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Top 5 Steel Baths

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Top 5 Steel Baths

In this article you will get acquainted with the top five of the best steel enamel baths, which are most often bought in 2014. When studying the opinions of customers, it turned out that the choice stops mainly on Russian and European baths. Many bath owners say that Russian plants produce good quality products, and prefer to support domestic producers. Moreover, such baths are much cheaper. So that you can make your own opinion, we will tell in brief about all.

Steel baths which company is better?

I. Europe:

Among the European companies supplying steel baths to us, the leader in quality is the German company. Kaldewei. She also ranks first in the diversity of the range. More than half of all steel bath models in online stores are Kaldewei (for example, the Yandex.Market aggregator finds 380 steel bath models on sale, of which 211 are Kaldewei).

Kaldewei bathtubs have proven to be luxury bathtubs. They are known high strength. These are not just steel baths covered with enamel. The company produces its own enamel on a special recipe. After high temperature treatment, the enamel is connected to the steel as a whole. Manufacturers even call this material "steel enamel", So it is inseparable and durable. According to the company, the walls of the bath do not crack from falling objects not deformed with temperature fluctuations (and therefore, the geometry of the bath will not change, there will be no cracks in the joints and the bathroom walls will not become damp). "Steel enamel" resistant to household chemicals, does not turn yellow and does not fade from light. Wall thickness - 3.5 mm.

Buying a Kaldewei bath, you can not worry about the environment - all baths (after the end of its service life) and packaging materials can be 100% recycled. The warranty on the bath - 30 years.

Kaldewei baths regularly recognizediners at international competitions. In 2014, two new products became the laureates of the Interior Innovation Award 2014: the Centro Duo Oval bathtub with a seamless enamel lining received the title “Best of the Best”, and the Conopool bathtub became the “Winner” (the title “Winner”).

In the assortment of Kaldewei - more than 300 models of steel baths. There are simple rectangular baths costing 3-5 thousand rubles and steel baths of superior comfort - ergonomic angular, oval, multifaceted, with a unique anti-slip coating, with hydromassage, double, with a hidden drain (with a lid) - cost about 100-150 thousand. Kaldewei also produces bath and shower equipment, sets of noise-reducing plates for steel baths, and even such exotic things as acoustic systems for baths.

Other popular steel bath manufacturers:

  • Concern Roca (Spain). Roca steel baths look very elegant, but no less durable. At the factory, the enamel is applied with a layer of 1 mm on the hot surface, so Roca baths are famous strength, absolute smoothness and long retain color. Now the stores have three series of steel baths: ROCA Swing, ROCA Princess and ROCA Contesa, the size range is from 100 to 180 cm. The Contesa series has flat sides, the bowl is slightly narrowed on the side of the drain. In the Princess series, an elegantly shaped bowl with slight bends of the sides, with anti-slip bottom covering, soundproofing, chrome-plated handles. The Swing bathtub is expanded in the center, also has a non-slip coating, chrome-plated handles and sound insulation. Cost - from 2500 to 16000 p.
  • Jika. The company is part of the Roca holding, has several factories around the world, and produces various plumbing and bathroom furniture. The steel bath plant is located in Portugal. Jika steel baths are made of 3 mm steel, covered with three layers of enamel, therefore they are characterized by reliability, excellent appearance and durability. Baths have anti-slip coating. The most famous series - Jika RIGA, Jika PRAGA, Jika ALMA. Size range - from 105 to 170 cm.
  • Bette (Germany). Steel baths - the main activity of the company. Bath coverings are unique. The company has developed and produces a special enamel - BetteGlaze, enamel glaze. The walls of the bathtub are resistant to household chemicals and mechanical damage (scratches, shocks). Enamel long keeps smoothness and gloss. Wall thickness - 3.5 mm. In the company's assortment more than 300 models - detached, mortise, with the possibility of installation in the floor, of different shapes and sizes, with additional functions. Cost - from 10 000 p. up to 200 000 r.
  • BLB (Portugal). The enamel is applied by sinking into a steel sheet - this makes the surface very resistant. The material contains polymer additives to reduce noise when filling the bath with water.
  • Estap (Slovakia). In the range - 9 basic models, among which the most popular are Estap Classic and Estap Deluxe.

Ii. Russia:

In Russia, steel baths produce 2 plants. it Upper Iset Metallurgical Plant (VIZ) and Lipetsk Pipe Plant (Santo Holding OJSC).

VIS steel baths are known by their brands. Antika and Donna vanna. Modern technologies and equipment are used in production. Durable enamel layer resistant to abrasion and scratch, to the effects of household chemicals. The vitreous surface is able to refract light rays, so the baths are distinguished by a deep natural brilliance. VIS baths are very are resistant thanks to the large mounting area of ​​the legs. Donna Vanna steel baths are equipped with vibration damping plate (to suppress noise when typing in a bath of water). On this series, the plant gives 10 years warranty (at the same time the declared service life is 15 years). An important advantage of Russian baths over Western ones - price. With the same size (up to 170 cm) cost does not exceed 10,000 p. (on average - 4000-5000 p.).

Steel baths of the Lipetsk plant can be found not in all stores. And it produces only two models (150 and 170 cm). Lipetsk baths perform their functions well, but this product did not get into our rating.

As the baths of any of these manufacturers, you can be sure. Which same models baths better?

Table 1: Rating of the most popular steel baths in Russia in 2014 according to the Price Expert





OJSC "Upper Iset Metallurgical Plant" ANTIKA 170

Separate steel bathtub. 185 l. 170x70x40 cm

Best Budget Steel Tub


Jika RIGA 105x70

Separate steel bathtub. 120 l. 105x70x40 cm

The best sit steel bath


Roca Contesa 170x70

Separate steel bathtub. 195 l. 170x70x41.50 cm

The best steel bath in terms of price / quality ratio


Roca Swing 170x75

Separate steel bathtub. 215 l. 170x75x43.20 cm

The best steel bath of large volume


Kaldewei SANIFORM PLUS 363-1 Easy-clean

Separate steel bathtub. 111 l. 170x70x41 cm

The easiest steel bath to clean


1. The best budget steel bath - JSC "Upper Iset Metallurgical Plant" ANTIKA 170

Photo: domsaiver.ru

Rating: 9.9 out of 10.

Bath Russian production. This model (or a similar other size) is easy to find in the store. Meets all modern requirements for the quality of coverage. If you need a simple “no-nonsense” steel bath, just to wash yourself, Antika is ideal.

From the reviews of the bath of JSC "VIZ" ANTIKA 170:

“I have a steel one. It is called "Antika". I do not like to rinse in the bath, so it does not bother if the water cools quickly. She got used to the noise. For me, this is the best option. Cheap and angry. ”

Advantages of the model:

  • affordable price;
  • sufficient volume;
  • easy to wash.

Cons of the model:

  • noise when filling.

2. The best sitting steel bath - Jika RIGA 105x70

Photo: www.aquadomspb.ru

Rating: 10 out of 10.

One of the few baths of reduced length. Suitable not only for those who want to take a bath while sitting. Jika RIGA 105x70 will fit perfectly into a small bathroom, where every centimeter counts. If you can not decide what to put, shower or full bath, a good solution can be a shower in combination with a little Jika RIGA 105x70 (for every taste). Suitable for guest bathrooms. And if you have an elderly person in your family - be sure to consider this model.After all, overhead grilles, which we have decided to sit in the bath, can be so unreliable! For safety, it is better to buy an extra rubber mat. And the seat itself will not slip away.

From Jika RIGA bath reviews:

“We put the Czech steel bath Jika Riga - very satisfied. My Mr. Proper - enamel as new ,. By the way, we were frightened that the steel bath would be booming. Nothing like this! Properly installed - and absolutely no rattles! "

Advantages of the model:

  • compactness;
  • reliability;
  • good enamel;
  • built-in seat.

Cons of the model:

  • size is not sufficient for a person who is tall or overweight;
  • legs are often not included.

3. The best steel bath in terms of price / quality ratio - Roca Contesa 170x70

Photo: santeh-stroy-market.ru

Rating: 10 out of 10.

The optimal choice for an ordinary family. It is not too expensive. Due to the high quality of the coating, it is easy to care for the surface. And on the contrary, it is difficult to damage it.

From Roca Contesa steel bath reviews:

“The enamel is good, smooth, free from defects. The store looked yellowish compared to others, but at home it looks snow white. What else you like - there is no groove on the sides of the bath. In our old bath water was constantly accumulating there. ”

"When installing dropped the hammer! When viewed, they did not find any scratches)) The surface is slippery, but we decided not to take the anti-slip coating - they say that the enamel is quickly erased. This is easy to clean, and the enamel is not scratched. ”

Advantages of the model:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of installation;
  • easy care;
  • smooth surface;
  • snow white;
  • there is no groove on the board - there is no place for water to accumulate.

Cons of the model:

  • legs weak, need support.

4. The best steel bath of large volume - Roca Swing 170x75

Rating: 10 out of 10.

Model for those who like to comfortably soak in the bath. You can pour as much water into it as you need - and you will not feel that it is shallow. In this bath it will be convenient to any member of your family. Suitable for tall people.

From Roca Swing bath reviews:

“Bought a bath 7 years ago. With careful care, it remains white and shiny. Our family is very pleased with this purchase. ”

“Bought an excellent steel bath Rock. We installed it master - keeps tight. Classic design, comfortable shape, reasonable price. There is nothing better than classic models, practical and convenient. ”

Advantages of the model:

  • spacious, large volume;
  • comfortable shape, slightly extended in the center;
  • there are chrome handles;
  • anti-slip bottom coating.

Cons of the model:

  • non-standard width (rather, not a minus, but a feature that you need to pay attention to if the area is very limited);
  • anti-slip coating more difficult to wash.

5. The easiest steel bath in maintenance - Kaldewei SANIFORM PLUS 363-1 Easy-clean

Rating: 9.9 out of 10.

The leader of our ranking in quality. Even fine cracks do not appear on the smooth white enamel during use - this means that there is no place for bacteria and limescale to accumulate. The coating does not turn yellow, remains as uniform as immediately after purchase. Strong walls (3.5 mm) will not bend, even if a person is taking a bath, a large and heavy person.

From reviews of Kaldewei SANIFORM PLUS bath:

“I've been using the bathroom for more than a year, it is in excellent condition, despite the fact that it is not demanding to care. The area of ​​the bath is large - periodically soak tablecloths in it, I use bleach and a brush, the surface is not damaged at all. Does not rattle like a bucket when water is collected. Several times I dropped bath accessories into it - no scratches left. ”

Advantages of the model:

  • reliability;
  • durable enamel;
  • Easy Clean cover (easy to clean);
  • classic shape;
  • stable;
  • legs are height adjustable;
  • additional insulation is not required;
  • water cools slowly.

Cons of the model:

  • shallow depth

What steel bath is better to buy?

Steel baths are much lighter (both in weight and installation) and cheaper than cast-iron ones. They are much stronger than acrylic, and not so demanding of detergents.Modern steel baths are covered with very high quality enamel, so their service life is long. And the two main problems of this type of bath (noise and rapid cooling), it turns out, can be solved. There are special noise-canceling kits, and competent installation is more important. Perhaps a steel bath - this is your ideal option? Study our rating and make the right choice!

Author: Nick Ekholm 01.09.2014
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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