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5 best remedies for burns

Ambulance for home and sunburns

5 best remedies for burns

Perhaps there is no person who has never in his life received burns. Each of us is able to think about something, to lose attention and to recover only with burning pain from spilled tea, or leaning against the included heater. Burns can be obtained anytime, anywhere. These are sunburns and burns from boiling water, a hair dryer randomly leaning against the neck while drying hair and an inaccurately blown candle. You can continue for a long time, but the point is that, having burned a couple of times, you will definitely think: is it time to replenish the home first-aid kit with the best remedy for burns, helping to soothe the pain and speed up the healing of the skin?

Let's try to deal with a huge variety of remedies for burns, which are presented in pharmacies, and understand: which one is the best.

Panthenol spray
the best universal remedy for household and sunburn, and not only

Cost of 130 ml spray can is about 300 rubles.

The spray is a delicate, airy foam that is sprayed from the can directly onto the injured skin area. Panthenol spray is recommended not only for solar and household burns, boiling water burns, but also for other types of skin damage - abrasions, scratches, postoperative wounds, etc.

The active ingredient - dexpanthenol, penetrating through the skin, promotes the synthesis of biologically active substances, accelerates wound healing and has anti-inflammatory action.

The main advantage Panthenol spray can be considered a form of release: for applying the drug to the skin is not required to use any additional funds (cotton swabs, spatulas, etc.), which significantly reduces the likelihood of infection of the burn.

Negative sides the funds were not identified, therefore, on a ten-point scale, he was assigned a score of 10.

Reviews: "Panthenol spray is the best remedy for household burns. It has become an essential attribute in our home first-aid kit. It is very convenient to apply - given that the burned area hurts a lot, applying ointment or cream causes severe discomfort. And this drug - shook the spray can, sprayed it and forgot."

Bepanten Plus
best burn cream

Cost of tubes weighing 30 g is about 250 rubles.

The active ingredient is the same as in panthenol spray - dexpanthenol, but one of the auxiliary components of the cream is an antimicrobial agent. This allows you to comprehensively treat thermal and sunburns, as well as prevent bacterial infections with trophic ulcers, nipple cracks in nursing women, etc.

Conditionallynegative The quality of the cream can be considered the need to apply it on burns and wounds “manually” - directly with your fingers or a cotton swab, which can create discomfort. But the antimicrobial effect of the cream covers this “flaw”, therefore assessment Bepanten Plus - 10 balls.

Reviews: "I used Bepanten Plus several times, and each time it was effective. One of the best remedies for burns, but the smell is too" medical ", it is not always convenient to" wear the cream on yourself "in a public place."

good remedy for severe burns

Photo: old.smed.ru

Cost of 80g spray can is about 250 rubles.

Olazol is a whole complex of active substances, including an antibiotic (Levomycetin), an anesthetic (Anestezin), a stimulator of regeneration processes (sea buckthorn oil). Such a “rich” cocktail allows the use of a spray in a wider range: non-healing or infected burns, microbial eczema, trophic ulcers and other conditions accompanied by bacterial contamination or causing its risk.In addition, anesthesin has a local anesthetic effect, which, in the case of painful burns and injuries, eliminates the need for systemic anesthetics.

TO disadvantages Olazol can be attributed to the possible individual intolerance of its components, as well as its undesirable use in the case of sunburn: an antibiotic contained in a spray may cause an allergic reaction.

Score Olazol - 9 points out of 10, this is one of the best tools for complex burns.

Reviews: "My husband burned my brush badly at work, and it was not immediately possible to give help. A large blister formed on the brush, which burst and began to bleed after a few hours. Olazol was advised, and we were not mistaken: it relieves pain well, the wound began to dry after a day. Now even the scar is barely noticeable, although I thought that a huge scar would remain."

the best burn ointment

Cost of tubes weighing 35 g average 350 rubles.

The main active components of the ointment are substances that stimulate skin regeneration - vitamins A, E and D. By stimulating the metabolism in tissues, Radevit allows you to accelerate the healing of the skin during thermal burns, any uninfected wounds, and also has a symptomatic effect on dermatoses, eliminating itchy skin. The tool can be safely called one of the best ointments for burns.

In addition, Radevit contributes to the normal hydration of the skin. Often the “new” skin, growing on wounds, becomes overdried, cracks form on it, as a result of which secondary infection is possible. Due to the optimal level of moisture when using Radevita, this risk is minimized.

The main positive the property of the cream is a small number of contraindications: the active components of Radevita are substances that are present in the human body. Therefore, its use is possible in children under 1 year, in pregnant and lactating women.

TO disadvantages can be attributed to the time limit of use: with prolonged use of the cream may develop hypervitaminosis A, E, D.

Score on a 10-point scale - 8.

Reviews: "At one time I treated a baby with a burn from boiling water (small, about 3 cm in diameter). The skin is well healed, a small scar is visible only against the background of tanned skin. But the cream is very oily and is slowly absorbed."

Sea buckthorn oil
the best natural remedy for burns

Photo: masladiveevo.ru

Cost of 50 ml bottle about 200 rubles.

This is perhaps the most famous and best natural remedy for the treatment of thermal burns. This popularity is due to the almost complete safety of sea buckthorn oil and the absence of contraindications (with the exception of allergic reactions to oil components and / or individual intolerance).

The main active ingredients of sea buckthorn oil: biologically active ingredients that stimulate the regeneration and healing of the skin, provide an antiseptic effect. For the treatment of burns only natural oil is used - undiluted.

TO positive Its versatility and a wide range of indications can be attributed to the sides of sea buckthorn oil: the presence in the first-aid kit of this tool is a good aid in the treatment of bedsores, trophic ulcers, thermal burns and even a number of systemic diseases such as beriberi. The composition of the oil may include such additives as cedar resin, which further enhances the effectiveness of the product.

Conditionallynegative quality can be called its liquid consistency, which represents a certain inconvenience when applied. In addition, the high fat content causes some "danger" for clothing, especially when the external use of oil in children restless.

Nevertheless, the 100% natural origin of this remedy, high efficiency and the minimum number of contraindications provided him with a score of 10 points.

Reviews: "I never forget to replenish stocks of sea buckthorn oil in the first-aid kit.The best remedy for all occasions: it started with the fact that I treated my younger son with a burn from the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle, then when I went to the cottage I forgot hand cream at home and used oil (I highly recommend it, by the way), and now I just can't do without it!"

First aid for burns

For burns that are not accompanied by the violation of the integrity of the skin, you need a burned area place for 15-20 minutes under a gentle stream of cold water. After that, you need to dry the burn with a soft, wetting motion using a sterile gauze cloth and apply a burn remedy.

A dry sterile dressing is applied to the burn with skin damage (make sure the dressing does not put pressure on the wound). In case of burn injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin, as well as in case of extensive lesions, in no case use any means for wounds, even if you are sure of their effectiveness. This is due to the fact that for some time after receiving a burn, the wound remains sterile (due to exposure to high temperatures) and the application of any means, even for the treatment of burns, is the risk of infection.

Burns requiring medical care

Treatment of a burn at home is allowed only in cases when it is accompanied by reddening of the burned area (small blisters up to 1 cm in diameter filled with a clear liquid are possible) and the total area of ​​skin lesion does not exceed the size of the victim’s palm. If the burn is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms and circumstances, the victim must be taken to the nearest emergency room:

  • lesion area exceeds palm size;
  • burns on the face, genitals, mucous membranes of the nose and / or mouth;
  • “stuck” fragments of clothing remained in place of the burn;
  • the contents of the blister are opaque (with blood, pus);
  • fever;
  • nausea, vomiting, confusion;
  • too young or old age of the victim;
  • a recent illness that has weakened a person’s immunity.

Before the victim is examined by a doctor, he needs to provide plenty of drink and rest. With a strong pain syndrome, the patient can be given an anesthetic (with confusion or unconsciousness, all drugs are administered only by injection!).

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Natalia Poleva 05.02.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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