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Sennheiser RS ​​160

detailed information

Sennheiser RS ​​160 Specifications

Main settings
View monitor
Connection wireless
Headphone Type dynamic, closed
Volume control there is
Frequency range 18 - 21,000 Hz
Impedance 32 ohm
Sensitivity 106 dB
Harmonic coefficient 0.5 %
Weight 226 g
Mount type headband
Wireless headphones
Radius of action 20 m
Transmitter frequency range 2.4 - 2.48 GHz
Headphone jack not
Type of batteries AAA
The number of batteries 2
Battery capacity 600 mAh
Battery life 24 h
Charging time 16 h
Features Neodymium magnets
Additional Information mute

Sennheiser RS ​​160 Reviews

Evaluation 5
Advantages: Impeccably clear and soft sound throughout the range + complete lack of noise. When listening to the classics from the CD, each instrument is clearly audible and immediately you begin to understand the difference between CD and MP3. Good range, high quality materials. Batteries with 1Ah capacity is enough for almost a week. Quite a long time and work on the batteries.
Disadvantages: Insignificant. Initially, they cause a feeling of the fragility of the structure, which eventually passes. 1/4 second delay in the audio path (relevant for musicians). With semi-discharged batteries, they sometimes get blunt when turned on: the LED lights up green in polnakakal and does not plow, do not respond to buttons and do not want to be charged from the standard adapter - the light bulb lights up yellow. It is treated by pulling out the batteries and charging them in an external charger. With active use is very desirable 2nd set of batteries or batteries at the ready.
Comment: Great ears even for gourmets. It is unlikely that there is something better in the price range up to $ 0.5k. However, like any high-tech tool, they require understanding and habituation, after which a pure thrill! One of the most successful purchases in life! 3 years - normal flight!
stas-sergeich2011 February 5, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: over a year
Evaluation 4
Advantages: Sound, price, convenience.
Disadvantages: Not for a big head.
Comment: I bought myself rs160 and hdr160. I liked the sound, made of course a little hlipkovato, but in principle the rules. Adjusting the sound is really not very comfortable on the ears themselves, but after a few hours I learned it.
And now the fun part. Many probably experienced problems with connecting additional ears. I tell you how it is actually done. Turn on the base, do not turn on the base itself. We turn on the headphones, any, those that are bundled with the rules usually work, but we need to attach new ones to the base. To do this, simultaneously press the power button on the base and on the ears. When the music sounded in our ears, we continue to hold a few more seconds of the button. After letting go. Next, turn off the base first (click on off for a couple of seconds), and also off. ears. After this, we make the same way with additional ears. My base remembered 4 ears. True a couple of times there were problems with falling off the ears from the base. But after I understood the algorithm, I first cut down the base, then the headphones. After that, never lost memory in the ears.
Ku Al January 9, 2014, Moscow \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Without wires.
Ergonomic and comfortable (5+).
Good dynamic range.
Distance in the brick house ~ 15m.
Significant signal strength.
Excellent sound insulation.
Replaceable ear cushions.
Disadvantages: Background noise, but audible only with an “empty channel”.
Little informative buttons on the headphones.
When connecting the plug, it is necessary to turn on the receiving unit.
Comment: Now in order:
The range of adjustments provides usability even on a very large head.

18-21000Hz enough for the eyes.But this characteristic imposes restrictions on mp3: a bit-rate of less than 192 is uncomfortable to listen to.
The volume control on the receiving unit must be set to the middle: according to the manufacturer, this will provide the best signal level.

Having a brick house, you can relax in the ears for ~ 15m from the source.
The volume level will satisfy even the burnt dubsteper.
In headphones, you are isolated from the environment; also, the surroundings do not hear you.
Ushatanny ear cushions can be replaced without problems.

Slightly noisy with an empty channel. No noise is heard during playback. In the jamb I suspect the built-in map on asus p8Z77-v.
The buttons on the case are combined into one block and not informative: on the sides - the volume, the middle - the inclusion.
We'll have to get used to adjusting the volume, but with the shutdown, there will be no problems: just a "blind" second click on the unit to turn off the headphones.

Only anacephalous can wait for hi-end sound from wi-fi monitors.
However, (my subjective opinion) that the rs160 average frequencies are not sufficiently detailed and extensive with any equalizer settings. But this point will be clarified when I buy a normal sound card.

Attaching the plug, you need to press the power button on the headphones and the receiving unit. Autodetect connection would allow not to reach even the signal receiver.
Before the purchase, when testing other classmates (sony, philips, and more serious Sennheiser 170-180), there were no advantages to these (tested on one configuration of the system unit).
Only the 220s liked a lot more, but the difference of ten thousand instantly cooled the consumer ardor.
Ezhatin January 29, 2013 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: After 5 minutes you don't feel the headphones on your head anymore - everything is very soft and at the same time it does not fall off the head. Intuitive connection - stuck and works, I do not need to install anything. It is possible to install batteries in the transmitter - and wireless headphones become mobile - stomp on business and listen. Pleasant sound without distortion when moving within the apartment and when moving the head (I don’t know the advantage of the carrier frequency or the direct transmission of uncompressed digital sound). In the neighboring rooms through the walls - without problems and with preservation of quality, but after two walls - no longer pulls :))
Disadvantages: The relative disadvantage is the sound adjustment buttons (they wrote about this before). Would have thought of making them relief, it would be great. But this is a trifle to which you quickly get used to. Other deficiencies have not yet been identified.
Comment: I chose wireless headphones sighting - I work at home, constantly moving around the apartment, with wires - flour! Went "for advice" to the network and at first was taken aback - trolling is thriving in some places :))
I am not a music lover, but I have a good ear for music (7 years of music school were not in vain). I constantly listen to music, from Vivaldi to Rammstein. In my opinion, regardless of the style of music, very good sound, rich, full, lively. I highly recommend this technique, it's worth my money (especially if you look for an intelligent online store). Gentlemen fanatical music lovers! Do not litter the discussion with your contemptuous snort. You headphones are not shown at all. You in the hall with good acoustics, in order to absorb the subtleties of sound waves with the whole body of a refined musical gourmet :)))
November 26, 2012 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: great sound quality
By quality equivalent to the older model 170
Excellent sound insulation - it is possible to listen to music in the subway!
They sit tightly and comfortably on my head - I train in them, a treadmill, a jump rope, work with a punching bag - do not fly off !! - in contrast to the wires, which are not, no, yes, well, you will touch, while pulling the wire with the player out of your pocket
Convenience in sports - cover the entire hall, threw the player on the windowsill and enjoy!
No background noise
The ability to buy and "register" separately for the 180 "house" for a lower cost)))
Disadvantages: ambrostury still slightly rub ears (relatively)
they don’t add up (for me it’s not a problem, because I carry them in a bag with a “ears up” pocket on top of it - it doesn't bother me)
Comment: At first I chose and bought myself the 170th with a fixed base. After a month of their use, I could no longer listen to the Ai plugs with their high frequencies, which in the subway (Thanks to the Mayor, we are transplanting), by subjective sensations, began to drill the brain. I decided to take for myself the 160th for mobile use, the noise protection of the headphones also played a role in this. In the subway, for example, I add only + 1-2 in volume, and the lack of wires in practice is a very smart thing! You can understand this only after weeks of using wireless.
Regarding the comparison of 160 and 170, he did not notice the difference, on the contrary, 160 pleased with the complete absence of background noise, in the 170's it is slightly noticeable in the pauses between the tracks. The presence of surround and bass enhancement is leveled by using a high-quality playback source! It seems that the 180s will sound even better all the same, so I advise you to take the 160s, and if you buy additional ears to them from the 180s)). According to the manufacturer, they are compatible.
Personally, when I bought these headphones, I harmoniously switched to finding a quality player. Currently, I got a CD player from the closet, bought in '98 or '99. The difference between the same compositions from one carrier is obvious: a forgotten old man with a line out (output to an external source, looks like an output to headphones) plays on the floor of a head higher than Ay-ki. The increase in sound quality is noticeable, even when the same Ai-ki is connected to the Pioner receiver, and the headphones themselves to the receiver's output. Now I look at the Cowon C2 player, I think to go to the store to listen, although audio fans on the forums write about a huge increase in sound quality.
Certainly for 6-8 tykov, and in my case for almost 14 (two headphones) you can buy excellent wired ears, but this requires replacing the sound card on the computer or buying an external amplifier or DAC (digital-to-analog converter), buying a quality player and transition to uncompressed music format (FLAC and their ilk).
aleks-328 April 09, 2012 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 4
Advantages: 1. Excellent sound, everything is - bottom, top, no distortion, the noise is almost absent.
2. Convenient to use, a small base that can be powered from both 220V and batteries or batteries, the headphones themselves can be recharged without removing the batteries.
3. Made with high quality, great design, pleasant material ambyushurov, some kind of soft skin. Sound insulation on a very good level.
4. There is a sensitivity control for the line input on the transmitter, so that you can connect to almost any source without overloading or too quiet sound.
Disadvantages: 1. If you turn off the headphones, after a while the base also turns off, and you cannot turn it on remotely, you must go and press a button.
2. The ears are still tired, the headphones are quite heavy and are pressed to the head decently, you can not sit for hours without a break in these headphones. Unfortunately, this is inevitable with a closed design.
3. The cups inside are not very large, you do not need to adjust the position to choose a comfortable one, without pressure on the earlobes or else where. True, my ears are pretty big.
Comment: I use headphones for more than a week.
Before buying, I read that some people do not like the fact that the headphones work with some delay. I carefully checked it and I can say for sure that neither in the movies, nor in the music video, nor in the games is there the slightest delay. Apparently, this is possible only when playing musical instruments, I do not have the opportunity to check this point.
Mentioned by some owners of the influence of interference on the sound did not notice at all. Even despite the fact that I have a lot of wireless devices - a router that hosts several devices, a wireless keyboard and two mice, happens to have Bluetooth turned on.Nevertheless, the connection is absolutely stable throughout the apartment, even through a concrete wall.
In general, it seems to me that the headphones are very good if you need a good, almost perfect sound and the same sound insulation. But if your ears get tired and you need the most lightweight construction that doesn’t put pressure on your head, it’s better to look for something among open-type headphones.
spambox99 March 15, 2012 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: For a radio head, the sound is beautiful.
Build quality pleases.
Disadvantages: Well, except that you need to grope for the volume buttons, and your ears sweat a bit when using them.
Comment: Usage scenarios:
laptop / computer;
You can listen to the player - the transmitter can work on batteries, but by itself takes place.

I will make a reservation that I do not consider myself to be “music lovers” who listen to music exclusively through the gold wires collected by Japanese monks at midnight on the eastern slopes of Mount Fuji.
zuratone January 06, 2012 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: The main thing and the main thing for me: ABSOLUTELY there is no background noise in the pauses. The sound is clear and crisp. Good bass.
Disadvantages: The flaws were in Panas and Thomson, which he used to these ears. And in the RS160 did not find flaws.
Comment: Another advantage: a small base, very mobile, into which you can easily stick 2 2A batteries, which will allow you to use the transmitter from the device, next to which there is no 220V outlet (well, or if with the power supply - by the way, also small - reluctant to drag). And if you connect the base to the outlet at the same time, the batteries will automatically turn off and you do not need to remove them.
With regards to the volume / off buttons, located close to each other. It can be inconvenient for someone, personally I did not feel any discomfort, a matter of habit.
alexsmall1975 November 17, 2010 \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 4
Advantages: Good frequency response, comfortable, although in the class of wireless - these are my first ears. Maybe there is something more interesting. Personally, I am satisfied.
Disadvantages: The mentioned buttons are bad to the touch, in the heat of the ears get wet, but there are no options. Surely "punch" up to 2 walls of the wall, then the sound starts to disappear. Furious blister packaging, it always means one thing - bought, and then check. On the other hand, you know - nobody crooked hands climbed.
Comment: He took the gift of the brother-in-law and one pair for himself. Home idyll - I do not hear anyone, no one hears what I hear. So good and comfortable that I want to sleep in them. The adapter for a large nest is not included, but now it is not a luxury, it is sold everywhere.
m7ergey August 16, 2010 \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: High quality workmanship, high quality materials (ear cushions), impeccable sound for the money, good design, good insulation, the ability to connect up to 4 headphones to one base
Disadvantages: I noticed only one - if you make 2 pairs of headphones with one base, then if the sound disappears in one pair (if you move too far from the base), the sound disappears into the other
Comment: I took 2 pairs for a home theater at once - for myself and my wife, in order to watch an evening movie without disturbing anyone. Without problems, I made both couples with one base (the controls are generally very simple), the sound quality is excellent, the ergonomics are very good - in 2+ hours the movie does not get tired (did not try again). The volume control buttons unexpectedly easily got used to - there are practically no false clicks. The power supply for the base has a special wire for charging the headphones themselves - so pulling out the batteries (2 pieces of AAA included) is unnecessary. The sound is very clear, hissing and cracking are completely absent, if the ears lose their base - just silence. With a full charge of batteries, this does not happen, with those that have sat down by 30% - after 3 concrete walls (~ 6 meters), pauses already begin. After 2 months, I still consider this model to be the best in this price category, I am very pleased with the purchase.
August 04, 2010 \ Experience: several months
Sennheiser RS ​​160 is selected to rating:
7 best computer headphone



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