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Nikon 32mm f / 1.2 Nikkor 1

detailed information
9.8 / 10

Nikon 32mm f / 1.2 Nikkor 1 specifications

Main characteristics
Lens type wide angle
Focal length 32 mm
Diaphragm F1.20
Minimum aperture F16
Mount Nikon 1
Auto focus there is
Number of elements / groups of elements 9 / 7
The number of diaphragm blades 7
Dimensions (D x L) 65.5 x 47 mm
Weight 235 g
Shooting options
Closest focusing distance 0.45 m
Additional Information
The diameter of the thread for the filter 52 mm

Reviews of Nikon 32mm f / 1.2 Nikkor 1

Evaluation 5
Advantages: 1. No need for flash
2. Fotik begins to "see" in low light better than my eyes. It feels like a night vision device
3. Comfortable focal length for portrait shooting.
4. For me - a good implementation of manual focus.
5. Photos are noticeably clearer than Nikon 30-110mm f / 3.8-5.6 VR Nikkor 1 (with the same shooting parameters)
Comment: The first thing that simply amazes when you start using it is the luminosity.
If you want to take a photo of good quality (especially portraits!) In a room without studio lighting and flashes, then you cannot do without it and, unfortunately, you have to spend money.
I bought on ebay at auction about 35,000 rubles. I do not regret.
October 31, 2017
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Aperture (1.2 sharp) constructive. Lens level professional optics
Disadvantages: Do not like the electronic focus ring.
Comment: I shot with a lens with a thousand frames with Nikon V3. The lens, of course, pleased! The lens is heavy, metallic, comfortable, with a focus ring. I could not get used to it - it is electronic - the lens still moves the motor. At the same time, Nikon 1 autofocus never fails, and I don’t see any sense in manual focusing during normal shooting (not through branches). Hood included.

This lens is used purely for portraits. Other areas of use are questionable :)

The lens harshly harsh: if necessary, then cover the diaphragm and XA disappear. Pictures on the open aperture are very sharp, this lens on the open aperture is sharper than 85mm f / 1.4. The depth of field with the Nikon 1 carcass is such that at f / 1.2, when busting a portrait, the hair on the back of the head blurs a little. Ears tend to remain sharp. In terms of shooting distance and optical quality, it is close to 85mm f / 1.4. The bokeh of the lens is good, but not the best. As the lens shoots in backlight, I did not have time to clarify for myself, but it seems not the best way.
Denisov Sergey September 07, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Fully metal, weighty body.
Manual focus (very convenient when shooting video).
Photo indoors without flash assistance at ISO 100-200.
Disadvantages: Chromatic aberrations on foliage and metal. But as it turned out, this is quite normal for high-aperture lenses on a fully open diaphragm. And this defect is removed very easily.
Comment: When buying this device, the seller, looking at the number "1: 1.2" on the lens, said to himself "go nuts" and left for a minute, bringing with him a couple more sales assistants. They inserted it into the camera and started clicking each other and then looking at the pictures on the display. For the first time in my life I was confronted with the fact that the sellers were surprised by the goods that they themselves sell. But it was funny :) Usually f / 1.8 or f / 1.4 is considered a high-aperture lens, and then f / 1.2 immediately, moreover, for mirrorless with a crop of 2.7. I can quite understand that they were so surprised))
While I can say the following:
1) I managed to make a portrait without any problems in the light of one 10-watt light bulb (!!!). That is complete darkness and one tiny light bulb! At the same time I didn’t even have to raise the ISO!
Really, have you ever photographed indoors at ISO 100 without the aid of a flash? Personally, I pribaldel.
2) The depth of field is harsh - when shooting your face with hands, only your nose got into sharpness. That is, with a fully open diaphragm, you can capture portraits with at least your head and part of the rest of your body. The background is blurred even if photographing a tall person in full growth.
3) About the flash, in 99% of cases, you can forget as a bad dream.
4) In sunny weather, you can take a picture at a shutter speed of 1/16000 sec.
5) On the f / 5.6 aperture, resolution is simply phenomenal! I photographed the city from a high-rise building and did not find a single fuzzy object in the photo.
Pavel Buzenkov August 28, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: wonderful lens, aperture 1.2 allows you to take great photos in low light conditions
Disadvantages: no cover included
Comment: 30 t. Rubles - the normal price, take a picture on the V1,
This is the first lens in the Nikkor 1 line with a focus ring,
very comfortably...
August 15, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: several months
Nikon 32mm f / 1.2 Nikkor 1 is selected to the rating:
Top 10 lenses for Nikon cameras



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