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10 best creams and slimming gels

Slim and good - with the best cream for burning fat!


Let's start with the main thing: lying on the stove, you will not eat rolls. The most luxurious fat burning cream will work more effectively in combination with a well-thought diet and physical activity. But, in turn, all other ingredients will act more slowly if you do not connect them to properly selected cream-gel for burning fat.


It is much easier to smear cream, swallow a pill, because we absolutely do not need strong muscles - why does she need a modern city woman ... As a specialist in this field, I definitely say: there are no harmless tablets. The list of contraindications takes more than a dozen lines, but which of you reads it carefully? And for example, the recommended fiber is strongly swelled cellulose fibers, with the same effect you can snack on newsprint.

Creams - yes, they can really help, but on some creams it will not last long. In addition, not every cream-gel has a decent efficiency. Before making a choice, let's analyze the product line.

This is taken ... This is not taken ... What kind of slimming creams is better not to buy?

The correct choice of high-quality fat-burning cream-gel is not easy to do. Let's start with what products are low efficient and why.

Creams made in China

The reason is difficult to call: either that which is suitable for Chinese women is not suitable for women of the Caucasian race, or simply being seduced by a beautiful tube, the ladies buy not that, but maybe you should not expect the effect of the cheapest means. Especially a lot of complaints about Lan Gel (thrown 200 rubles!). It is difficult to confuse with another: it is sold without a box, and this alone should alert customers.

Women who use such products complain first of all about the stickiness of the remedy - it takes a lot of effort to rub the cream-gel into the skin. The palms and those parts of the body into which the gel is rubbed are also painted in inconceivable snowy colors. And the cooling effect of the drug may be good somewhere in Guangzhou, but it is completely unsuitable for the Ural Mountains or the Kazakh steppes. But most importantly, the effectiveness of Chinese cream-gels is almost zero. DO NOT TAKE!

India Creams

The only plus is that they all consist of natural ingredients. But many of these components are by no means harmless, which the Indians are delicately silent about, making up leaflets for using cream gels.

So, derived from the bark of some Indian trees hydroxycitrate deeper than the surface layers of the skin does not penetrate. It absorbs really quickly, even too much, that is, its massage effect is close to zero, and the smell can provoke an attack of rhinitis or bronchospasm. Pyruvate, Received the name of the goddess Parvati, distinguished by a gorgeous figure, can disrupt the protein-carbohydrate balance, i.e. not suitable for diabetics. Extract from the coral skeletons and small marine life chitosan works like a scrub, smoothing the skin, but there is practically no evidence that it burns fat. And finally, the most dangerous of them - ephedra extracttoning and accelerating fat metabolism. What does it mean - "tones up"? Increases blood pressure. Causes tachycardia, can "start" a migraine. In the most serious cases, it provokes a myocardial infarction. Sometimes the composition of the Indian cream-gel even includes plant steroids, especially unsafe for people under the age of 25 years. DO NOT TAKE!

Turkish cream-gels ...

They even should not be analyzed. Maybe some of them are not bad, but ...

The common disadvantages of these creams are the need for long-term use (that is, the cheapness is expensive because the course requires at least 8-10 packages), often provoked by allergic reactions (from urticaria to Quincke's edema)increased sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays (that is, they have to be smeared closer to the night when fatigue has already accumulated, when the natural metabolism decreases and it is rather difficult to accelerate it). DO NOT take.


Lose weight without harm to health

Most countries are now investing quite serious funds in clinical trials of funds offered for sale. Therefore, prices for licensed drugs cannot be low by definition.

Photo: www.e-slimmer.com

Real, high-quality cream gel acts not only on the skin, but also on the entire body, helping to fight winter depression, spring weakness, leads to the summer swimming season as well-groomed, slim, healthy as possible.

To give up buns and chocolates in the name of a beautiful figure is relatively easy, forcing yourself to go up to the third floor on foot or walk to the next bus stop before walking to the next bus stop is a bit more difficult. But the feeling that you are helping the cream gel work as efficiently as possible, will help to overcome everything.

And vice versa: body cream application increase blood circulation, you want to move and feel beautiful, the passion for cakes and sandwiches will subside quickly. You will find with interest not baking in your hand, and a carrot or low-calorie yogurt, your subconscious will be set to achieve maximum results.


Purely specific ... TOP 10 best slimming creams

And now - which of the approved creams provide the greatest effect, both independently and in combination with other factors? There are imported, expensive and tested, there are domestic, less expensive due to not so "tricked" design, lack of costs for transportation from country to country adapted to the local climate and our usual way of life. We list them in order of price reduction.

Lierak ultra-body lift - the best fat burning cream in our ranking

Photo: i.klubkrasoti.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1690 r.

Equally good for any skin type and any age. The skin absorbs to the maximum those components that are necessary for it. As a result of regular use in the fat cells of the deep subcutaneous layers, the carbohydrate content, in particular, glucose, decreases. Liposis (that is, fat consumption) becomes more active, and fat deposits (lipogenesis) are blocked. The skin loses its roughness, becomes smooth, soft and more elastic. How is this achieved? Among the active ingredients of the cream are aspartamethat has a anti-edema effect active caffeinewhich does not penetrate the capillaries and does not enter the circulatory system, but perfectly removes skin irregularities in problem areas (thighs, buttocks, shoulder part of the arms), and liftilin, that is, natural protein derived from wheat germ, replaces fats and promotes skin tightening. The course - at least 4 weeks, applied 2 times a day on clean skin. Massage helps complete absorption. Packing cost - 1690 r.


Yves Rocher - body modeling serum "Plant Code of Harmony"

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1680 r.

One of the most interesting modern developments. It can be taken complete with tablets of the same company, and can act separately. True, it requires prior testing on individual tolerance. But effective - no doubt. Indian Chestnut Bioextractcauses the body to burn the subcutaneous fats with triple speed - and at the same time it contributes to the improvement of efficiency, the appearance of a feeling of cheerfulness. Caffeine and peppermint extract also help. Vegetable glycerin gives the skin a smooth, removing the effect of "orange peel". Salicylic acid “bruises” the skin, making it young and dense. Mango extract and carite oil, sunflower oil bio-extract and vitamin E affect the skin and subcutaneous layers for a long time, throughout the day, invisibly drawing and structuring the skin and, partly, muscles. Course - 1 month.According to the recommendations of experts, it can be combined with taking diet pills of the same company. The effect is maximum.


Nax-Body Contouring Serum - Good Weight Loss Serum

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1470 r.

This consistency, gentle cream-gel, allows the skin to quickly absorb the drug. A very small amount of serum is applied to the skin, because it is a particularly concentrated preparation of triple action: smoothing "orange peels", tightening the skin and accelerating lipid metabolism not only in the epidermis, but also in the deeper layers. In addition, the serum contains corrective pigments with a reflective effect. That is, if you apply it before leaving the house or going to the beach on the skin, the optical effect of the absence of problem areas is guaranteed. Apply regularly - in the morning and in the evening for 2-3 weeks, only in the morning - another 3 weeks, then 2-3 times a week.

Cream-slimming gel on the basis of mud Iodase Fango company Natural Project

Photo: www.iodase.it

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1400 r.

Very effective product. Built on the basis of laminaria (one of the most bioactive seaweed), pineapple extract, which has an increased ability to speed up the metabolism and break down fats, as well as an extract of green cypress cones (start the mechanism of oxygen delivery to the deep layers of the skin) and ivy. Since the cream is easily absorbed and its consistency is not mud, but creamy, it does not flow when applied, does not stain clothes. It should be applied to the skin before the active action (any), then it works in a complex: anti-cellulite, anesthetizing, fat-burning. And also prevents the increase in blood pressure as a result of running, walking, aerobics and other loads, has antispasmodic action. Its great advantage is speed. In this case, the skin is tightened, wrinkles and stretch marks are not formed, cellulite is perfectly smoothed.

Cream gel for burning fat "Sell"

Photo: www.kosmetika-prodej.cz

Average price in the Russian Federation: 1300 r.

Czech production. Its specificity is loosening and dissolution of stable fat deposits. The producers keep the formula secret, reporting only that the basis of the drug are extracts of many tropical fruits, vines and young palm shoots. The cream perfectly uncorks the sluggishly acting capillary and lymphatic ducts, forcing them to work more actively in order to add substances that destroy fatty toxins and excess glycerols to the fat plugs.

It can be applied pointwise (applied to the “ears” of the thighs) or over the entire surface of the thigh, shoulder, arm, abdomen, lower buttocks. The cream has a tonic and therapeutic effects, cleansing the lymphatic channels, removing the waste of the collapse of excessive "savings". At the same time, the surface layers of the skin are affected: it becomes more elastic, smooth, elastic. A well thought out use of the drug has a sculptural effect, helping to build a beautiful figure.

What should be considered? When applying the cream-gel "Prodey" there should be a feeling of warming the skin, in particularly neglected cases - even local heat. This should not be feared, this is normal. Excessive perspiration is possible - after all, the fats, when disintegrating, turn into water, and it is brought out, this is faster and more efficient than the traditional absorption of water inwards and its withdrawal through the urinary tract. Apply to the previously cleaned (washed, rubbed) problem area. It can be combined with a massage. Allergy causes in rare cases, but trial application of a small amount of cream-gel on the inner surface of the forearm, just below the elbow, is recommended.


The best domestic slimming gels

Everybody knows the proverb “Over the Sea, the heifer and the rug and the ruble carriage”.The cost of the cream is often caused not only by serious innovations of production, cost of testing, etc., but also by purely overhead costs: translation of instructions into another language, transportation, customs costs, loading and unloading and logistics work ... Therefore, let’s look at domestic creams, giving an excellent effect at relatively affordable prices.

Turboslim cream night for body shaping - the leader of the ranking among domestic creams for burning fat

Average price in the Russian Federation: 251 r.

Night cream-gel, which makes the process of figure correction around the clock and goes well with any other day cream of a similar effect. Serious studies conducted in several European countries, in the United States and Russia, confirmed that aminophylline, on the basis of which (combined with soybean oil, vitamin E, algae extract, and other components), was formulated, is highly effective and has no side effects. First of all, it eliminates the swelling of the body, because it creates local hyperthermia and "melts" the fat, cleans the lymphatic ducts, triggering the drainage system of the superficial and deep layers of the skin, removing excess fluid from them. Cream-gel has a concomitant effect - it preserves the elasticity of the skin, eliminating the bumps and preventing the appearance of stretch marks. This is very important because the drug is among the fast-acting. The volume loss of the problem area overnight at the initial stage can reach 1.5 cm. It is produced in small tubes (100 ml each).

Night gel express for weight loss

Average price in the Russian Federation: 200 r.

An extremely successful development that benefits the whole body. Apply to clean skin 40-60 minutes before bedtime. It acts in a complex way: nicotinic acid "works" in the deep layers of the skin, caffeine - in the upper layers. Together, they cause the muscles to contract and relax slightly during sleep, which leads to burning of fat in problem areas. The express gel contains small quantities of aromatic oils of motherwort, lemon balm, valerian flowers - they are completely absorbed into the skin, pulling it up and at the same time providing an anti-stress effect, which improves sleep. Gel Express does not cool, but slightly warms the skin (due to the capsicin contained in it), at the same time creating a feeling of comfort and speeding up the metabolism in the skin. It should be applied daily, after evening ablutions, applied to dried skin and lightly rubbed. The course is at least 2 months. The bottle is small (125 g), but the price is affordable. At least two bottles per month will be required. Can be combined with additional drugs.

Fitness spray tri-asset

Photo: www.utkonos.ru

Average price in the Russian Federation: 150 r.

Do not think that the gel can only be squeezed out of the tube. Modern developments allow the use of a dispenser that allows you to apply the cream on the body in the form of a spray. Very interesting development based on herbal ingredients. Bromelain (extract of pineapples) starts the process of active splitting of fats, his assistant is a natural active caffeine. The extract of mint that cools it and the extract of hot pepper to the skin at the same time affects the skin. Contrast effects accelerate the metabolism, and at a time when you are passive (sitting in the classroom, at work, sleeping peacefully at night). The remaining components smooth the skin and break up cellulite lumps. The basis is not oil, but water, which does not allow the skin to dry out. The course is 3-4 months, 2-3 bottles each month.

Novosvit - stop cellulite cream-gel for sculpting the figure and getting rid of cellulite

Average price in the Russian Federation: 147 r.

Consists of natural ingredients. Specificity - the acceleration of regeneration processes in the superficial and deep layers of the skin. This cream is also called modeling, because it increases the rate of flow of metabolic processes and due to this it has a modeling effect.Ideal for correcting the shape of the shoulder, thigh, buttocks and abdomen.

This cream is also called “hot chocolate”, as caffeine and cocoa contained in it not only produce lymphatic drainage and fat splitting, but also give the skin a slightly darker tone, not only burning fat deposits, but also externally creating the effect of tanned skin, which always seems more even. After application to the skin, it creates a “thermal spacesuit”, while vitamin PP penetrates deep into the skin, which supplies the tissues with oxygen, accelerating fat burning.

The effect is noticeable after a few days. The cream is applied with light circular motions on the problem areas (in the morning - half an hour before leaving the house, in the evening - half an hour before going to bed). It does not need flushing because it is completely absorbed by the skin.


Finally, Orange Slim closes our rating - cream of fat extractor gel

Average price in the Russian Federation: 114 p.

Works on the principle of alternating heat and cool. The main advantage is that skin is instantly tightened during losing weight, there are no stretch marks, no sagging. The active ingredients are mainly tropical fruits, as well as algae and plants: fucus, red grapefruit, wild orange, clematis, and horsetail. And also - apple mint, collagen and elastin.

At the same time, the skin is saturated with oxygen and vitamins and effects on body fat. This cream is good for express cases where the effect needs to be achieved quickly. Literally after 2-3 procedures cellulite lumps disappear, then the cream acts on the deeper layers of the skin, crushing the fats into them. Fats are converted into water and instantly absorbed by the body.

Mint cools the skin, then the horsetail warms it up - and the energy spent on heat generation, consumes a lot of extra calories, contributing to the most effective effective solution to the problem. Collagen permeates the layers of the skin and allows you to make it elastic, and elastin gently and quickly deals with stretch marks and sagging skin.

Applied in the morning to problem areas of the skin, acts throughout the day. The tube is quite small.

So, which slimming cream is better to buy?

In our ranking are the best creams and gels for burning fat from different manufacturers and different price categories.
And every woman can choose something that best suits her.
Summer has already come into its own, so make yourself slimmer and more beautiful!


Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Marina Saffron 19.06.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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