this lens! Wait for me! I'll buy you soon!
Kotova Irina September 11, 2015
Evaluation 5
Advantages: - sharp
- for fans of very blurry boke - he will give it to you in full size
- on ff it is revealed simply cosmically
- fast focus. very fast!
- the red ring drives everyone crazy
- a good good blend that comes with
- convenient bag-case included
Disadvantages: - You will have to run, as 135 is a bit far. But the result is worth it)
- Heavy (at least for me). But easier than 85 1.2
Comment: Not a day I regret this purchase. If you want to get an expensive, beautiful picture, then immediately take the lens. It’s still good if you have ff, I think you don’t run up on crocs ... You’ll have to go far away from the model, even if you just want to take the portrait up to the waist.
It is worth the money because the result is staggering and with every shot you will love it even more. I use it in a pair with 85 1.8 and I am very pleased.
Kayutina Alina July 26, 2015
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Everything is super, focus, sharpness, bokeh, aperture. A year has passed, the flight is normal, the most favorite glass!
Disadvantages: Not
Comment: I read a lot about it and finally acquired, everything that was written was true, a button is a masterpiece in the form of glass, a 3D effect, a selection of the subject and its fabulous drawing. Constructive at height. If there is an understanding of how to use this focal, take it easy! Photo examples:
Zhukovsky Konstantin February 17, 2015
Canon EF 135mm f / 2L USM selected to rating:
Top 15 lenses for Canon cameras



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