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Maclaren Techno XLR

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9.5 / 10

Maclaren Techno XLR Specs

General characteristics
Type of walking
Recommended age from 6 months
Maximum allowable weight of the child 29 kg
Ability to install car seats there is
Chassis design
Folding mechanism cane folding with one hand
Number of wheels 8, front and rear dual
Chassis width 50 cm
Wheels rubber
Swiveling front wheels / wheel yes with lockable
Wheel position when folded apart
Wheel diameter 16 cm
Shopping basket eat, mesh
Handle height adjustment there are 3 positions
Carrying handle / strap there is
Walking block
Back with adjustment
Number of backrest adjustment positions 4
Seat belts there are five-point
Footboard height adjustment there is
The crossbar in front of the child not
Car seat
Compatible car seat models Recaro
Carrying not
Accessories car seat mounting adapters, sun visor, rain cover
Hood material the cloth
Hood drops to bumper Yes
Ability to wash the case there is

Maclaren Techno XLR Reviews

Evaluation 5
Advantages: The stroller is certainly awesome !!!! It justifies its price.
1) Maneuverable, controlled with one hand, the stroke is soft.
2) Easy, maybe walk down the steps.
3) Compact assembled.
4) The belts are fixed well, the bumper is really not needed (as the manufacturer claims) we bought it so that the child just held and where to put the handles. Often we do not use it.
5) The back is lowered with one hand.
6) The hood closes completely from both the sun and the wind.
7) Shopping net high on the floor is not dragged.
8) The cover on the legs is large enough sinteponovy.
9) The seat is wide and long, we in a suit (height 76 weight 9 kg.) Calmly fit the fur clam.
10) Depreciation is good.
11) Lucky is good even with shopping in a basket + grocery bags on the sides of the handles. And the empty shopping center in general is like a fairy tale.
12) On the curb rises easily.
13) handles are convenient for growth 165-185.
Disadvantages: 1) When the back is lowered into a recumbent position, the pocket which for some reason sags on a hood, doesn’t really put anything in it, otherwise it will be dug over the head of a sleeping child.
2) Not much squeaks depreciation, it is necessary to lubricate with machine oil said in the store.
3) Do not crawl to the basket if the child is lying, but there is a way out, I unhook the buttons and access to the basket appears, I will put all that is necessary and buttons back button up.
4) Not much outweighs if the child is lying, especially if it weighs something on the handles. but it's not scary, I have a daughter who sleeps constantly in a carriage.
Comment: My baby carriage really liked, We are in it and walk and sleep on the street and eat, and the hood is good, and maneuverability. In general, boldly great for the stroller. Could certainly reduce the price. All the same, I think a little expensive. On the road is not a replaceable thing as we are going to travel all summer. Very compact.
I add a comment after a year of use: I had to take the plane as an oversized cargo, so the airport was left without a stroller hard. In the slush in the fall, the brake broke on one side, the dirt apparently got stuck and something broke. I wiped it conveniently to wipe it into the machine and it was done. The pouch on the legs was made from the fact that it was roomy and big, it constantly smudges on the bottom. wheelchairs, and constantly rolled mattress.
I write after 3 years. Stroller Super! She survived 5 trips. On the rest, in general, any wheelchair is an irreplaceable thing. And so after the last trip, something happened to the wheel. It cracks as if it is breaking.Beginning of the search for a new child will be 4 years. And let someone say that for stupidity in 4 years in a wheelchair, as my friend, who went without her, said, and then regretted. And our dad could not rejoice and thanked every day for what we said with the child that without Maclaric will not eat))) Very comfortable from the sun hood rips almost completely, only the legs remain in the sun. At lunch, a child of 3 years rost98 cm, of average fullness, went to the sidecar in a stroller, since all the belts had long been removed, and slept perfectly for 2-2.5 hours, I walked around the store with her))) a day for tumbling on splashing, you go out for a walk, but not on your hands, but McLaren. Maclaren is very convenient for traveling !! that our XLR is the most convenient of all. The shortcomings that I described above, compared with the merits of a whip. I advise you 100%
Dubinina Julia March 12, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: over a year
Evaluation 5
Advantages: I think the description describes all the advantages. The only thing I can say is that my seven-month-old daughter is very comfortable in her.
Disadvantages: Of course, a little expensive. Perhaps she is worth it. Good is not cheap, but not all gold that glitters. Stroller worthy!
Comment: Stroller super !!!
I bought it when we were 6.5 months old. The child is comfortable in it. If in a walk of Jane Slalom her daughter is piled to the side, then here she sits exactly. The stroller in management is very light, maneuverable, stable, good depreciation (considering that it is a cane with polypropylene wheels), stylish, pleasant and practical in all respects. The only negative is of course the price. Although, I do not regret the money spent on it.
Of course, you can find fault with everything, and that it is huge for a cane, and heavy, and it does not go well in the snow. But you read the specifications before you buy!? It says it all. This is not a replacement for a full-fledged stroller with large inflatable all-terrain wheels, shock absorption, etc. This stroller is a kind of addition. At least, I acquired it in addition to the main one, but taking into account that the 7-month-old infant would be comfortable in her and sit and sleep, and warm in the autumn and spring, and on the trip, again, it can be taken. Although it is large, it still takes up less space than the same Jane Slalom.
There is no bumper on sale anywhere, they say they are out of production, it does not bother me. If a child is fastened with a five-point belt, and we are now fastening ourselves like this, then the bumper is not needed, because it is impossible to reach him anyway. And for the future, I purchased a children's steering wheel.
ELC, a very good alternative to bumper. I also read somewhere in reviews that Maclaren are ponte. Totally disagree. I have three kids, and I rolled a lot of strollers, but when I rolled Maclaren in the store, I realized that it was mine!
June 20, 2012 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: As someone has already written - the sellers are coping with the description of the merits :-) I exhausted my soul both myself, and husband, and the sellers, choosing a carriage (following after the Inlezin cradle). Of course, I did not want to give 16,000 for it. But after reviewing all the options, I sat down in this one and waved my hand - let's go. And here we are 3, and Mack is still helping out.
Disadvantages: For 2.5 years of use (permanent airports, trains, cars, mountains, parks), a complaint arose to the handles - the “silvering” was rubbed and soft plastic deformed a bit (but this helped us very, very much in Italy). The creaking of wheels that arose once was cured with banal engine oil. Someone wrote about the rollover, I have this once appeared - because of inexperience hung a bunch of packages on the handles, thereby shifting the balance. But in a horizontal position, it is super stable. Yes, it is quite long, not the easiest, but I went into it and walked into a small elevator and dragged along the stairs. And the bumper ... To be honest, I still do not understand why he is needed here, the child is buckled up, what else do you need?
So for me, the disadvantage is the price.
Comment: I am always touched by our mom-dads, who want to combine the incompatible in the stroller - and throughput, lightness, and price. Set priorities, gentlemen.
We have add. stroller Kikko Simplici (bought for parents, so that Mack does not carry). That's really no comparison with the Mac does not go!
January 13, 2012 \ Experience: over a year
Evaluation 5
Advantages: A stroller with a wide comfortable seat, a large hood, conveniently folds. It is very manoeuvrable! We moved her from the cradle to 5 months, the son likes it! Easily folds down to the prone position and vice versa (the baby never woke up). The design is great) Convenient seat belts.
Disadvantages: Price! Plus, the bumper had to be bought separately and the mosquito net. In short, the wheelchair is quite expensive. It is inconvenient to climb into the shopping basket when the baby is sleeping in the prone position.
Comment: We chose very carefully between several manufacturers, in the end we were satisfied. As we saw in the store: all doubts disappeared that we should choose it. Let it be expensive, but this stroller rolls more than one baby accurately! Everything is thought out and despite some sensation (first!) lightness and fragility of the model, it is very durable and reliable. We go on it through the forests, along the paths - everything is in order! If there is a financial opportunity, I advise you and your kids)
June 16, 2011 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: The stroller is very manoeuvrable, one of the widest seats in strollers-canes, the manufacturer writes that the stroller is from 0, they found this model when they realized that walking with a cradle is a problem because of the weight of the cradle (doctors after childbirth categorically forbade lifting weights, but It’s necessary to walk anyway) at the beginning we went to the cradle, but at 4 months we moved to this model. The back is almost horizontal, there are enough straps to fasten the child in the prone position. Extremely easy to manage, very soft stroke. Very comfortable street raincoat and hood. We went 2 winters in a row and in the park and the streets - there were no problems at all. Not a cradle with huge wheels, of course, but no effort was made to drive through.
Disadvantages: After 2 years of constant use, something happened to the rubber on the handles - as if it had been torn. In the store we bought covers for pens ($ 100) and the problem was solved. The parking brake broke after a year, but I think they are to blame. It is not very convenient to operate with one hand (if you have a habit of reading a book on the go, but this is the trouble of all the wheelchairs with two handles).
Comment: The carriage is very happy, all friends ride McLaren, but on different models. In general, the company justifies the quality. From my point of view, this model is the most comfortable and the width of the seat, and the size of the wheels, but also the heaviest of the entire line - almost 8 pounds.
March 31, 2011 \ Experience: over a year
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Very maneuverable, a huge place for a child is 39 cm wide, a window with a UV filter, a full walk, suitable for very young children, retractable handles, all wheels with shock absorption, a very deep hood.
Disadvantages: Price, all accessories (except the rain cover, clutch) are purchased separately and are well worth it.
Comment: It is surprising the previous review, where it is written that in a wheelchair a small place for a child. We had several reeds, but nowhere is there such a wide (39cm) and long (due to a raised footboard) berth. They put a 3.5-year-old child in a pram (104cm, 20kg) in sweaters and jeans, and there was still room on either side, and there are definitely two of us like our half-year-old. The stroller is very easy to drive and very maneuverable. In the sunk snow, and even more so asphalt, goes no worse than the tricycle Jean (our main walk). The berth is displayed to 170 gr. Neighbors in such a child were taken from 4 months without problems. On all wheels there is a depreciation. If you press on the wheelchair, you can see how the shock absorbers work. In addition, the wheels are not plastic, but from dense rubber. The first few walks the stroller harshly rides, but then much softer.A very convenient window in the cape, and the sitting and lying child is perfectly visible. The window is tinted. Handles are put forward, legs do not cling rear wheels. Cap drops to the level of the bumper. Those. the child is closed completely. I also liked the double-sided mattress (sides of different colors). Sorry for the bumper is not included. But usually it is not needed. Child's belts perfectly fixed. With my TK, this is the best cane, excellent handling, a soft stroke, walks up the steps. I also know that the McLaren are very reliable, they are driven by generations. I advise everyone.
dina-rybochkina March 14, 2011 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: The stroller bought this year 2010 (we have a brown and blue color).
- The stroller is very maneuverable, indeed, it is practically not necessary to push it (there is an experience of using two canes Kykko (Chikko), another one is a Japanese cane)
- great big wheels - 16.5 cm in diameter, normally in Moscow goes on cleaned tracks in winter.
- a wide place for a child, I would even say, too wide, I don’t get used to it after a narrow place in another carriage
- a large bonnet falls to the bumper, there is a viewing window in it, very successful, at the top of the bonnet and not behind it, as in a sport, for example, a child can be seen in any position (in a sport it can only be seen in a lying position well).
- height adjustable handles - for tall parents, the most it! I have a height of 160, at first it was inconvenient, then it became normal, even now it is unusual with more nihkami pens
- A lot of accessories - naidka on legs, headrest, lining on seat belts, double-sided mattress, raincoat.
- folding the stroller, really, with just one hand, very quickly!
- adjustable footboard (at first it seemed to me terrifying how uncomfortable it was to push these crap sideways (on chikko, just pressed the buttons on the sides and the footrest was adjusted), but then I understood its plus !!! It’s then that I can sit with completely lowered legs (if you remove these sticks inwards), and at Chikko, every now and then with the legs lowered, these sticks of the sides raised the footboard upwards again, every now and then it was necessary to lower it downwards; feet on the crossbar)
- the wheelchair does not need to be helped by a foot from behind, so that it enters but curbs, it does great, without any help!
- behind the hood there are two pockets for small items!
Disadvantages: - a small shopping basket, but for reeds it is quite normal, if you need to load the stroller with goods, purchases, buy strollers, books or transformers.
- for me it turned out to be a Bolshevik, for some reason I thought that it is the same size as a Sport, for example, but it is bigger)))
- in a fully folded state, I still pull and fasten it with straps, it folds up even more and more compactly, otherwise, it is still on top, kind of cumbersome ...
- its weight (of course, it is big and looks like a full walk, and in comparison with other full walks - it is very light!, but it’s very hard to lift something by the side of the handle when folded; is always
- it is written in the documents that it can withstand the weight of a child up to 15 kg ... I was upset, because On the site, it is said that this stroller can withstand up to 29 kg, because she bought it, because put in 6 months there was already 11 kilos! True test drive with an 11 kg baby in a stroller and another 13 kg of watermelon on the handle + 3-5 kg ​​of shopping-toys-clothes, on the other handle, the stroller went off with a bang, thought it would fall apart, but, no, rode it’s just as good, just stepping down the steps, well, very hard, I was a little unbalanced ...
Comment: With this carriage we drove to Ukraine and back in our car. I can say one thing: on their broken roads, the wheelchair behaved normally, took it to the sea all the time and, in general, dragged it everywhere behind it. In general, the stroller is very pleased, but when traveling I want to buy something more compact and lighter, I am now thinking about buying a McLaren Triumph for this purpose.
Now, after the McLaren (I have 8 wheelchair!) And having experience, I will say that the other wheelchairs do not compare to it in terms of maneuverability and ease of travel! I have a Japanese cane, one of the lightest in the world - 3 kg of everything, BUT, after a year it can be placed in it, but the stroller is not really moving, so you need a meadow, but for a large child, she rolled in a store with a child Mack Triumph - chasing only so and the weight of the child is not felt !!!
The fabric is very high quality on the stroller, windproof, waterproof! The cape on the legs is large, it fits somewhere from 1.5 years only, but at 3 years it will be just, and not like many, it grows from other models of strollers with capes.
I liked the pram, we will ride it with the child to the victorious))) If it is alive, the trace will be rolled back. our little ones! I think so, if you are very mobile parents, buy lighter and more compact strollers when folded in order not to declare later that it is large and uncomfortable! If you need a full-fledged walk, for large, large and broad-shouldered children, so that they would sit normally in overalls - this is your option !!!
The stroller is wonderful, I do not regret that I bought it !!!
victoriaelis August 24, 2010 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: This is the widest walk with a lengthened berth, awesomely manoeuvrable: it easily jumps onto curbs, walks up the stairs. cool hood. good equipment - a raincoat and a winter cover for legs. weight - about 7.5 kg.
Disadvantages: The center of gravity is shifted to the rear wheelbase, which makes it less stable, NOT CRITICAL, but nonetheless.
another drawback - at the time one of the "chrome" handles peeled off. there was something sticky on it, apparently, a price tag glued with tape. so he eaten up the paint: ((when the stickiness was washed off - the paint slipped in a few days.
Comment: Why is the position facing the mother - I don’t understand at all, the child is studying the world with interest, the mother is watching him through the window in the hood - everyone is happy :)

on the sides of the carriage does not blow the wind. I am really looking forward to skating winter on it, if it is not SUCH snow like this one))

We bought a universal mosquito net for 160 re for the pram.

ps I chose a stroller for a very long time, grazed in kids and on a little van. in the end, very pleased with the choice. Sorry, that is so messy, I hope my review will also help someone!
July 19, 2010 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: * Compact stroller. In my 5-meter corridor takes up very little space. * Handles that are comfortable to hold + increase in height. * Large hood. It is very convenient when the sun, the wind (do not use a cape on the legs to protect against the wind in the summer, as, for example, with the cane inglezina zippi). Behind the hood, you can unfasten and open the stroller for airing. * The backrest folds almost to a horizontal position. * The child does not move forward. * Seat belts have a super-clasp that can be opened only by pressing on both sides. Moreover, if you press strictly in the middle, then all fasteners open, and if you press from the side, only one side will open. * Wheels made of foamed rubber with shock absorbers. Everything! And the impression is that the farther away the softer the depreciation. You can rock the baby by swinging the sidecar from side to side. *Raincoat. Simple, compact. I put it in a beautician. * Fabric is easy to wash. Where it is necessary not to get wet, pleasant to the touch in summer and winter. * Really controlled with one hand. Generally, having acquired this stroller after a conversation, I caught myself thinking that the stroller does not bother me. It can be controlled with one finger. Curbs, curbs, pits not a hindrance. * Quality and materials and seams on level. Very pleased with the window on the hood. It is taped with a wide stripe. Nothing falls off, does not dissolve, does not break. * Strides the steps. If the steps are not standard, then you can roll the rear wheels. * Brakes on the two rear wheels. You can click on the brake of any wheel, because both are fixed at once. * It develops with one hand and foot. Conveniently when the child is in the other hand.* the back is lowered with one hand (in wheelchairs of 2009). * You can put a branded carrycot. You can recaro car seat (passed crash tests). * the stroller is very wide despite the overall small width. * Rides through the snow. * Warm for winter. Closes on all sides.
Disadvantages: Squeak wheels. The problem is solved with WD-40 grease. Sold in many stores with household or automotive chemicals.
Comment: The stroller is 100% satisfied. Now, when on the street -15, we walk not less than an hour. My one year old son in a winter suit sits in a pram covered with a blanket of sheep wool folded doubly! Not every stick is like that! Before this stroller, we had a McLaren techno HT stroller. She just had to change because of the size. With a blanket, we would not fit in, unlike last winter, when the son was only 2 months old.
The stroller passes through any door and elevator. I recommend this stroller to everyone.
svtsve December 17, 2009 \ Experience: less than a month
Maclaren Techno XLR is selected in rating:
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