Ratings Selection New technologies Reviews

Montague Boston 8

detailed information
8.0 / 10

Montague Boston 8 Specs

General characteristics
Model 2015
Age for adults
Type of urban
type of drive chain
Bike weight 12.24 kg
Rama, Fork
Folding Yes
Frame material Aluminium alloy
Frame dimensions 17.0, 19.0, 21.0 inches
Depreciation missing
Fork design tough
Steering column design non-integrated, threadless
Wheel diameter 28 inches
Name of tires CST Caldera, Semi-Slick, 700cx28mm
The name of the rim Alex
Rim material Aluminium alloy
Front brake walking / Tektro
Front brake type tick-borne
Rear brake walking / Tektro
Type rear brake tick-borne
Planetary bushing Yes
Number of speeds 8
Rear derailleur Pleasure / Shimano Nexus 8
Shifters Pleasure / Shimano Nexus 8 RevoShift
Construction manetok rotating knob
Carriages Pleasure / Sealed Cartridge
Carriage design non-integrated
Type of carriage shaft mounting square
The number of stars in the cassette 1
Number of stars in the system 1, number of teeth 42
Pedal design classic
Connecting rod length 17.0 cm
Steering wheel
Steering design curved
Steering wheel adjustment adjustable lift
Comfort spring saddle
Additional Information
Equipment wings
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