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Strida 5.2

detailed information
9.0 / 10

Strida 5.2 Features

General characteristics
Model 2016
Age for adults
Type of urban
type of drive belt
Bike weight 11 kg
Rama, Fork
Folding Yes
Frame material Aluminium alloy
Depreciation missing
Fork design tough
Wheel diameter 16 inches
Name of tires GMD, 16x1.5
Rim material Aluminium alloy
Double rim not
Front brake walking
Front brake type disk mechanical
Rear brake walking
Type rear brake disk mechanical
The possibility of mounting the disc brake frame, fork, bushings
Number of speeds 1
Carriages Pleasure / Cartridge
Carriage design non-integrated
The number of stars in the cassette 1
Number of stars in the system 1
Pedal design classic
Steering wheel
Steering design straight
Comfort gel inserts
Additional Information
Footboard there is
Equipment trunk, wings
Features seat height adjustment, folding pedals

Strida 5.2 Reviews

Evaluation 5
Advantages: It is convenient to adjust the saddle and handlebars, the bike is lightweight, weighs little compared to other adult models, it is easy to fold.
Disadvantages: Not found.
Comment: I love an active lifestyle very much, so I simply cannot imagine myself without a bicycle. My old model has already served its time, so it was necessary to look for a new friend for yourself and the Strida 5.2 bike just became this reliable friend. I ride a bike for a couple of months, I like everything very much - I chose not only for good performance, but also for a pretty appearance. Twice she took the bike with her on trips - it folds easily, he is fairly light. The model is great!
Astakhova Alina May 28, 2016, Moscow \ Experience: several months
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Unusual, stylish, beautiful, compact, strong, reliable, convenient.
Disadvantages: Not
Comment: Bought it recently for commuting. Prior to that, he used exclusively Niners (CUBE ACID29-was the last). Every year for the season I had 2-3 thousand km in the city. On average - 40km / day. Not all of my former bikes coped equally well with such exploitation, because I am 43 years old, and my weight is 95kg. Mountain bikes over time, I was a little tired - I wanted something new. I looked at STRIDA with apprehension and disbelief, but with lust. Studied the Internet and decided to purchase. I bought a cover for trips to the subway. On the subway with the new STRIDA has not yet taken advantage. So I go to work from door to door. By this time already dashed 200km. and very pleased. Although fully adapted to this bike - on the third day. Sufficient roll-up, although in straight sections of speed a bit is not enough. No fatigue. After a mountain bike, my journey time grew a little - 1/3 somewhere. But I think this is not significant. After all, the size of the new bike is 2 times smaller than the Niner. He does not occupy a place at home at all, it is even possible not to fold. With Niner I used only a freight elevator; with STRIDA I get into a regular one and without assembly. Now about my STRIDA - installed a new steering wheel with the removal "for tall people." Satisfied. Metallic color chose, because they say it is not noticeable scratches, chipped paint and primer, which will eventually appear. I plan to replace the saddle with BRUUX, maybe it will shake less with springs, but so far it suits the staff as well. But the most important thing I think about is that in order to change ST5.2 to STRIDA SD, anyway my wife does not exactly breathe on my STRIDA. I did not decide just with what wheels to take. This is my experience with this miracle of thought and industrial design. Positive.
blacksmiths vladimir May 25, 2016, St. Petersburg \ Experience: less than a month
Evaluation 5
Advantages: Bright design, the bike weighs only 11 kg and conveniently folds, comfortable seat with height adjustment.
Disadvantages: Not found.
Comment: Most recently, I purchased for myself a bright 2016 model from the Strida bike line, namely the Strida 5.2 bike. There were two wishes for the bike - the possibility of compact transportation (I love to travel, I would like to carry a bicycle with me) and a bright design. Strida 5.2 is folding and very cool in appearance, so I am very pleased with the purchase! The bike roll is good, the saddle is comfortable and can be adjusted for yourself. Everything is super, the bike is great!
Karavaev Michael March 21, 2016, Moscow \ Experience: less than a month
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