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8 best points for swimming

The most comfortable glasses for the pool and for the beach

8 best points for swimming

Now on the market there are many models of swimming goggles - for men, women, children, made of various materials and with different shape and color of lenses. Starting points for swimming are intended for competitions and preparation for them. For regular workouts, classes in the pool, for relaxing on the beach use training glasses - they are much more comfortable starting. In the bright sun it is better to wear glasses with mirror or darkened lenses. Be sure to try on glasses before you buy, so that you are comfortable. Most swim goggles have a bridge of nose that adjusts or adjusts, but there are exceptions.

We made up rating of the best points for swimming. It includes the most popular models, the price and quality of which deserve most of the positive feedback from buyers.






Speedo Speedsocket Mirror

2800 rubles

Top professional

Wide overview, high-quality mount, high hydrodynamics.

10 out of 10

Arena Cobra Mirror

2100 rubles

Best starting

Super tight fit to the face, high quality mount.

10 out of 10

Aqua Sphere Kaiman Lady

1100 rubles

Best for women

An elegant design that takes into account the anatomy of the female face, high-quality fastening.

9.8 out of 10

Arena Freestyle Junior

690 rubles

Best kids

Simple fastening, reliability, interesting appearance.

9.8 out of 10

Arena X-Vision Mirror

1200 rubles

The best mirrored

Memorable design, good UV protection.

9.7 out of 10

Arena Zoom Neoprene

600 rubles

Best of neoprene

Hypoallergenic, almost do not leave marks around the eyes.

9.6 out of 10

Speedo mariner optical

1350 rubles

Best with diopters

Large selection of lens options.

9.5 out of 10

Arena fluid

1100 rubles

Top Silicone

Tight fit, great adjustment.

9.5 out of 10

Consider each of these models in more detail:

Top swimming goggles with diopters
Speedo mariner optical

Photo: media.proswimwear.co.uk


Estimated cost: 1350 rubles

Universal model suitable for use by people with vision problems, both on the beach and in the pool.


  • a wide range of vision correction options (-1.5 to -8.0 diopters);
  • the presence of jumpers, allowing to adjust the product to any shape of the face;
  • polycarbonate frame;
  • the length of the strap is adjusted using convenient side clips;
  • forked strap made of thermoplastic rubber;
  • darkened lenses are coated with antifog (anti-fogging liquid).

Disadvantage: The lens mount is not strong enough; it is necessary to jump from the towers in such glasses with caution.

Rating: 9.5 points out of 10

Reviews: “I need -4 for one eye, -3.5 for another. Thanks to these swimming glasses I can now go to the pool. I advise them to everyone I know. ”

Top children's swimming goggles
Arena Freestyle Junior

Photo: www.swimoutlet.com


Estimated cost: 690 rubles

These swim goggles have hard lenses for a good view. Arena Freestyle Jr is suitable for both swimming pools and outdoor recreation. They are not too pinch baby skin and pleasant to look at.


  • easy adjustment due to bifurcated strap and clips;
  • anti-fogging and ultraviolet protection;
  • a variety of colors allows you to choose a model for both boy and girl;
  • the nose is self-regulating, which increases strength when handled carelessly;
  • several color options.

Disadvantage: A fitting is required when buying, since the inter-eye space of the glasses does not change.

Our rating: 9.8 points out of 10.

Reviews: "Swimming goggles are good, the lenses really do not mist over, they are soft and sit well, even on my son weathered a whole year."

Top Swimming Goggles for Women

Photo: www.sportshop-triathlon.de


Estimated cost: 1100 rubles.

This model from the company Aqua Sphere was developed by a female team of designers and takes into account the size and proportions of a female face. These are stylish glasses for the pool and outdoor recreation.


  • curved lenses providing 180 viewing angleaboutwith increased scratch resistance;
  • the presence of anti-fog coating;
  • obturator tight to the face;
  • the frame has a hydrodynamic form;
  • quick adjusting buckles;
  • UV protection.

disadvantages: unregulated nose and relatively high cost.

Our rating: 9.8 points out of 10.

Reviews: “Swimming goggles sit so softly that they are hardly felt. I feel good with them even at relatively great depths. ”

Popular starting swimming glasses
Arena Cobra Mirror

Photo: www.proswim.ru


Estimated cost: 2100 rubles.

The main task of starting points is to fit snugly and not to move when a swimmer enters the water. Arena Cobra Mirror with low profile lenses do an excellent job with their assignment. They can be used both in the pool and in the open air. Recommended including professional athletes.


  • the presence of a mirror coating;
  • UV protection;
  • improved hydrodynamic performance due to elongated arms;
  • tight fit (hard lens compactor);
  • strap with adjustment system depending on the speed of swimming.

Disadvantages this product users do not mark.

Our rating: 10 points out of 10.

Reviews: “After getting used to it, swimming goggles seemed just perfect. I will not change to any others! They fit perfectly at any entrance to the water! ”

Top professional swim goggles
Speedo Speedsocket Mirror

Photo: 24swim.ru


Estimated cost: 2800 rubles.

Such swimming glasses were used by multiple Olympic champion Michael Phelps in training. Low profile lenses with excellent visibility are best suited for competition. Points have excellent hydrodynamic properties.


  • compact size;
  • lenses treated with antifog;
  • high hydrodynamic properties;
  • replaceable nasal septum;
  • double strap, high quality mount;
  • UV protection.

Rating: 10 points out of 10

Reviews: “I feel comfortable in training and competition. I have glasses for 7 months. Stick tightly - seal is very good. There are no problems with the bridge of nose, or with antifog. ”

Best Mirrored Swim Goggles
Arena X-Vision Mirror


Photo: www.proswim.ru


Estimated cost: 1200 rubles.

Good stylish glasses with mirror lenses for swimming in open water with high gyroscopic performance.


  • thin seal made of silicone;
  • 5 nasal arches;
  • availability of antifog treatment;
  • UV protective layer;
  • absolute tightness;
  • ability to choose color.

Disadvantage: darkish for the pool.

Our rating:9.7 points out of 10.

Reviews: “These swimming glasses are cheap, so I didn’t wait for a miracle, but I liked it much more than I thought, it’s very comfortable to swim in the sun.”

Top Silicone Swimming Goggles
Arena fluid


Photo: 24swim.ru

Estimated cost: 1100 rubles.

180 goggles for swimmingabout, for any face shape. It can be used in swimming pools and in the open air.


  • silicone straps and lens mount ensure a snug fit to the face;
  • silicone nosepiece is able to adapt to the features of the face;
  • forked strap, the length of which is regulated by clips;
  • The lenses have a protective layer against ultraviolet and fogging.

Disadvantage: traces around eyes after use.

Our rating: 9.5 points out of 10.

Reviews: "Overall swimming glasses Arena fluid satisfied. Traces that form around the eyes, pass almost immediately. This model suits me completely. ”

The best swimming goggles from neoprene
Arena Zoom Neoprene

Photo: buy.ck.ua


Estimated price: 600 rubles.

Soft swim goggles that do not leave deep marks around the eyes.Silver-coated neoprene is softer than silicone, which is especially important when it comes to products for children.


  • volume lenses;
  • adjustable nasal bridge;
  • UV protection and fogging;
  • can be used by people prone to allergies.

Disadvantage: marks on the face still remain.

Our rating: 9.6 points out of 10.

Reviews:“Given the cost, one can say that these swimming glasses are the best, especially for me, who suffer from allergies. Silicone can not buy, and neoprene - just a godsend. "

How to choose the best glasses for swimming

When choosing points for swimming in the first place takes into account the purpose of their acquisition. In order to sometimes go swimming in the pool, there is no need to buy a professional model. You should not also buy expensive glasses for a child - despite the assurances of manufacturers, any will tear quickly, especially if the child is not accustomed to be careful with things. But athletes do not need to save, for them, first of all, quality is important.


Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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