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14 best amino acids

Review of the best universal amino acid complexes - according to reviews of trainers and athletes

There are many types of sports nutrition, but one of the main favorites in terms of popularity, along with proteins, are amino acids. Their range is also quite extensive. And choosing a truly effective supplement is not always easy. Here, by analogy with the difficult choice of the hero at the crossroads, there are three ways (only safer):

  1. Take advantage of coach recommendation or a consultant in the store. A good option, but not everyone has a personal trainer, and consultants often advise that it is more profitable for them to sell (or expiration date);
  2. Turn on intuition and try to guess. The undoubted advantage of this method is the possibility of getting personal experience. Only the process can be delayed and fraught with unnecessary financial losses;
  3. The last option is to use when selecting the best amino acids verified data based on reviews experienced users and professionals.

The third way seems to be more optimal and one of the ways to implement it is to get acquainted with our rating, which today will be devoted to the best complexes of amino acids for men and women.

What are amino acids for?

It hardly makes sense to pour in scientific terms, and therefore in simple words: our muscles (if we do not take water into account) are mainly composed of protein. So amino acids - these are the nutrients from which this protein is built. It is their body uses for its own strengthening, renewal and the production of certain enzymes and hormones.

During exercise, free amino acids are consumed by the body, and their required amount is not always replenished from food. This is where amino acid supplements come in handy.

Types of sports amino acids and release form

The most common are two types: isolated amino acids and complexes, which differ in composition, ratio of substances and their form.

The most popular among the individual - BCAA, which are the main amino acids of the muscles and necessary for their preservation, restoration and growth. The complexes have an expanded composition (including BCAA) and are most often based on the hydrolyzed form of protein, which has an even faster absorption rate than amino acids in free form.

Amino acids are available in three versions: powder, tablets (capsules), liquid. The basic properties and speed of absorption by the body depend little on the form of release, and you can choose the option that is simply more convenient to accept.

Category A place Name Rating Price
The best amino acid complexes in the form of tablets 1 Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition) 9.9 / 10 2 590
2 Mutant Amino (Mutant) 9.8 / 10 1 300
3 Carnivor Beef Aminos (MuscleMeds) 11 9.8 / 10 1 750
4 Anabolic Amino 9000 (Olimp) 9.8 / 10 2 590
5 100% Beef Aminos (Universal Nutrition) 9.7 / 10 1 800
6 Mega Amino 3200 (BioTech USA) 9.7 / 10 1 150
7 Amino 5600 (Scitec Nutrition) 9.6 / 10 800
8 Amino 2700 (Universal Nutrition) 9.6 / 10 2 700
Top Powder Amino Acids 1 Ami-NO Xpress (Scitec Nutrition) 9.9 / 10 1 700
2 Essential Amino Acids (MyProtein) 9.8 / 10 1 600
3 Essential Amino Energy (Optimum Nutrition) 9.8 / 10 1 290
4 Amino X (BSN) 9.7 / 10 2 390
Top Liquid Amino Acids 1 Amino Power Liquid (Weider) 9.7 / 10 1 890
2 Magic Amino Fuel (Maxler) 9.5 / 10 990

The best amino acid complexes in the form of tablets

Amino Gold (Ultimate Nutrition)
2 590 (325 tab.)

Amino acids from Ultimate Nutrion traditionally occupy a leading position in the ratings of the best in the optimal ratio of quality and price. Brand products are popular all over the world, and, most importantly, its use gives a real effect.

Amino Gold is a balanced complex on whey protein hydrolyzate. In each portion there is an optimal amount of various amino acids (essential and essential), including those with an extensive side chain - BCAA (valine, leucine, isoleucine).

Supplement supplement provides:

  • Fast recovery;
  • Increase endurance;
  • The growth of muscles and their protection from destruction during the "drying";
  • Liver protection from toxins and metabolic products.

Amino Gold is available in pill form, packaged in 325 capsules, or 250 capsules with a corresponding price recalculation.

Main advantages:
  • Rapid absorption;
  • Optimal composition;
  • No fats and carbohydrates.
  • Large pills.
9.9 / 10
Very high quality and effective, the best amino acid complex at a reasonable price.Aminki really work. Recovery is much easier and you feel an increase in energy during training. At first it was hard to swallow, but then adapted.
Mutant Amino (Mutant)
1 300 (can, 300 tablets)

Continues the ranking of the best amino acids Mutant Amino - a complex that includes all the amino acid forms available on the sports nutrition market: free-form amino acids, isolated - L-arginine, L-glycine, L-ornithine; di-, tri- and oligopeptides of amino acids from hydrolyzed whey isolate, BCAA complex (L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-valine).

Each serving (2 capsules) Mutant Amino contains 2 g of amino acids. It is recommended to take at least 1 portion before and after the training in order to fill the amino acid pool, the energy from which will be spent during the training. Thus, the muscles will not break down to fill the deficiency in amino acids. Although the minimum required dose depends on several factors - the purpose of the training (gaining muscle mass, drying or just losing weight), diet and weight of the athlete.

Main advantages:
  • excellent composition and rapid absorption;
  • there is a BCAA complex;
  • small comfortable capsules.
  • the recommended single portion is not enough, it is desirable to use at least 10 g of amino acids.
9.8 / 10
As for me, this amino acid has a good value for money. Of course, nothing will grow from one portion, so I drink 5 capsules both before and after training. They are just assimilated, while I get to the house, where I already eat normally.
Carnivor Beef Aminos (MuscleMeds) 11
1 750 (can, 300 tablets)

Carnivor Beef Aminos is a complex of amino acids derived from beef protein isolate, beef albumin concentrate and an immunoglobulin isolate, further enhanced with beef liver powder.

A feature and main advantage of this complex is that it is additionally enriched with creatine, BCAA, ketoglutarates of such amino acids as arginine, ornithine and glutamine, as well as alpha ketoisocaproate (KIC).

BCAA, along with glutamine, will promote rapid recovery; Creatine will increase strength; arginine in conjunction with ornithine will contribute to the production of growth hormone (somatotropin); and KIC will slow down protein breakdown.

1 serving (3 tablets) contains 3 g of amino acids. To feel the effect of the work of the amino acid complex, it is recommended to use about 3 servings per day (mainly in the near-training period).

Main advantages:
  • a large number of sources of amino acids;
  • additionally enriched with cretin, BCAA amino acids, growth factors.
  • does not contain fat, cholesterol and unnecessary calories.
  • It is necessary to use at least 3 servings per day of training to feel the effect of the complex;
  • price.
9.8 / 10
In my opinion, very good aminki. When I was drying, they had a great appetite for me, and they restore me with a bang.
Anabolic Amino 9000 (Olimp)
2 590 (300 tab.)

High-quality product from the company Olimp. Anabolic Amino 9000 is an excellent amino acid complex, made on the basis of high-grade enzymatic hydrolysates of animal proteins, specifically whey and chicken (egg). This combination is as efficient as possible and is able to provide the body with a significant amount of the necessary amino acids.

The hydrolyzed form and use of chicken protein contributes to an increase in the biological availability of branched-chain acid (BCAA) and an increase in the concentration of individual amino acids: glycine 6 times, L-arginine 2 times, L-proline and L-alanine 1.8 and 1.4 times, respectively. As a result, their beneficial properties are enhanced, and the reception of the complex, in addition to improving the results and growth of muscle tissue, gives many positive effects:

  • Improving the work of the central nervous system and protection from stress during heavy workouts;
  • Stimulation of mental activity;
  • Optimization of the cardiovascular system;
  • Strengthening immunity.
Main advantages:
  • Excellent nutrient quality;
  • Optimal composition;
  • High efficiency.
  • Size pills.
9.8 / 10
These amino acids, in my opinion, are the best, really powerful and working. The effect of the application pleases. In general, with a large amount of “pressed protein” sold under the guise of amino acids, Olimp pleases with truly high-quality products.
100% Beef Aminos (Universal Nutrition)
1 800 (can, 400 tablets)

For those who for some reason cannot eat dairy products, amino acid complexes have been created, the source of which are meat and meat products. The most popular option is beef protein.

Universal Beef Aminos is a mixture of beef albumin concentrate with beef isolate and Argentine beef liver powder. Each serving (3 tablets) contains 3 grams of amino acids. Their additional use will help to achieve a positive nitrogen balance, which in turn is a condition for an effective set of muscle mass. The main advantage of amino acid complexes from meat products is the complete absence of animal fats in the composition, which does not lead to an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol. Also, this complex can be recommended to those who do not have enough meat in the diet and there is a need for an additional source of amino acids.

Main advantages:
  • the ability to get pure amino acids from animal protein without fat and extra calories;
  • the source of all essential amino acids for those who have a lack of meat in the diet.
  • a small amount of BCAA, which is typical for all amino acid complexes.
9.7 / 10
Qualitative and working product, I take them always, I eat between meals, but not 3 each, but 10 at once.
Mega Amino 3200 (BioTech USA)
1 150 (300 tab.)

Affordable and, especially valuable, an effective amino acid complex based on lactalbumin and calcium caseinate. The additive contains the widest possible list of 18 essential, essential and semi-essential amino acids and has a good concentration of BCAA.

The composition of the Mega Amino 3200 is optimal for active people. It will be a great addition to a balanced diet, not only for supporters of power loads, but also for fans of other sports.

The use of the complex stimulates the anabolic process, gives energy, increases strength and endurance, prevents the destruction of muscles (catabolism) and facilitates their recovery.

Main advantages:
  • Affordable price;
  • Easy assimilation;
  • Universal set of amino acids.
  • Contains fats and carbohydrates.
9.7 / 10
For its price the complex is very decent in quality. I use it mainly to facilitate the recovery process after training. Can be recommended for beginners to improve performance.
Amino 5600 (Scitec Nutrition)
800 (can, 200 tablets)

Scitec Nutrition is a Hungarian mid-priced sports nutrition brand. Therefore, the amino acid complex Amino 5600 often becomes the choice of those who want to build muscle mass without spending much money.

The basis of the complex is whey protein hydrolyzate, which makes this product fast-absorbing. Amino 5600 also contains hydrolyzed sodium caseinate, which is also a milk protein, and the free-form amino acid L-glutamine, which will facilitate faster recovery.

Each portion of the complex (4 tablets) contains about 3.5 g of amino acids. The number of required servings depends on the amount of protein in the diet and the weight of the athlete.

Main advantages:
  • the basis of the complex is hydrolyzed whey protein;
  • price.
  • not the highest concentration of amino acids per serving.
9.6 / 10
Good work aminki for relatively little money. I drink them 3 times a day for 1 serving, that is, only 12 tablets go out, so it makes sense to take a large can right away - this is even more profitable.
Amino 2700 (Universal Nutrition)
2 700 (can, 350 tablets)

Universal Nutrition is one of the most famous and popular brands of sports nutrition.The products of this manufacturer are in constant demand, since its use ensures good results.

One of the best products of Universal is Amino 2700. This amino acid complex consists of a concentrate and a hydrolyzate (protein split into amino acids) of high-quality whey protein. One serving (3 tablets) contains 6 g of protein, including 1.3 g of BCAA.

Depending on the weight of the athlete, his diet, goals, it is recommended to take from 2 to 5 servings per day - before eating, on an empty stomach, and immediately after training.

Main advantages:
  • high quality supplements, which ensures good absorption;
  • quickly recovers from intense physical exertion;
  • provides the body with all essential amino acids.
  • not pure hydrolyzate, there is not cleaved protein in the composition - whey concentrate;
  • very large pills.
9.6 / 10
The quality of the amino acid is good, the body perceives without any unpleasant sensations, it is convenient to carry around with you - no shaker or water is needed, but the tablets are really very large.

Top Powder Amino Acids

Ami-NO Xpress (Scitec Nutrition)
1 700 (can, 440 g)

Ami-NO Xpress is an amino acid complex consisting of 4 matrices of various actions.

The matrix Ami-NO Xpress consists of such amino acids as L-citrulline, beta-alanine, arginine in free form and in the form of AAKG, and vitamin-like substance betaine. This complex serves as a source of nitric oxide, and also increases muscle endurance and improves the absorption of other amino acids, including BCAA.

The matrix of micronized BCAA contains 5 g of these amino acids in the classic ratio of 2-1-1 and contributes to the synthesis of new muscle fibers.

Amino acid matrix of glutamine, taurine and tyrosine will help to quickly recover, as well as to overcome fatigue of the nervous system after serious physical exertion.

The regenerating matrix contains vitamins and mineral substances (electrolytes). During and after training, the need for vitamins (B6, B9 and B12, C) increases, so their presence in the complex will help in the restoration and subsequent growth of muscle mass, and electrolytes (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) in maintaining water-salt balance and contractility of muscles.

Main advantages:
  • complex composition;
  • good portion of BCAA;
  • vitamins and minerals.
  • the portion is very large, so the banks will be enough for a while.
9.9 / 10
Very cool complex, there is everything you need: btsa, glutamine, citrulline with alanine and a whole lot more. I like to drink them both on the train and the next day, if I feel that the stencil does not let go.
Essential Amino Acids (MyProtein)
1 600 (soft package, 250 g)

MyProtein is an English brand that produces high-quality sport nutrition. Essential Amino Acids amino acid complex is no exception.

It is already clear from the name of the product that it is a mixture of all the essential (essential) amino acids that a person can receive only with food (or additives), since such amino acids are not synthesized in the human body.

Each serving contains 9 g of amino acids, including almost 5 g of BCAA (of which 3 g of leucine). It is recommended to use 1 portion before or after training, stirring in water.

Main advantages:
  • full complex of irreplaceable amino acids;
  • a large portion of BCAA compared with other amino acid complexes.
  • the unscented version has a bitter taste and does not mix well enough in water, which nevertheless is just an indicator of the quality of the product.
9.8 / 10
Bitter, of course, and disgusting, but it works. Try to mix with sugar, it will kill bitterness a little. In any case, the product is working, and they can be drunk if you do not have time to eat enough protein.
Essential Amino Energy (Optimum Nutrition)
1 290 (270 g (30 servings))

ON Essential Amino Energy is to some extent a universal product, which is a complex of free-form amino acids and natural energetics.

Key Features:

  • The Green Energy Matrix, which contains green tea and green coffee extracts, provides energy for training and increases endurance;
  • L-Arginine and citrulline act as stimulants for the production of nitric oxide, which provides the muscles with oxygen;
  • A set of micronized free-form amino acids, including BCAA, is used as a building material for muscles, ensures their recovery and growth.

The most common form of release is instant powder with different fruit and berry flavors (less commonly, cappuccino-latte tea and mocha) packaged in 270 or 585 grams. The portion contains only 10 kcal, and therefore the drink obtained from the powder can be used, including, as a substitute for less useful traditional drinks or energy drinks.

Main advantages:
  • Optimal composition;
  • Amino acids in free form;
  • Efficiency.
  • Caffeine is not suitable for everyone.
9.8 / 10
I liked the powder. The threshold of fatigue really helps to reduce and workouts are more intense. One feels the strengthening of pumping, it’s too early to talk about growth. Took with taste blackberries. In principle, not bad, but the next I will try another.
Amino X (BSN)
2 390 (1010 g (70 servings))

Amino X is a highly effective complex of amino acids in the free L-form in the form of an instant effervescent powder. In addition, there is no sugar and caffeine, which does not limit its use by the time of day. The powder is completely dissolved, and the resulting drink has a pleasant taste. But the main thing is the optimal formula for muscle recovery after heavy loads and their further growth. After all, the basis of the complex are BCAA.

The composition is supplemented with three more amino acids: citrulline, taurine and alanine. They are responsible for optimizing the feeding of muscle fibers and for the proper formation of muscles. The effect of using Amino X is further enhanced by the presence of vitamin D in the composition.

Main advantages:
  • Free form of amino acids;
  • Excellent solubility;
  • Balanced composition.
  • There are dyes.
9.7 / 10
Good amino acids, well soluble in water. The effect of the application is. The choice of taste is not particularly great, but it is quite acceptable (not sharp). Constantly accept Amino X before and after training. There is a pumping, there is a recovery.

Top Liquid Amino Acids

Amino Power Liquid (Weider)
1 890 (1000 ml)

The best, in our opinion, liquid complex of amino acids, created on the basis of the hydrolyzed form of whey protein and collagen. Pretreatment with enzymes provides rapid absorption of nutrients into the blood to feed, restore and trigger the growth of muscle fibers.

The use of collagen allows you to effectively maintain connective tissues in the body, since it is a structural element of cartilage, ligaments, and skin. Additionally, the composition is enhanced by ornithine and taurine. Their tasks are to stimulate the production of growth hormone, increase blood supply to the muscles and increase endurance by suppressing the activity of free radicals.

Main advantages:
  • Rapid absorption;
  • Convenient form;
  • Reliable manufacturer.
  • High price.
9.7 / 10
Proven liquid complex from the famous brand with good efficiency. The composition of a high protein content, and therefore it is better to further dilute aminki with water. Not the cheapest option, but the quality is worth it.
Magic Amino Fuel (Maxler)
990 (1000 ml)

One of the most affordable liquid complexes based on collagen hydrolyzate and vitamin B6. The additive has a high concentration of protein (41%) and a good rate of its absorption.

Taking Magic Amino Fuel allows you to stimulate anabolic processes, speed up metabolism and increase immunity. Collagen protein also contains amino acids that contribute to the effective restoration of joints, bone and connective tissue.

The additive is available in a variety of flavors, each being individually chosen.

Main advantages:
  • Great price;
  • Good composition;
  • Big bottle.
  • Contains preservatives and sweeteners;
  • Contains fats and carbohydrates.
9.5 / 10
Liquid amino acid complex, the main advantage of which is reasonable price.At the same time, the supplement is quite “working”, it can be recommended to beginners and experienced athletes, as well as to amateurs (rather lovers) of fitness.

In conclusion, it should be added that some tablets of amino acid complexes, which, despite their popularity, have protein concentrate or soy protein, are not included in the rating. In fact, they are not very different from the classical protein supplements in the rate of assimilation of amino acids, and they are much more expensive. Feel free to read the information on the package and choose supplements where amino acids are presented in free, di- and tripeptide form or in the form of protein hydrolyzate.

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Updated: 18.01.2019
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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