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5 best remedies for sore throats

How to help a sore throat? Doctor's advice

5 best remedies for sore throats

When a sore throat comes - everything else goes. Well-being and vitality disappear in the shadow of the disease, and the predictions for the near future are disappointing: bed rest, endless gargles and fear of possible complications.

Among all diseases of the upper respiratory tract, angina is the leader in the number and severity of possible complications, but this does not mean that you have to close your eyes and wait for the inevitable.

We have prepared for you a list of the most effective remedies for tonsillitis, which will help alleviate the symptoms and prevent unpleasant development of the situation.

the best remedy for the first symptoms of angina

Photo: www.vipsmed.ru

The cost of a bottle containing 20 ml of funds is about 55 rubles.

Benefits. The effect of Ingalipt is impressive: it contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, emollient and even breath freshening substances. But, since the freshness of breathing is not a problem of the first order in the case of sore throat, let us dwell in greater detail on the other useful aspects of the remedy.

The combination of streptocide and norsulfazol is a huge “Stop!” Sign for most of the bacteria that cause sore throat. In the presence of these substances, microbes lose their presence of mind, and at the same time - the ability to multiply.

Thymol and eucalyptus oil have anti-inflammatory effects, and peppermint relieves unpleasant smell from the mouth. By the way, Ingalipt is also indicated for the treatment of stomatitis, so let it be in the home first-aid kit not only during the epidemics of acute respiratory infections.

disadvantages. Despite the presence of antimicrobial components in the preparation, they are significantly inferior to "real" antibiotics. And with angina, accompanied by purulent inflammation or with severe course, Ingalipt will be useless. In addition, the sulfonamides, to which norsulfazole belongs, are generous enough to have side effects, in the list of which many pleasures are indecent - from allergies to vomiting and diarrhea.

findings. With a proper degree of caution (at a minimum - a careful reading of the instructions), Ingalipt will justify his appointment and ease the symptoms of angina, and used at its first signs will even help to stop the pathological process until it reaches its peak. So, 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. «I consider Ingalipt the best remedy for a sore throat. Since I myself often suffer from tonsillitis, I can say for sure that Ingalipt does not just anesthetize, but it cures inflammation. And it is made on the basis of natural eucalyptus oil, which adds benefits to it + pleasant smell and taste.».

the best lozenges for sore throats

The cost of a package containing 30 lozenges is about 150 rubles.

Benefits. Not always you are in favorable treatment conditions. It is not always convenient to open your mouth wide, shake a bottle of spray, sprinkle medicine on the tonsils, and then take a timeout of 10 minutes to recover. And nothing of the full gargling. In this case, the Septolete lozenges will be happy to take on the solution of the problems.

Pleasant taste and effectiveness provided a rich composition: essential oils, bactericidal, antiseptic, emollient, deodorizing, moderately painkillers. A lot, right? And most importantly - no one will pay attention if you are in the midst of an important meeting or school concert in a child, throw a pastille in his mouth. By the way, tickling and annoying cough, often accompanying a sore throat, are perfectly eliminated with the help of Septolet. And one more important fact: there are sugar-free Septulet lozenges on sale, which makes it possible to use them for treating angina in diabetics.

disadvantages. A popular folk remedy for tonsillitis - warm milk - does not combine with Septolet, since milk reduces the antiseptic effect of pastilles to zero.Alternate with each other in such a way that milk and Septolete, as parallel straight lines, never intersect, and then both means will fully show their healing power.

findings. Doctors say: bed rest, but life says: go to work. In a word, an effective “road” remedy for a sore throat should always be on hand, and the Septolet should be what you need. Ten points out of 10.

Reviews. «These lozenges always help me when I catch a cold and my throat starts to hurt. There is no time to be treated at work, so I always carry them with me. I get help right away».

best sore throat spray

The cost of a bottle containing 30 ml of funds - about 280 rubles.

Benefits. The composition of Stopangin includes a whole bunch of components - eucalyptus essential oils, orange flowers, peppermint, etc. The main component that relieves sore throat and has a powerful antiseptic effect is hexatidine, but this is not the point. And the fact that the combination of basic and auxiliary substances is thought out so precisely that the effect of the drug lasts up to 12 hours, and after 2-3 applications, the angina weakens and gives up. In addition to anesthesia and elimination of infection, Stopangin has a mild enveloping effect, which helps to protect the sensitive throat from unwanted exposure to food, drinks and even breathing (yes, each time you breathe, another batch of germs is already at the ready with your suitcases, planning to colonize the tonsils).

disadvantages. At the first spraying, Stopangina can really catch your breath. Some people describe it as a barely noticeable and instantly burning sensation in the throat, others as hellfire, in which the last hopes are burned. This is not a matter of the notorious pain threshold - the difference in sensitivity is caused by the degree of damage to the mucous membranes, which react more or less to the components of the preparation. But just in case, be prepared for the thrill.

findings. This is one of the best remedies for sore throat, despite some discomfort during the first use. As the inflammatory process diminishes and the mucous membrane heals (and it will happen faster than you think), the burning sensation will become weaker, and will soon cease altogether. 10 points out of ten!

Reviews. «Stopangin - the best spray for a sore throat! My throat is weak, it hurts almost all the wet seasons. I use spray when the inflammation is strong - it burns the entire mucous membrane from the brystal, but gradually disappears. But it helps well - a couple of days and nothing remains of the disease».

Tantum Verde
the best solution for gargling with sore throat

The cost of a bottle containing 30ml of the solution is about 300 rubles.

Benefits. This tool is for those who are responsible for their own health and keep the main commandment: do not heal yourself "on your feet." But even if you are lucky, who can afford to stay at home for a couple of days, a sore throat will not allow you to enjoy unplanned rest. Tantum Verde is a gargle that effectively relieves inflammation and relieves a nasty throat. The composition of this tool is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic components that have an effect after the first rinse. Auxiliary ingredients of the solution are substances that provide easy and rapid penetration of the drug into inflamed tissues, which allows them to act from the inside. Therefore, the pain goes away quickly enough, and drags the still resisting, but already harmless sore throat.

disadvantages. Rinsing is considered an “outdated” method of treating the sore throat - it is much easier to spray the preparation from the stylish bottle onto the tonsils. But it is during the rinsing that the tonsils are actively cleared of mucus and their blood supply is improved - and all this is due to the “zoological” sounds that you make in the process. So, the only flaw found by Tantum Verde - the need to gargle - is not.

findings. Definitely one of the best, effective and useful remedy for angina, which is accompanied by tangible pain. Deserved 10 points!

Reviews. «I save only Tantum Verde. For a long time I could not find a medicine for sore throat - no rinses, lozenges and potions did not help me. I had to wait and suffer for several days until it itself passes. Fortunately, I bought Tantum Verde, a solution for topical use, and it worked

Salt solution
the best folk remedy for angina

Benefits. Regular table salt and water are all that is needed to prepare a solution, and these ingredients are always on hand (well, or a little further - in the nearest store). 1 teaspoon of salt, diluted in a glass of warm water, will produce a life-giving effect on the inflamed throat. First, under the influence of saline, the pathological mucus is diluted and rejected, along with the microbes contained in it (the same whitish or yellowish plaque that adorns the tonsils). Secondly, salt has a tendency to “strain” the liquid on itself, which will facilitate swelling and, accordingly, respiration. And most importantly: salt refers to those substances that are extremely negatively perceived by bacteria. This is understandable: you, too, cannot live in salt, eat salt, and multiply in it. That bacteria can not.

disadvantages. If the sore throat has already thoroughly damaged the mucous membrane, forming microscopic and not very wounds on it, then when gargling with saline solution you will have to gather all your willpower into a fist. However, replacing table salt with sea salt, it is possible to reduce the burning sensation, and at the same time to feed the sore throat with microelements.

For the treatment of children, this method is also not suitable because of the inability of the child to thoroughly rinse the throat.

findings. Almost free tool that is always somewhere near. But the need to pre-prepare the solution and the inability to use it on the road or at work, reduce the level of enthusiasm from its effectiveness. 8 points out of 10.

Reviews. “I use salt immediately, as soon as I feel body aches and headaches, because I know: it is worthwhile to miss the first moment and a sore throat appears. But rinsing with saline is the best remedy for sore throats, they always work flawlessly. ”

What you need to know?

Angina is a disease that will not tolerate frivolous attitude. In the event that a consultation with a doctor for any reason is not available soon, read the following recommendations:

  • If a symptoms of tonsillitis are observed in a child, an elderly person, or a person recovering from a disease or surgery, Be sure to contact the emergency department or call an ambulance - this category of patients is most vulnerable to complications.
  • If a severity of symptoms of angina is increasing rapidly - do not self-medicate, consult a doctor! It is necessary to treat purulent quinsy with the help of antibiotics, and a specialist should prescribe treatment.
  • In the process of treating angina necessarily Exclude spicy, spicy, smoked, and too hot dishes from the menu, as well as alcohol, carbonated drinks, and sweets. During inflammation of the tonsils, damage is formed on them, and improper nutrition will slow healing. Sweets, in turn, will be an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which, in fact, became the cause of angina.
  • In case of sore throat, a lot of unpleasant sensations are caused by a sore throat, which causes a hacking paroxysmal cough. If you don’t have the means to relieve this symptom, you’ll always have a validol pill - one of your colleagues, roommates, or fellow travelers, if you are on the road. Take a quarter of the pill and dissolve it like a candy - it will ease the cough for 1-2 hours and soften the throat. But this is an emergency remedy that should not be carried away: go to the pharmacy at the first opportunity and buy special candies or cough syrup.
Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Natalia Poleva 03.10.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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