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Top 5 Bruise Remedies

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Top 5 Bruise Remedies

Bruises (hematomas) are what everyone faces. Moreover, they literally collide: one careless movement can lead to an unsuccessful “docking” of the knee and the corner of the table, after which even the most slender legs have to be hidden under the pants for several more weeks.

Injections, bruises, cuts - anything can cause hematoma formation - hemorrhages under the skin. And it is natural to assume that you will want to get rid of such a “decoration” as soon as possible, but for this you need to have the means to treat bruises on hand.

In this article, we will look at the best, most effective and popular remedies for bruises that deserve (to a greater or lesser extent) an honorable place in a first-aid kit.

The best bruise ointment
based on heparin

Speaking about the best remedies for bruises, one can not begin with ointments based on heparin. Heparin ointment (from 60 rubles), Lioton (from 600 rubles), Lavenum (from 180 rubles), Trombless gel (from 200 rubles), Heparin Akrigel (from 140 rubles), etc., use the antithrombotic effect of the main active ingredient - heparin. In addition to heparin, ointments may include auxiliary substances that provide analgesic, antiseptic, and other effects.

Heparin prevents blood from clotting and, therefore, prevents blood clots. Due to this effect, a faster resorption of blood clots that remain under the skin after hemorrhage occurs.

Benefits. Heparin-based products are really effective in treating hematomas, but at the same time any of the listed ointments will also be a reliable help in getting rid of other problems. For example, pain in the joints, external hemorrhoids, joint injuries, edema - conditions in which the use of funds with heparin is recommended.

disadvantages. Unfortunately, heparin has many contraindications. Since we consider the best ointment for the treatment of bruises, the main contraindication in this case are open wounds. This means that if a bruise was formed together with a violation of the integrity of the skin, then the heparin ointments and gels will only increase the bleeding. In addition, heparin refers to substances that can cause allergic reactions, so people with a tendency to allergies should think that it is preferable: a bruise or allergic dermatitis. Another disadvantage is the need for frequent application of the product, about 5 times a day, which makes these products not very convenient for those who are forced to engage in treatment at work or school.

The relatively low cost of heparin ointments and their high efficiency in combination with limited indications provided these remedies for bruises 9 points out of 10.

Reviews: “A spouse constantly uses Heparin ointment - he works as a mechanic, something happens all the time, after which serious bruises appear. I can say that this ointment is the best cure for bruises, it helps a lot - bruises fade and dissolve in literally a day or two. ”

The best bruise gel

Photo: itsmyhealth.ru

The cost of a tube of 40 g. Is about 170 rubles.

The active component of the ointment - Troxerutin - allows you to eliminate and reduce the fragility of blood vessels, strengthens their walls, reduces swelling and helps to stop inflammatory processes caused by damage to the vascular network. With regard to hematomas, troxerutin prevents repeated damage to the vessels that heal after injury and prevents bruising.

Benefits. Strong vessels - this is important. Especially if the bruise fell on a region of the body that is distinguished by the superficial location of the large blood arteries - the inner part of the lower leg, forearm, and thigh.Areas with a wide network of small vessels, such as the feet, are also a permanent risk zone in which hematomas can form even with minor exposure. Troxevasin allows you to quickly restore the appearance of the skin and make stronger what is in it and under it - the capillaries, the fragility of which is the most common cause of the formation of hematomas. In addition, the 2-fold daily use of the gel is very convenient: after applying the product in the morning, you can “forget” it at home until the evening and go quietly about your business.

disadvantages. Troxevasin can also cause local allergic reactions, such as urticaria or allergic dermatitis, which limit its “zone of influence”.

In addition, there are no drawbacks, and on a 10-point scale this bruise remedy is rated as the best 9 points.

Reviews. “I didn’t like the heavy consistency of the gel. It would seem very light and “airy”, but it is absorbed in the code for a very long time. On the other hand, a large bruise on his leg removed literally in 2 days, and he also relieved the pain. ”

The best natural remedies for bruising
ointments and gels with badagoy

As it becomes clear from the name, these agents use the same active ingredient: badyagi powder - the crushed skeleton of a freshwater organism, which belongs to sponges.

The cost of a tube weighing 30 g starts from 40 rubles and varies widely depending on the manufacturer and auxiliary components of ointments.

Benefits. Badyag powder is a 100% natural substance to which the body reacts more than “favorably”: among our charts of the best remedies for bruising badyaga is less likely to cause allergies and other undesirable effects. The action of such funds is based on a mild irritant effect, which has badyaga. When rubbed into the skin, this substance stimulates blood circulation in the injured area, which helps to improve metabolic processes and more quickly restore damage. Bruises dissolve quickly enough, since blood clots are actively absorbed and "dissolved".

disadvantages. Not identified, therefore, ointments and gels with badagia are given to all 10 points out of 10.

Reviews. “The best bruise remedy is a pleasant odor and is easily absorbed. At first I was worried that I had to apply 3-4 times a day on a bruise, and I would have to wait for a while until it was absorbed. But the ointment is very light and does not leave marks on the skin, and at the same time I quickly removed a bruise on my cheekbone, which I received after falling on an ice rink. ”

The best bruise remedy with a masking effect
Bruise off

Photo: lechimsya.org

The cost of a tube weighing 30g. is about 120 rubles.

The active component is leech extract, which is essentially hirudin, the main component of leech saliva. Hirudin prevents blood from clotting, which allows the bruise to dissolve faster, and pentoxifylline, also included in the formulation, is declared by the manufacturer as a substance that improves blood microcirculation in tissues and serves as an "accelerator" of regeneration processes.

Benefits. The gel quickly removes swelling at the site of injury, has a slight analgesic effect and eliminates the effects of injury in the form of a bruise. Ease of use (easy absorption, pleasant smell) allows you to use the tool not only at home, but due to the toning effect of the gel, the hematoma becomes less noticeable.

disadvantages. Off bruise is contraindicated for any bleeding disorders, and is not recommended for deep injuries (sprains, subluxations, dislocations, etc.) that are accompanied by the formation of hematomas. In addition, the therapeutic value of pentoxifylline, as an activator of microcirculation, remains doubtful - all together it allows us to assign to this drug no more than 7 points out of 10.

Reviews “I used this tool several times: the bruise on my face went off rather quickly, literally after 2 days I began to turn yellow, and then gradually disappeared completely. And with a bruise on his lower legs, such a number did not pass: no matter how hard the Bruise Off was applied, he did not see the effect. I believe that this gel is not suitable for all types of hematomas, which is the reason for its selective effect. ”

The best folk remedies for bruises
cold and warm

Separate attention is deserved by the most effective means that do not cost anything and are almost always at hand: ice and a hot-water bottle. Although they produce absolutely opposite effects on the hematoma, we decided to combine them in one subject. The reason is the improper use of these means, as a result of which, instead of the expected rapid disappearance of the bruise, its extensive “spreading” is observed.

So cold. The best first aid for bruises. Immediately after injury By applying ice wrapped in tissue, it is possible to provide local narrowing of the vessels, the damage of which, in fact, causes subcutaneous bleeding. The smaller the lumen of the vessels, the less blood is released from them. But this scheme is valid only in the first few minutes after the injury. If you apply cold after a bruise has formed, it will only slow down tissue repair: because of the narrowed vessels, the tissues supply blood poorly, which prevents nutrients (read: regenerating) substances from penetrating into them.

As a first aid measure, it is not necessary to look for ice: a bottle of a chilled drink, a bag of frozen vegetables — everything in the fridge. But with one condition: the item (product) must be wrapped in polyethylene and wrapped in a clean cloth.

Heat - Another “underwater stone” of bruises. For some reason, many people try to apply warmth to the injury as soon as possible or, which is no better, apply warming ointments. Such treatment can have a distracting effect: the effect of heat in some way relieves pain, but leads to an increase in hematoma. Indeed, in contrast to cold, heat expands blood vessels and allows blood to freely leave its course. But for 2-3 days after the bruise is formed, the heat will become a good component of the treatment (but on the condition that there are no wounds on the skin and there are no signs of an infectious or inflammatory process in the area of ​​the injury).

What else do you need to know?

There are some “extraordinary” situations that require a more responsible approach than simply applying good ointment on bruises to the area of ​​the bruise:

  • Be sure to consult your doctor if the blow fell on the face. Injuries (even closed) areas of the eye, ear, nose, and upper jaw can have delayed effects, which, alas, manifest themselves only after the hematoma disappears. But a qualified specialist can recognize the likelihood of a complication when it seems to you personally that a bruise is the only problem that has arisen.
  • In case of injury with skin lesionsand first of all it is necessary to take measures to disinfect the wound, and very carefully pick up the bruise ointment. It is best to first consult with a specialist, as many tools are not intended for the treatment of hematomas, combined with violation of the integrity of the skin. At least carefully read the instructions for the drug.
  • If bruises appear often, and even after a minor effect on the skin, there is no point in using ointments and gels for bruising. And that really makes sense - consultation with a doctor and qualified examinationwhich will identify the causes of increased fragility and fragility of blood vessels.
Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Author: Natalia Poleva 12.03.2015
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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