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Hi gear

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9.5 / 10

Hi Gear specifications

Metal leakage, eliminates leaks of cooling life through cracked blocks and cylinder heads. Seals luminium, copper, plastic and composite radiators, gaskets, interior heater furnaces.

Compatible with all types of coolants (antifreeze, antifreeze, water, etc.). Prevents the likelihood of a leak later. When used in contaminated cooling systems, it is recommended to pre-flush the system with flushing HG9014, HG9017.

Packaging of 236 ml is designed for up to 10 liters.


  1. Open the cabin heater valve.
  2. Start and warm up the engine with the radiator cap open.
  3. Stop the engine.
  4. It is recommended to remove the spark plug from the cylinder, in the combustion chamber of which a crack was found.
  5. Start the engine and, having carefully mixed, pour the agent into the radiator (open the package at a distance from the face).
  6. Add antifreeze (antifreeze) to normal.
  7. Close the radiator cap and let the engine idle for 10 to 15 minutes.
  8. Leaks should stop a few minutes after the engine reaches operating temperature.
  9. The tool may be in the cooling system for an unlimited time and prevent leaks in the future.
  10. Contaminated cooling system (antifreeze (antifreeze) has become colorless or brownish) is recommended to pretreat with washing - HG9014, HG9017.
  11. This package composition is designed for a cooling system up to 20 liters
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