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How to save money with a small salary?

Advice for those who want to survive the crisis

How to save money with a small salary?

In a crisis, it is difficult to adapt to dramatically changed circumstances: someone was cut back in wages, and someone was cut at all. The prices are inflated like bright balloons. How not to be left with nothing in a crisis? How to save a family budget that is already bursting at the seams? We suggest you apply these 10 tips in life. Believe me, you will even have money to rest.

Planning is the key to success

How many times have they told the world: a clear planning of the family budget is a necessity, especially if your salary ends a week after it is received. What rules should be followed when maintaining the budget so as not to break the wood?

  • Now we all live a very mobile life, so getting a notebook to record income and expenses is inefficient. Most likely, you will conduct it for a maximum of a couple of months, and then you will throw it on the mezzanine. Download a mobile application that allows you to plan a budget, and enter into it the necessary information, standing somewhere in the queue or sitting in a subway car. You will not lose a lot of time, but you will restore order in your head and budget.
  • Plan not only the budget, but also your meetings and entertainment events. Often we spend a lot of money on vacation, but do not notice it. Allocate a certain amount of entertainment and do not exceed its limit.
  • Collect checks, even after you buy groceries in the supermarket - so you won’t be puzzled where to make a couple of thousand, because you will have a receipt for the purchase of a teddy bear that you didn’t have in your collection.
  • Distribute the salary received by envelopes: for food, for transportation costs, for the purchase of clothes or shoes, for entertainment. Also try to save 10% from each salary to a savings account - this is how you will be able to collect the necessary amount for large purchases without any special damage to the budget.

Keep up to date on product promotions

Large chain supermarkets often hold promotions for certain products in order to lure more buyers, who, after crawling for free, will come running to them and buy in addition those products whose prices are prudently inflated. Don't fall for this trick. The benefit of supermarkets in every city at every corner, do not be lazy to go through several to buy different products for stocks: for example, buy potatoes in Auchan, and fresh cutting in the local meat department.

Be careful: seeing just a breathtaking discount on perishable foods, vegetables, fruits and jelly, resist the temptation to buy something for the future. It can spoil, and then there can be no talk of any economy.

Please note: about promotions that are held in different supermarkets, you can find on their sites. Spend 5 minutes to view stocks and make a convenient route to those supermarkets where the prices for the products you need are lower.

Counters - our everything

Photo: www.liomplus.ru

And put, finally, the counters. This is especially true for those who live in proud loneliness (the cat does not count). You should not overpay the average monthly rate if you don’t manage to spend a third of it. Installing the meter will pay off in six months, but you will immediately notice a change in the amount on the receipts.

Electricity under control

You can significantly save on electricity bills. In fact, our apartments are simply crammed with various appliances, which with appetite consumes electricity. Get into the habit of following these energy saving rules:

  • Always turn off the lights when leaving the room. Even if you return there soon.
  • Do not turn on the TV "for the background" - better turn on a small receiver and enjoy the music: the effect will be the same, and the electricity will burn much less.
  • Turning off the kettle, washing machine, computer, laptop or TV, remove it from the outlet - this will also save energy, which is spent on maintaining appliances in sleep mode.
  • Change all incandescent bulbs to fluorescent or LED - this will save a couple of hundred rubles a month.
  • When buying a new refrigerator, “washer” or other large household appliances, which you will use all the time, pay attention to the energy class. A ++ is the most economical option, while A + and A just will require more expense for work.

Shopping deliberately

Some people simply cannot resist when they see the desired thing. You need to get rid of this feeling if you want to save the family budget. Here are a few shopping rules:

  • Plan large purchases in advance - they should not be spontaneous, otherwise you risk to eat noodles even two weeks before the salary.
  • Before buying, carefully study the range and find the best online offer. You should not go to the nearest supermarket of household appliances, if you want to buy a TV, it is better to drive a couple of stops on the subway, but to buy the same model for a couple of thousand cheaper.
  • Use discount cards. If you do not have such a card in the selected store, ask friends and colleagues: it is not difficult for them, and it will help you to save up to 5-6 thousand depending on the purchase amount. Do not neglect this opportunity.
  • Always go for groceries with a list. It is very difficult not to be tempted by marketing traps in supermarkets, but it is possible. Eat tight before going to the store and arm yourself with a list of what you really need to buy. So you protect yourself from unnecessary spending.

And finally, we want to remind you of the golden rule: money loves an account. Always be aware of how much money you have left: both in a bank account and in cash. This will help you feel confident and control your spending.

Author: Julia Arkhipova 07.11.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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