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15 interesting options for homemade vehicles

As they say, instead of “made in” - “made by hands”

Very often we live practically in a “self-made” world - we not only create an interior around ourselves with our own hands, but also produce many tools, devices, machines and mechanisms that help us in our work or entertain us during leisure hours. Sometimes it is not so much useful for business, how much fun. But our Kulibin not stop!

Photo: sunhome.ru

We have known homemade devices since childhood. And now, even for a child, we will not regret the hydraulic drive from construction equipment, having made a stand for a swing out of it.



Photo: samodelki.org

Further, starting to grow up in engineering, a person strives to facilitate his own manual labor - and, of course, he begins to invent machines from improvised materials. An example of this is a portable, more precisely "transportable" circular saw made of a wheelchair.





Photo: samodelki.org

Or here is another good example of a self-made machine design - it looks quite interesting, as if a stand for demonstrating a gear train to student technicians. In fact, this is a homemade format-cutting machine for cabinet furniture, which even works very well!





Photo: stroimzauralom.ru

Then thoughts begin - how to make something more complicated, which can also help in the household. At least mow the grass in the summer and autumn. The result is a lawn mower, made from an old unpretentious vacuum cleaner still the Soviet system. You can run a series!





Photo: samodelki.org

And in the winter? There is no grass, but cleaning the yard and the road is also necessary. Please, here is an interesting version of the snow removal equipment, also collected from scrap materials.





Photo: forumhouse.ru

But, of course, this is not the ultimate dream of our DIY. To any artisanal designer for the happiness of assembling with his own hands a car that would be on the go! From what - this is how it goes ...





Quite a funny car, although working at one hundred percent. Only here is the question: how is it, after all, driving around in such mountains and marshes, if there is no cabin, which elementarily protects against splashing, at least. Or from branches that will knock on top of the head.





And on this tractor (or is it still a car?) The owner, as you can see, he goes to the woods for mushrooms. Well, or chooses a plot for cutting down trees. And you can carry a tool into the forest!





That is, progress is already evident - we are starting to think about hard work, and, consequently, about heavy equipment. And for snow clearing we collect a mini-bulldozer from the car.





And then - for work in the field (or in the garden, who has what) - plow with his own hands.





This, by the way, is also a plow, a rather original design:





And in order to carry out excavation work on a garden plot, right up to landscape design with a change in the surface, a mini excavator is needed:





Photo: samodelki.org

Some, by the way, and more seriously excavators can collect at home:





And our machine operators are absolutely unique people! After all, this multifunctional tractor is also equipped with many "bells and whistles" - and also clearly not at the factory.





Photo: vas-s-al.livejournal.com

And in conclusion - a unique military equipment! Indeed, on such an armored tractor on a track, only in battle to go against the German tanks. I wonder what else he can do?







Author: Vadim Yashin 27.09.2012
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.



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