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7 best drugs for the liver

To the disease did not sit in the liver ... and did not even think to sit down!

7 best drugs for the liver

Human liver is the largest gland in the body, which performs many vital functions. It participates in the process of digestion, neutralizes harmful substances, accumulates glucose and blood, produces cholesterol and bilirubin, hormones and enzymes. Impaired function of the liver immediately affects the general well-being of a person, forcing him to seek means to relieve pain, swelling, poor digestion.

The damaged ecology, junk food and the lack of a healthy lifestyle contribute to the disruption of the work of this body. If you are in the number of people who are concerned about the health of their liver, want to carry out prevention or treatment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our rating of the best drugs for the liver and choose the most suitable drug for yourself.

Of course, without a doctor's prescription, do not self-medicate. But if you want to learn more about the properties, price, positive and negative qualities of drugs for the liver, then you are here.

Galstena - the best drug for the treatment of children with liver disease

Photo: galstena.ua

On the drug market, the cost of Galstena fluctuates from 300 to 480 rubles.

Galstena - a combined drug. It has a protective effect on the liver cells, contributes to the formation of bile of a normal consistency, which, in turn, prevents the formation of stones. In addition, Galstena has the ability to relieve spasms and relieves pain in the liver.

This drug is used to treat hepatitis, as well as for the prevention of liver cell damage during the course of treatment with antibiotics or chemotherapy drugs.

Galstena is in the top of the best medicines due to the absence of contraindications (except for allergy to the components of the drug), side effects and the ability to use it in children without harm to the immature organism.

On a ten-point scale, this drug gets 9.5 points, since its only disadvantages are the possibility of intolerance and a relatively high price.

Essentiale is a reliable, time-tested drug

Essentiale can be purchased for the amount within 400 rubles.

The composition of this drug includes highly purified phospholipids, which interact well with the membranes of liver cells. When an inflammatory process occurs in the body’s largest gland, its integrity is disturbed, and with it the permeability of the cell walls for various toxic substances. Phospholipids in Essentiale can normalize the metabolic function of cells and their membranes, protect them from external influences, and also stimulate the regenerative processes in the liver.

Essentiale is used in the presence of diseases such as cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, or hepatic coma. The drug is recommended for patients in the postoperative period after surgery in the area of ​​the biliary system for faster normalization of function.

Contraindications intolerance to the components of the drug are used, and the use of drugs by children in the form of a liquid alcohol solution is also prohibited. With prolonged use may develop diarrhea.

Over the years, Essentiale is considered one of the best remedies for the treatment of liver diseases due to its good tolerability, the possibility of use in children and pregnant women, and the almost complete absence of side effects.

You can rate this drug in 9.3 points due to high efficiency and a small number of contraindications.

Antral (lyoliv) - the best drug for the prevention and treatment of liver

The average cost of this drug is about 200 rubles.

Antral refers to a group hepatoprotectors. It is used most often in various forms of hepatitis, to reduce the level of bilirubin and liver enzymes that enter the bloodstream during lesions of cells of the organ. As well as for prophylactic purposes during chemotherapy or immunodeficiency states of the body. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, activates cell repair processes.

Take it inside, three times a day.

It is undesirable to use this drug in case of intolerance to any of its components, as well as in acute renal failure.

Antral got into the ranking of the best drugs for the liver due to the small number of contraindications, side effects and good tolerance by patients.

Evaluation this drug on a ten-point scale - 9,2. The main disadvantages of the drug Antral - the inconvenience of the method of administration and contraindications for patients with hepatic insufficiency.

Hepel - the best homeopathic remedy

Hepel is a homeopathic medicine. It has the ability to repair liver cells, relieve spasms, improves the functioning of the gallbladder.

The drug is used in most liver diseases due to the extensive therapeutic effects, and is also used in the treatment of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in certain skin diseases.

Hepel should not be used in case of intolerance to its components. With caution, only after consulting a doctor, the drug is prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

In the top of the liver drugs, Hepel was due to the absence of side effects from the use and contraindications. Because of this, in the ranking of drugs, he gets the same rating as Antral - 9.2 points.

Cholenim - the best drug to enhance the flow of bile

The cost of the drug is from 120 to 280 rubles.

This is a combined preparation that includes bile and some pancreatic enzymes. Strengthens the outflow of bile formed in the liver, helps to improve digestion.

Cholenzyme is used in chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis, as well as in the treatment of other diseases of the digestive system.

Contraindications acute pancreatitis, obstructive jaundice, intolerance to the drug are used. The drug may cause the development of allergic skin reactions in the form of redness and itching.

Among the best drugs is due to good digestibility and portability, as well as low cost.

In the ranking of the best drugs for the liver gets score of 8.9, as it has a certain number of contraindications, and may also cause an allergic reaction. At best, allergies will require discontinuation of the drug, and at worst, taking additional drugs that load the liver.

Ursosan - the best drug for the prevention of stone formation in the biliary tract

Ursosan capsules with a high concentration of active ingredient cost, on average, about 800 rubles. Analogs are cheaper, do not exceed 250-300 rubles, however, due to a lower dose, the duration of administration increases.

The active ingredient of this drug is ursodeoxycholic acid, which is also present in small quantities in the bile. Its main function is the formation of liquid compounds with cholesterol, as a result of which the formation of stones becomes impossible. In addition, Ursosan reduces the production of cholesterol and has a protective effect on liver cells.

This medicine is used to treat gallstone disease, as well as for symptomatic treatment of patients with biliary cirrhosis.

Among the best drugs Ursosan can be attributed to its high efficiency. However, he has his own minuses, such as the impossibility of its use in hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug; in acute cholecystitis and complete obstruction of the biliary tract; in the presence of calcified stones (harder and denser than those that are formed only from cholesterol). It is forbidden to prescribe the drug to children under five years of age, as well as pregnant women in the first trimester.

The presence of such negative aspects does not allow Ursosan to be among the top five agents for the liver, however, its effectiveness in treating stones allows it to be among the best drugs. Note that the price has a negative effect on the rating. Therefore, the evaluation of this drug - 8.5 points on a ten point scale.

Heptral - the best hepatoprotector

Photo: sobifarm.ru

You can buy it, on average, for 1200-1400 rublesthat not everybody can afford (it is possible to buy a counterpart - Heptrodaley, the price of which is about 600 rubles).

The composition of Heptral includes ademetionine, an amino acid that is involved in many biochemical reactions of the body. It helps to improve the physical qualities of bile, facilitates its excretion and reduces toxicity.

The drug is used in the treatment of cholestasis (stagnation of bile), cirrhotic changes of the liver, fatty degeneration, chronic hepatitis.

The drug has a pronounced protective effect, however, has its negative sides - causes dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, sleep disorders and the psyche, can cause allergic reactions with increased sensitivity of the components of the drug. It is contraindicated in pregnant women in the first two trimesters (in the third trimester, only with consultation with a doctor and the prevalence of a positive effect). The price of the drug also applies to its disadvantages. Because of this, Geptrale deserves a score of 8 points.

What is the best drug to choose to correct problems with the liver?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question. Each of the drugs in our ranking has its own individual, positive and negative properties.

To achieve the greatest effect in treatment and to avoid possible complications. before taking medication should consult with a specialist.

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Madina Bekova 17.08.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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