Ratings Selection New technologies Reviews

HUAWEI MateBook X Pro

detailed information
9.0 / 10

HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Specs

Type of
Type of a laptop
Game not
Operating system detail Windows 10 Home
CPU core Kaby lake-r
The number of processor cores 4
L2 cache size 1 Mb
Memory type LPDDR3
Memory frequency 2133 MHz
Screen diagonal 13.9 "
Screen resolution 3000x2000
Widescreen screen not
Touch screen there is
Multi-touch screen there is
LED backlight there is
3D support not
Type of video card discrete
Video card NVIDIA GeForce MX150
Two video cards not
Video memory capacity 2048 MB
Type of video memory GDDR5
Storage devices
Optical drive No DVD
Hard drive type SSD
Expansion slots
ExpressCard slot not
Wireless connection
Wi-Fi there is
Wi-Fi standard 802.11ac
Bluetooth there is
4G LTE not
3G not
Built-in network card not
Number of USB 3.0 Type A interfaces 1
USB 3.1 Type-C interface there is
Firewire interface not
Firewire 800 interface not
ESATA interface not
Com port not
VGA (D-Sub) output not
Mini VGA output not
DVI output not
HDMI output not
Micro HDMI output not
DisplayPort output not
Mini DisplayPort output not
Number of interfaces Thunderbolt 3 1
Dock connection not
Audio input not
Microphone input not
Audio / Headphone Out not
Mic In / Headphone Combo Out there is
Digital audio output (S / PDIF) not
Working hours 12 h
Battery type Li-pol
Input Devices
Positioning devices Touchpad
Keyboard backlight there is
Touch Panel Touch Bar not
The presence of columns there is
Subwoofer availability not
Microphone there is
GPS not
Webcam there is
Webcam resolution 1 megapixel
Fingerprint scanner there is
TV tuner not
Remote control not
Kensington lock slot not
Metal case there is
High impact case not
Waterproof case not
Passive cooling not
Length 304 mm
Width 217 mm
Thickness 14.6 mm
Weight 1.33 kg
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro is selected to the rating:
Top 10 ultrabooks



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