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8 best slimming teas

How to become slim and sexy? Without diets and exhausting exercises?


Is it possible to achieve weight loss without effort?

Doctors in the issue of losing weight are unanimous: there is not a single effective and harmless miracle remedy in the world that would give a lasting weight loss without any effort on your part. It is possible to lose weight only by applying complex measures: to reconsider the way of life, to adjust nutrition, to increase physical activity.

Overview of the best slimming tea manufacturers

The Russian manufacturers are credible: LEOVIT Nutrio, Altai Cedar LLC, Evalar, Tserara Trading House LLC, Fitara LLC. The products include no stabilizers, synthetic dyes and fillers, taste enhancers. There are only natural ingredients.

In the process of preparing the article, we examined different manufacturers, and found that many Chinese-made products contain a prohibited substance. sibutramine. There is no information on the package.

Sibutramine - A psychotropic substance prohibited by the European Medicines Agency (EMEA).

What not to buy?

Many slimming teas made in China are hazardous to health. They do not contribute to weight loss, causing only a diuretic and laxative effect. Such products include:

Magic Lotus - Chinese company Kunming Lingcao Biotechnology Co
Zhuidemen - Chinese holding "Shen Cha Wonderful Tea"
"Da Li" - the Chinese commercial and industrial company "Dali"
"Li Da" is the same company;
Golden Ball is a Chinese Guangdong joint-stock company.

You can not buy teas containing:

  • amphetamines
  • ephedra, buckthorn, senna, gingko biloba - without consulting a doctor
  • Tiratricol - thyroid hormone


Top teas for weight loss

Tea "Pohudin"

Rating: 10 out of 10

Advantages: contains natural ingredients in the form of spices and the best Indian teas. Regulates metabolism, acting in the main areas - carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. The effect of tea is achieved by improving digestion and controlling appetite. Interestingly, the picolinate included in chromium tea can significantly reduce cravings for sweet foods, which is the most common cause of obesity. Provision is made for the deficiency of vitamin B and C, which is very valuable, given laxative effect. Drink normalizes metabolism, which is very important to prevent weight gain after discontinuation.

Typical review:
“I already drink tea Pohudin from Leovit, very cool. And I do not want to eat all the time, and the tummy has disappeared. A good thing".
"I managed to lose weight quickly, which was quite unexpected and very pleased."

Altai No. 3 herbal tea for weight loss with cassia and mint

Rating: 10 out of 10

Advantages: The composition of tea includes only natural herbs and fruits: plantain leaves and cassia, corn stigmas and mint grass, plantain and volodushka, fruits of coriander and rosehip. Tea has a positive effect on the body due to its powerful cleansing effect and the presence of natural vitamins and trace elements. Many women will appreciate the ability of tea to improve the condition of the skin and hair. Altai No. 3 phytotea not only contributes to natural weight loss, but is also indicated with emotional lability, that is, with increased nervous and mental stress. Moreover, tea does not have a pronounced hypnotic effect, it acts as a mild sedative.

Typical review:
“Saw after childbirth. The effect is wonderful. Skin and hair improved, weight returned to normal. ”

Tea "Siberian Swallow Karkade"

Rating: 9 out of 10

Advantages: It is recommended for those who have gastrointestinal problems, and excess weight is observed for this very reason. Especially it is shown to those who suffer from habitual constipation.Thanks to a balanced composition, tea perfectly adjust the metabolism, normalizes the work of the intestines and relieve constipation. Weight reduction will occur naturally. Interestingly, this tea can improve overall health and improve immunity. You can take tea before the start of the flu epidemic. The composition of tea includes only natural herbal ingredients that work as a health remedies and means for the prevention of a number of diseases.

Disadvantages: There may be a pronounced laxative effect.

Typical review:
“When I drank for the first time, then in the morning, a bullet ran to the toilet. We must be sure that our favorite faience friend will be nearby. ”

Tea "Evalar bio for appetite control"

Rating: 10 out of 10

Photo: 2220222.su
Advantages: A popular product from the Russian company Evalar. The company "Evalar" - a recognized leader in the Russian market, whose products are well-deserved. It is safe to say that the composition of tea includes only those components that are indicated on the package. Components are absolutely harmless to the body and can have a positive result on the body. Tea has no laxative effect and is recommended for use in almost any dose. Having a pleasant taste, tea quench hunger in the evening. Weight reduction is achieved in a natural and harmless way for the body.

Typical review:
“The problem of overweight is my evening zhor. I don't want to eat tea for the night. ”

Tea "Lose Weight" Ceres

Rating: 10 out of 10

Advantages: tea from Tserara Trading House LLC, a tasty and fragrant drink containing only natural ingredients. Good effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended for use by persons prone to constipation. Often, people with gastrointestinal problems suffer from irritation of the intestinal mucosa. This is an obstacle to taking many drugs containing herbs. In this case, tea does not irritate the intestines and can be consumed for a long time. Interestingly, this tea is not contraindicated in pregnancy, like most of these teas. We draw your attention to the products of Tserara Trading House LLC, which are trustworthy and accessible to buyers.

Typical review:
“I was pleased that you can drink tea while pregnant. Such a product is a rarity. ”

Phytotea "Super Slim"

Rating: 10 out of 10

Photo: static2.insales.ru
Advantages: tea can be recommended to people in need of anthocyanins and sennozidov. This tea can be called medicinal, although its not too long reception will undoubtedly have a preventive effect. The content of vitamins and trace elements in tea has a beneficial effect on the body.
Herbal tea Super Slim lemon is indicated for people suffering from hypertension and a tendency to form blood clots. The drink has a tonic effect.

Photo: coffeeteas.ru

Herbal tea "Super Slim currant leaf" - well-chosen composition of tea is not only an excellent means of cleansing the intestines, but also a source of vitamin "C", as it contains rosehips. Tea has a mild sedative effect due to lemon balm. Regular intake of this product will not only gradually reduce weight, but also improve mood and sleep.

Typical review:
“Hypertensive with experience. It’s hard to find a more suitable product like me. ”

Altai No. 24 phytotea fitness tea

Rating: 10 out of 10

Advantages: Recommended for active people involved in sports and having great physical exertion. It is also shown in mental fatigue. Since senna is a part of tea, a long reception is not needed. Do not abuse tea in the afternoon. The product has a tonic effect, gives strength and improves mood, so it can cause insomnia if it is consumed overnight and in large quantities.The high quality green tea which is a part of a product will accelerate a metabolism, will enrich an organism with microelements and vitamins. Decreased appetite, and at the same time, weight reduction, is achieved thanks to the ability of the drink to speed up the metabolism and regulate the level of glucose in the blood. In addition, the drink is shown to improve the cardiovascular system and improve immunity.

Typical review:
“I drank tea for the night, I did not read the information before that. There was insomnia. Then figured out. I feel just fine! ”

Tea "Flying Swallow"

Rating: 4 out of 10

Widely advertised and popular slimming tea, so we could not ignore it in our ranking. But he did not receive high marks.
In the annotation for tea, the manufacturer indicates only natural ingredients, promising a quick and powerful effect. Tea is presented as a health, cleansing the body of toxins and antipyretic. You promise to get rid of perennial slag liver, treat the gallbladder, cleanse the skin.

In practice, everything is somewhat different. Given the distrust of Chinese manufacturers and test results, We recommend to purchase products of those Russian manufacturers that have voluntarily passed certification. Only in this case, it is safe to say that your body will not be harmed.

Typical review:
“There was no slimming effect, only she cleaned her intestines. At first she was able to procate, and then there was nothing at all! My stomach just kept twisting and farting. ”

What to look for when choosing any tea for weight loss?

Packaging must have a product composition with an indication of pharmacological properties. Be sure to specify the regimen and contraindications.
If the product is legal, the packaging must include the address of the manufacturing company and its name.

If tea contains diuretics and laxatives, you should consult a doctor. With the loss of slags, which manufacturers are so afraid of consumers, the body loses a lot of nutrients, without which its normal functioning is impossible. Thus, the loss of potassium and calcium has very bad effects on the body, especially for women after forty years.

Many trading houses in Russia offer, for example, the products of the Chinese Company LUSHIANJU. This company supplies a whole series of various health teas sold all over the world. Manufacturers claim that their raw materials are environmentally friendly and do not contain psychotropic substances. However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the numerous test results carried out in different years by independent experts regularly prove the low quality of Chinese products.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind once again that everyone’s organisms are different, if one tea helps and pleases, then another person may not at all fit and dislike. That is why for slimming teas you can read such conflicting reviews. And we tried to include high-quality and safe for health teas in our rating.
But no one, even the highest quality tea for weight loss, is not able to perform a miracle! He can only help on the difficult path to the ideal figure - in combination with diet and exercise!

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Irina Lazur 14.06.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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