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12 best places for a beach holiday

The most pleasant vacation at sea

Summer is getting closer, it's time to think about where to spend it. It was on the threshold of the summer season that we ranked the best places for beach holidays in Europe, Russia and exotic countries. Not sure where to go? Get acquainted!

Where not to go?

  • Leave aside the European resorts that offer holidays on the Black Sea. Service there, of course, is higher than domestic, but the sea is the same, and the pricing policy may well compare with the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea or the Indian Ocean.
  • You should not go to those countries that seem to you unsafe: Thailand, India, Bangladesh. And if you decide to go there, carefully choose the place and hotel.
  • To resorts where there is at least a hint of an unfriendly attitude towards Russians. Your vacation can turn into a nightmare, so read the reviews carefully.
  • To countries where you have to overpay. Rest in Croatia, prefer Montenegro, instead of Thailand, choose the Philippines, and the Bahamas, prefer Grenada. There you will find all the same, but much cheaper.

Rating the best places for a beach holiday

A place

Country city

Number of days

Approximate price for a family of 2 people

Our rating

The best beach holiday in Europe


Greece, Crete


from 750 euros

9 out of 10


Montenegro, Budva


from 770 euros

9 out of 10


Spain, Mallorca


from 1100 euros

8 out of 10


Italy, Calabria


from 680 euros

7 out of 10

The best beach holiday in exotic countries


Cuba, oh. Cayo Largo


from 1000 euros

9 out of 10


Malaysia, about. Borneo


from 1600 euros

8 out of 10


India, Goa


from 950 euro

8 out of 10


Bali, Tanjung Benoa


from 920 euros

7 out of 10

The best beach holiday in Russia




from 25 thousand rubles

9 out of 10




from 49 thousand rubles

9 out of 10




from 60 thousand rubles

8 out of 10




from 42 thousand rubles

7 out of 10

The best beach holiday in Europe

Greece, Crete

Crete is the most popular place in Greece, where our tourists prefer to go to rest. If you go on your own, you can easily keep within a modest amount and have a great time both on the beach and on excursions.

  • clear sea, sandy beach;
  • excellent European service, friendly staff;
  • Greece's rich history will not be bored during the holidays.


  • need to get a visa.

Board: If you do not want to get to Crete in the very heat, choose to rest either June or September.
Crete reviews:
“Greece is the perfect place, I went for the third time already! Satisfied!
“This year we rested near Heraklion and traveled the eastern part of Crete. It is very pulling back to Crete and see the west (they say it is even better!). ”

Montenegro, Budva

In Montenegro, it is advised to go to those who have decided for the first time to rest on the sea abroad. The price-quality ratio here is obvious, in addition, there are many advantages to rest in distant countries. Also, many prefer Montenegro to Bulgaria due to the fact that here the Adriatic Sea, and not the Black.


  • Almost all prices are reasonable, Bulgaria and Croatia are much more expensive;
  • similar mentality, no language and cultural barrier;
  • do not need a visa;
  • beach and pebble, and sandy.

disadvantages: with a properly planned trip there are none.


  • it is better to stop not in Budva itself, but in nearby villages, for example, in the village of Yaz There are fewer people on the beach and the prices are even lower;
  • The most optimal time for rest is June.

Reviews vacationing in Budva:
“Great big beach in the village. Yaz There are small pebbles, on the one hand, and on the other - sand. In Budva itself, there is horror on the beach, people of darkness, so we chose a really best option for us. ”
“I’ll say that we had lunch and dinner on the waterfront. They took a shawerm for 3 euros (they have such huge portions), I personally had enough until 9 pm. Beer - 1.5 euros, chicken in pita - 3 euros, tea is expensive - 3 euros, ice cream - 1.5 euros (also a large portion). There is also a small one - 0.5 cents. ”

Spain, Mallorca

Photo: kervansaraymarmaris.com

The popular resort island in the Mediterranean is chosen by people with a wealth above average. Spain is a rather expensive country, so the rest here will cost a lot of money.

  • excellent European service;
  • beaches for every taste: sandy and rocky, clear sea;
  • richest culture of Spain.


  • need a visa.

Reviews vacationing in Mallorca:
“We rested in the Cala D’or area - this is the southern part of the island, a few dozen kilometers from the capital Palma de Mallorca, in my opinion - a good place for a relaxing, family holiday, unlike areas located near Palma.”
“The island resembles a miniature Spain. Here you can find a beach for every taste and color ... You can also decide on the question of solitude: you can go to very noisy beaches or visit a secluded beach where there are very few people. ”

Italy, Calabria

Calabria, which is located on the "sock" of the Italian boot, is perfect for beach lovers. There are not many attractions, but low prices, beautiful beaches and clear sea.


  • cheap hotels and life in general;
  • clear sea, sandy beaches;
  • Excellent infrastructure and European service.


  • watch, basically, nothing;
  • need a visa.

Reviews vacationing in Calabria:
“If the beach is more important, the sea, just rest is better in Calabria. There are quite long and wide sandy beaches, a good clear sea ... There are not many people. And the prices in hotels and restaurants are lower there. ”
"Calabria in the area of ​​Tropea (there is a very beautiful sea and good and relatively inexpensive hotels with private beaches) is more suitable for a relaxing beach holiday."

The best beach holiday in exotic countries

India, Goa

Goa causes contradictory impressions of different people: someone says that the rest in Goa was unforgettable, but someone he remembered for boring spending time surrounded by cows and dirty water. If you are accustomed to the Turkish "all inclusive", rest on Goa is not for you.


  • exotic, which will be remembered for a long time;
  • low prices (if you do not take 5 * hotels);
  • rich culture of India.


  • the sea can be dirty depending on the season;
  • long flight (no change - 7-8 hours).


  • rest in Goa is better from December to March;
  • choose a hotel carefully, as in any exotic country;
  • refrain from relaxing on Goa with children. Many tourists take children with them, but it is unsafe.

Reviews vacationing in Goa:
“Unique nature, great climate. We were at the end of December. The weather was about +30, +32, while there was no stuffiness. And the water was always equally warm! ”
“When calculating the money spent on food, it turned out that food, only food, - for two days for us for two days, with lunches and dinners, it cost us 6000 rubles. for two. I think it is not at all expensive, provided that you eat what you want when you want and in any quantities. ”

Cuba, oh. Cayo Largo

Photo: dsc.invia.sk

Cayo Largo Island is famous for its gorgeous beaches and clear sea. Russians are treated very well here, unlike the Dominican, so you can safely plan your trip.


  • excellent sandy beach and crystal clear water;
  • friendly attitude of staff in hotels;
  • visa is not needed.

disadvantages: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Board: it is better to go to Cuba in the spring, i.e. from March to May (sometimes June).

Reviews resting on about. Cayo Largo:
"We liked. The weather is very comfortable, there is always a breeze, so it’s not hot. The sea, the beach, the sand is just some kind of cartoon color, everything is somehow unreal. ”
“This is a wonderful place, just fabulous! Sea - it is impossible to describe its beauty! Sand - it's impossible to describe its whiteness! Palm trees are tall! Dolphins - friendly! ".

Bali, Tanjung Benoa

Photo: nsk-1001tur.ru

In Bali, there are places for both quiet and noisy rest. In Tanjung Benoa, the rest is just measured, calm, which is suitable for couples who prefer to bask on the beach.


  • an exotic atmosphere for those who want something unusual;
  • friendly staff in hotels;
  • one can live quite cheaply;
  • rich culture of local people;
  • The visa is put on arrival at the airport.


  • not always clean beaches;
  • lack of attractions.


  • Do not go to Bali if clean sand and crystal water are important to you. But if you want to bring something exotic into your life, you go there;
  • from November to the end of March in Bali - the rainy season, it is better to choose another time for vacation.

Reviews of holidaymakers in Tanjung Benoa:
“Bali did not disappoint a bit. This is a very special place, with a very special atmosphere, nature. I want to return there again and again, and even better, not to leave there at all ... This place needs to be felt, felt, lived, with its not always clear ocean, beaches not with white sand, lack of architecture ... ”.
"We lived in Novotel Benoa 4 * (Tanjung Benoa): a quiet place, along the street - small (and inexpensive) restaurants - they chose one of them and every evening they had dinner there."

Malaysia, about. Borneo

Photo: www.sunplanet.ru

Malaysia prefer lovers to lie on the beach and sunbathe. However, there are many interesting sights, inspection which diversifies your vacation.


  • a large island, you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also get acquainted with local life;
  • clear sea and sandy beaches;
  • you can go diving;
  • visa is not needed.

disadvantages: with a properly planned trip there are none.

Board: it is better to go on about. Borneo from April to October.

Reviews resting on about. Borneo:
“Chose Borneo. They wanted to see the mountain Kinabalu, got exotic: orangutans, sounds of cicadas, impassable jungle. All who have been, agree that all that is in Borneo is not found anywhere together. Exotic surrounds on all sides. The local population is respectful (almost respect). ”
“They lived in Borneo on Semporne, and every day they took boats and rode to the islands. I liked Sibuan especially - white sand, palm trees, etc., you can even swim at low tide. ”

The best beach holiday in Russia


If you choose where to rest on the sea in Russia, Crimea, without a doubt, remains one of the most popular places. Here you can not just bask on the beach, but also visit all sorts of attractions.


  • clean air, beautiful mountains;
  • a huge variety of attractions;
  • there are sandy and pebbly beaches;
  • quite reasonable prices.


  • the service leaves much to be desired.

Reviews vacationing in the Crimea:
“For me, the best place in Crimea is Koktebel. I have been going there for several years in a row, first with my friends, now with my husband. What do you like - awesome landscape - mountains, sea, blue sky with hang-gliders, housing prices are relatively low, a good beach, a long one ”.
“Rested in the resort. The location is great! There is incredible nature, air and energy! The infrastructure is very poorly developed, but you will definitely find places where you can smoke a delicious hookah and have a good dinner. ”


Gelendzhik itself is not very interesting from the point of view of a beach holiday. At sea, it is better to go to the neighboring villages: Divnomorskoe, Kabardinka. But in Gelendzhik you can take a nice walk.


  • beautiful nature;
  • You can find relatively inexpensive housing.


  • pretty dirty sea;
  • prices are still overpriced.

Reviews of vacationers in Gelendzhik:
"In Gelendzhik, it is better to just take a walk in the evenings, but to rest either in Kabardinka or in Divnomorsky, the sea and the beach are better there, and indeed nature ... and in Gelendzhik each other sits on their heads."
“Go, really, to Divnomorskoe or Dzhanhot - always, if there are a lot of people, you can step aside somewhere. The sea is open, not a bay, as in Gelendzhik, which means it is cleaner. Nature is all around - forests, fields, mountains. ”


Pretty decent resort for a beach holiday in Russia. Here, of course, not Europe and not Turkey, but to find a good place is quite real.


  • sand beach;
  • almost all beaches are free;
  • if you rest in the village near Anapa, it is relatively inexpensive.


  • often the water is dirty;
  • the level of service leaves much to be desired.

Reviews vacationing in Anapa:
“The sandy beach of Anapa is not just dirty, but very dirty. In the sand - cigarette butts, plastic bags, wrappers, etc. On the beach "High Beach" is less dirty, but during the season it is difficult to find a place to just stand. "
“Concerning Anapa - if you have small children, then it will suit you. If there are no children, and besides, you are annoyed by the incessant cries on the beach, flying in all directions from running around the sand and inadequate mothers - then don't even go there. ”


Photo: best-tour62.ru

Budget vacation on the Azov Sea is suitable for families with children and those who want to spend their holidays in a relaxed atmosphere.


  • suitable for families with children;
  • relatively inexpensive vacation;
  • beaches are sandy, pebbly, rocky;
  • plenty of entertainment places.


  • dirty sandy beaches, mostly.

Reviews vacationing in Yeysk:
“Yeisk is a quiet calm town, there is no fuss in it. The population is friendly. They will tell you where to go, where you can relax. The city has a dolphinarium, an aquarium, a water park, a butterfly exhibition, a terrarium. ”
“Dirty beach, children did not dare to let on such sand. We went swimming on stones, it’s not good to enter the water, but at least clean. The kids are interested in it - the water park, the dolphinarium, and the park, but if you want a clean sea and lying in the sand is not the place. ”

Where to go to relax?

We have compiled a ranking of the best places for a beach holiday both in Russia and abroad. Choose, get acquainted with reviews and pricing, and go where the soul lies. We hope your vacation will be unforgettable.

Author: Alla Velichko 14.05.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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