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7 best allergy medications

If you are blooming in spring with flowers, this is an urgent need to understand ...

Currently, allergic diseases are the scourge of the 21st century. Every year the number of people suffering from this disease grows. The most unpleasant in this situation is that small children are most susceptible to negative reactions to certain substances. On this basis, nursing mothers can not eat many foods until the child’s body reaches a certain degree of maturity.

Among adults, there are also enough people with allergies.

How to deal with intolerance to pollen, feline wool or citrus? The ideal option is to eliminate the allergen. That is to exclude contact with what causes an allergic reaction.

And if this is impossible?

This question has served as a prerequisite for active research and the creation of the most effective and safe antiallergic drugs. What drugs are the most effective in the difficult task of dealing with an allergic reaction?

To choose a suitable medicine, you should know the nature of the development of an allergic reaction. Itching, sneezing, redness of the skin, choking are all symptoms caused by the histamine substance. To eliminate an allergic reaction, it is necessary to deprive it of the ability to act in the body, in other words - to block it.

Attighistamine drugs are capable of this.

We present to your attention a list of the most effective and popular medicines, from which you can choose what is most suitable for you.

Attention! Our rating is for you if you have been bitten by a harmful insect, or you have eaten an exotic fruit for breakfast, or you sneeze from poplar fluff ... That is, if your allergy is an unpleasant episode, not a chronic disease. Otherwise, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. And further. All the drugs listed here have contraindications. Before you buy, be sure to read the instructions and contraindications for use in detail - what if the chosen remedy is absolutely not for you?

Top Allergy Ratings

Exclusive of its kind - Tsetrin
the best allergy medication at the moment

Photo: www.utkonos.ru

In the first place in terms of effectiveness is the third generation antihistamine drug - Cetrin.

The average estimated cost of the drug is from 160 to 200 rubles.

The main advantages of Tsetrina are a high degree of its effectiveness, as well as a quick action after taking the drug. It is also preferred because it does not cause drowsiness and "abstains" from negative effects on the liver.

Cetrin should be taken to eliminate the symptoms of seasonal allergies, pollinosis or atopic dermatitis.

This drug is the best choice for both adults and children. It has a pleasant taste, has practically no contraindications and restrictions on use. Unlike other drugs, it is enough to use it once a day, which greatly simplifies the process of application.

In the ranking of the most effective antiallergic drugs, Cetrin ranks first. On a ten-point scale, he can be safely given 9.5 points. 0.5 points removed for the only drawback - the price. Allergy medications can be purchased for a more reasonable price, but this is the case when it is appropriate to recall the words of a wise Jew: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

Claritin - the right, reliable, safe medicine for allergies

Photo: lechimsya.org

The next in the list of the most effective drugs for the treatment of allergies is Claritin (Loratadine).

The average cost of this drug is from 160 to 220 rubles.

Before the advent of third-generation antihistamines, Claritin was the most common. He is one of the first antiallergic drugs that did not affect the patient’s attention, which made it possible for doctors and drivers to use.

It is used for various manifestations of the allergic process, ranging from skin forms (itching and redness) and ending with laryngospasm (suffocation).

Claritin is good in the speed of its action, the ability to use in children after a year, as well as in persons who need focused attention during work.

The rating of this drug is 9.2 out of 10, as there are some drawbacks to the drug, such as restricting admission in people with impaired kidney function, in women while breastfeeding, and in children under one year old. Stops, to some extent, and the price - for the same money you can get the most safe and effective Tsetrin.

Phenystyle is old, but still effective ...

The average price for it currently ranges from 220 to 280 rubles.

Fenistil is a second-generation anti-allergy drug. It has less effect than Claritin, however, it acts much more efficiently than first-generation drugs.

The drug is used in the development of an allergic reaction from food, drugs, skin rashes and flow from the nose during the flowering period.

Fenistil has a good, pronounced antiallergic effect, does not allow an allergic reaction to develop, even with a high concentration of the allergen and histamine.

In terms of frequency of use, it is in third place among all drugs rated. His rating is 8.2 out of 10. The drug has such disadvantages as a sedative, sedative effect, increased effect of alcohol when used together, a distortion of the effect of some other drugs. Contraindicated in breastfeeding, pregnancy, as well as in children under 2 years.

Dangerous, but extremely effective - Gistalong

Histalong (Astemizol) is an antihistamine drug with the longest clinical effect.

The price of this drug ranges from 300 to 460 rubles, which makes it one of the most expensive drugs.

Histalong is a second-generation drug. It has the longest therapeutic effect (in some people it can reach up to 20 days)

This drug is used in the treatment of chronic allergic processes.

The duration of the Gistalonga allows you to use it with a frequency of about once a month. Its use allows you to exclude the use of other anti-allergic drugs.

Despite its duration of action and anti-allergic activity, the drug is only fourth in the ranking. His score on a ten-point scale is 8 out of 10. This result is due to the side effects of this drug - when it is taken it is possible that the normal heart rate is disturbed, which can be fatal in people with heart disease. It is contraindicated for use in the acute phase of the development of allergies, as well as in pregnant women and children.

A time-tested drug - Tavegil
first generation good allergy safe

Photo: sanatate.md

Tavegil (Clemastin) - one of the most common and used drugs of the first generation.

You can buy a tavegil, on average, for 100 rubles.

The drug is used in tablet and injectable forms. It has a fairly strong antiallergic effect. Often used as an additional drug for anaphylactic shock and pseudo-allergic reactions.

Low incidence of side effects and high efficiency allowed Tavegil to be included in the rating of the most used drugs. In addition, the drug quickly begins to act, and the effect of its use persists for quite some time, which makes it the drug of choice in the treatment of allergic processes.

The average rating of this drug on a ten-point scale is 8, 3 out of 10. Tavegil receives a similar assessment for its disadvantages such as the possible development of an allergic reaction to tavegil itself, a slight sedative effect, which makes it impossible to use it among drivers and doctors. Also, the drug is contraindicated for use in pregnant women, nursing mothers and in children under 1 year.

Will help quickly and in any situation - Suprastin

Suprastin (Chloropyramine) is a drug frequently used in most branches of medicine. You can buy it for 120-140 rubles.

One of the most effective first-generation histamine blockers.

It is used in almost all types and manifestations of an allergic reaction; used in the provision of emergency care for allergies (included in the number of mandatory drugs).

Suprastin does not accumulate in the blood serum, which prevents the possibility of an overdose of the drug. The effect develops quite quickly, but for its extension it is necessary to combine Suprastin with other drugs. The low cost of the drug is also its undoubted advantage, since it is extremely difficult to choose a high-quality and inexpensive tool in the modern drug market.

In the ranking of the best antiallergic drugs Suprastin gets 9 points out of 10. Its use is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, in children under 1 month, in individuals with individual intolerance to chloropyramine, as well as in acute asthma attacks.

Standing guard for centuries ... - Dimedrol

Photo: www.syl.ru

Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine) - the drug of the first generation of antihistamine drugs, the founder of this group of drugs.

Prescription drug.

It is one of the cheapest antiallergic drugs. Its cost ranges from 15 to 70 rubles.

One of the anti-allergic drugs that were first invented. It has a fairly strong anti-histamine effect.

Diphenhydramine is used to eliminate the manifestations of most allergic processes. It is produced mainly in the form of topically applied agents (as an ointment), but can also be used for systemic treatment. Included in the so-called triad due to its anti-inflammatory action.

Diphenhydramine has a pronounced anti-allergic effect: the effect develops quickly, but it also ends soon. Due to its low cost, anyone can buy it.

In the rating of drugs, Dimedrol gets an estimate of 8 out of 10. Despite its effectiveness in treating allergies, Dimedrol has a number of side effects, among which drowsiness is most pronounced after the use of the drug, mild dullness of consciousness with a sedative effect, anemia, and rhythm disturbance of the heart.

Results ... What is the best medicine for allergies?

Having thoroughly understood the principles of operation, effectiveness and safety of each of the above preparations, we should mention once again the crowned Cetrin. Due to its safety and efficiency, it ranks first in our ranking, and can be recommended for a home first aid kit.

This drug deserves a huge plus for the lack of effect on the attention and concentration of a person. You can take it without worrying about the side effects and your psycho-emotional state.

Of course, before taking it is best to consult an allergist and study the instructions.

Cheers and don't sneeze ...

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Madina Bekova 07.08.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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