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Nolika Holika Petit BB Cream

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9.7 / 10

Characteristics Nolika Holika Petit BB Cream

BB cream from the company HOLIKA HOLIKA is a high level product. They guarantee the most excellent results.

Unsurpassed BB cream of this line provides an ideal foundation and at the same time, carefully cares for the skin. In the formula of each of the positions have included their own particular component, which helps to deal with a particular problem, and guarantees the health and the ideal form of the dermis. The light, delicate texture is evenly distributed over the skin, providing unsurpassed smoothness and perfection. Irregularities and defects disappear. A great feature of each of the BB creams of this series is the high degree of sun protection - SPF25,30,45 / PA ++, which saves the epidermis from dehydration and aging.

The line includes five variants of the cream.

Bouncing Petit BB Cream - nourishes and moisturizes. Collagen and caviar extract are its unique active ingredients. The first component is an irreplaceable complex of proteins that compensates for the lack of this substance in the dermis. It nourishes, saturates the epidermis, levels the relief, restores its structure, tightens, tones. Collagen increases the elasticity, elasticity, moisture, stopping the appearance of new wrinkles, removing pigmentation, age spots, stimulating regenerative functions. Unsurpassed component - caviar extract, which contains a full range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. This component activates the production of collagen and elastane, which make the skin toned, elastic, young. The extract also has an antioxidant effect, removes free radicals, normalizes metabolic processes in cells and removes toxins from them. Caviar helps to get rid of small wrinkles, evens tone, makes clearer face contour With its help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Protection SPF level - 30.

Aqua Petit BB Cream - moisturizes, brightens and acts as an antioxidant. Its peculiarity is that it is made on a water basis and is skimmed. The main active ingredient is green tea. It contains the highest amount of antioxidants. The extract of this plant provides an antiseptic effect, heals and soothes the skin, improves its color, cleanses and tightens the pores. Tea removes acne, redness, stimulates collagen production, normalizes metabolic processes in the cells, blood circulation. Also included in the composition of the glacial water, which is structured in a special way and better penetrates into the deepest layers of the dermis, moisturizing them and nourishing valuable microelements. This fluid perfectly rejuvenates the skin. The level of SPF protection BB cream - 25.

Moisturizing Petit BB Cream - intensely moisturizes the driest dermis. Provides a milky color. The main active ingredient was hyaluronic acid, which like a sponge is filled with moisture and holds it, nourishing the skin with water, and also transporting important active ingredients that ensure the health of the dermis. This component prevents the destruction of collagen and accelerates the regenerative processes in the epidermis. Protection SPF level - 30.

Clearing Petit BB Cream is ideal for problem skin, as it helps to remove all inflammatory processes, acne, comedones. The active ingredient is tea tree oil, which has excellent antibacterial, antiseptic properties. It normalizes the sebaceous glands, removing the excessive fat content of the dermis. This cream also deeply nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, making it light and radiant. Protection SPF level - 30.

Shimmering Petit BB Cream - provides radiance and porcelain smoothness to the skin. The main active ingredient in this tool is pearl powder, which acts as an excellent antioxidant, a natural filter of sunlight. It normalizes the level of humidity, metabolic processes, increases the protective properties of cells.Also, this extract nourishes and fills the deepest layers of the dermis with water, providing it with firmness, elasticity and health. The level of SPF protection is very high - 45.

Thus, this line of BB creams will provide assistance in maintaining youth, beauty and skin health. You will be able to choose an excellent basis for the desired type of dermis, taking into account the features and problems of your epidermis. These creams will relieve from the main problems of the skin - inflammation, dryness, age-related changes, lack of nutrients.

Reviews of Nolika Holika Petit BB Cream

Evaluation 5
Comment: The texture of VVcreme is dense, but it is easy to apply it on the skin, the main thing is to distribute immediately, when drying it is more difficult. On the face, on application, you can see how the BB bleaches the skin, a gray undertone is visible, but this is so far not absorbed.
On the skin of BB cream is a uniform layer. It does not look like a mask, and like a layer of plaster. At the same time, the cream has good covering properties, not bad hides minor imperfections, reddening of the skin, does not emphasize peeling, but rather moisturizes and smoothes, for the winter it really is a great tool.
RomanecV, otzovik.com
Evaluation 5
Comment: In my opinion, this is a great option for summer, as it has protection from the sun SPF 30. This is quite a serious protection that is suitable for my skin.
BB cream has a quite comfortable consistency, it is not thick, so it is well distributed over the skin. I also like the effect very much. The cream perfectly hides the flaws, is an excellent base for makeup. The skin becomes even in color.
Elloiza, otzovik.com
Evaluation 5
Comment: I must say, I liked BB cream. Yes, he “sits down” on his face for a long time, for 10-15 minutes, smells quite strongly, is slightly noticeable on the skin (on closer examination). However, he copes remarkably well with masking all sorts of imperfections, perfectly protects from the sun's rays (tested by the southern sun), persistent, does not cause irritation and new inflammations, does not clog pores. I feel comfortable with him, I do not feel it on his face during the day. The face didn’t shine anymore. Pimples don't bother me too much, but they haven't disappeared at all. The cream is quite economical, I used it for more than six months.
Anna Raven, irecommend.ru
Evaluation 5
Comment: The cream is quite dense, immediately after application it seems darkish, but after 5 minutes after application it adapts to the skin tone and completely merges. Effect: hides flaws, evens out skin tone and texture, mattes, photoshop effect. Masking is average - the cream is able to mask small spots from post-acne, spider veins, but it will not hide serious inflammations. Matte finish, giving the skin a slight glow. Matting effect is not long, but 4-5 hours the makeup remains in perfect condition. Resistance is excellent, throughout the day holds impeccably.
Charism @, irecommend.ru


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