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12 best pretraining complexes

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A busy schedule, a training plateau, moral fatigue - serious athletes have many reasons for using pre-training complexes. Eminent bodybuilders vied with each other to advertise the funds of their sponsors. But how to choose the really best pre-training complex that does not hit the pocket?

Pre-training complexes are indispensable for those who want to get the maximum effect from the training process. The use of predtraen before physical exertion brings the body to a maximum endurance. You will feel the rise of physical strength and work out the exercise as efficiently as possible. Especially those who go to the gym after work, especially when they don’t have the strength to go in for exercise, are especially necessary.

After studying the opinions of professional athletes and reviews of ordinary consumers, we present you an overview of the best pre-training sports nutrition complexes in 2018-2019.

What are pre-training complexes and why they are needed

Pre-training complexes, or pre-training - is a type of sports nutrition, combining several or more components that help make training more productive.

From the definition of pretraining it becomes clear what they are for. But why is training not always productive? It often happens that many trainees have the opportunity to play sports only in the evening, after work. Or vice versa - early in the morning. At the end of the day, the body simply does not have the resources to play sports. In the morning, the body may still not be awake.

In such cases, and come to the rescue pre-training complexes. They provide the body with the missing resource to perform work in the hall. And after its implementation help to recover.

It should be noted that such complexes will be interesting not only to those who are engaged in bodybuilding, but also to all those who, one way or another, play sports - amateurishly or professionally.

Types of pre-training complexes

Conditionally pre-workouts can be divided into ordinary and aggressive. In each pretrain there are components that give a real resource, on which the body will work just if it lacks its strength. And stimulating components. It is they who create the wow effect that athletes want to get from the pre-workout. When a lot of power and just want to work, work and work.

Resource components of pre-workout complexes

These include:

  • creatine
  • amino acids, including BCAA,
  • vitamins and minerals,
  • electrolytes.

Creatine - It is an ergogenic agent, it increases the level of energy during the performance of heavy physical work. Individual amino acids, such as arginine, citrulline, beta alanine, contribute to the achievement of a variety of effects. These are the most popular pre-workout amino acid supplements in sports nutrition.

Arginine dilates blood vessels, thereby creating the effect of pampas, blood filling the muscles. One gets the feeling that the muscle is bursting after the exercise. Beta-alanine promotes rapid removal of lactic acid from working muscles, which helps to delay the onset of muscle fatigue, because unoxidized muscles work longer and more efficiently. Citrulline (most often in the form of malate) is involved in many reactions, including arginine synthesis, promotes rapid recovery after exercise, as well as the absorption of BCAA, which in turn also help to recover quickly.

Vitamins / Minerals and Electrolytes are frequent components in pretrenes, although not mandatory. Electrolytes are involved in maintaining water-salt balance, which is disrupted during exercise.And vitamins and minerals are necessary for the normal course of all reactions in the body.

Stimulating components of pre-workout complexes

The most popular stimulants in pretrains are:

  • caffeine,
  • guarana,
  • yohimbine
  • ephedra
  • geranium (it is gradually removed from the compositions of all sports nutrition products and replaced by octodrine (aminoisoheptane)).

The first three stimulants are considered to be quite soft, "not detrimental". Caffeine and guarana (which, in essence, also caffeine) affect the central nervous system, increasing concentration and endurance. They also stimulate the release of adrenaline, which in turn also affects the central nervous system. On average, the amount of caffeine in pretrains varies from 200 to 400 mg per serving, which corresponds to about three to four cups of black coffee.

Yohimbinas caffeine - It is a stimulant of plant origin. Mostly in pre-training it is added quite a bit, about 2-5 g. Whereas the average dosage when taking yohimbine varies from 20 to 50 g. This stimulator also affects the central nervous system, stimulating it, improves cognitive functions and mental concentration, which allows you to train longer and more intense.

But geranium and ephedra already belong to strong stimulants. Pretraining with such components in the composition are considered very aggressive and effective. Both geranium and ephedra bring the nervous system into a state of strong excitement, improve mood and mental focus, and increase efficiency.

Rating of the best pre-training complexes in 2019

Category A place Name Rating Price
The best pre-training resource complexes 1 Platinum Labs Defcon 1 9.9 / 10 1 950
2 NO-Xplode 3.3 from BSN 9.9 / 10 2 000
3 Muscle Pharm Assault 9.9 / 10 1 700
4 C4 Original by Cellucor 9.8 / 10 1 650
5 Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition 9.7 / 10 1 300
6 Jack 3D from USPlabs 9.6 / 10 1 750
The best aggressive pre-training complexes 1 Black Annis by Gold Star 9.9 / 10 1 300
2 Stimul 8 from Finaflex 9.8 / 10 2 000
3 Black Spider by Cloma Pharma 9.8 / 10 1 800
4 Shizo by Insane Labz 9.7 / 10 2 000
5 Psychotic by Insane Labz 9.7 / 10 2 100
6 Fit Fire by FitaFlex 9.6 / 10 2 300
7 Mesomorph (old version with DMAA) by APS 9.6 / 10 2 400

The best pre-training resource complexes

Platinum Labs Defcon 1
1 950 (can, 30 servings)

Powerful pre-training complex. Of particular interest is the neuro-stimulating matrix. In addition to caffeine, it contains such vegetable components as hegenamine and synephrine, as well as amino acids taurine and tyrosine plus choline. As a result, this matrix will improve the neuromuscular connection, and hence the result of training.

Main advantages:
  • non-standard composition that promotes mental focus during training,
  • lack of strong stimulants, and hence the central nervous system overvoltage.
9.9 / 10
Defcon likes the fact that it is not violent, but rather gives ease of thought and a great mood.
NO-Xplode 3.3 from BSN
2 000 (can, 30 servings)

The composition of this pre-workout includes 5 matrices, as well as a vitamin-mineral complex. Creatine matrix will help increase strength, beta-alanine with betaine - endurance. Citrulline with sage extract will create a positive nitrogen balance, and acetyl-tyrosine with caffeine will help increase mental concentration. Another important component of the complex is DMAE, which acts as a general tonic element.

Main advantages:
  • The main resource components are strengthened with plant extracts and a vitamin-mineral complex.
9.9 / 10
A great option for an everyday workout - it doesn’t strain the nervous system and the heart doesn’t fly away from it, so I don’t have any waste products from the Exploit.
Muscle Pharm Assault
1 700 (can, 30 servings)

Famous and very popular predprenik. Also consists of 5 matrices plus a vitamin-mineral complex. Along with classical resources, the composition of matrices includes choline, glucuronolactone, pterostilbene with caffeine and hyperzine, which increase neuroconductivity, and therefore improve the connection of the central nervous system with working muscles.

Ask any bodybuilder forum “which one to choose?”. And you will advise exactly Assault.

Main advantages:
  • a combination of powerful substances, including plant extracts, supplementing and increasing the efficiency of each other,
  • increases performance and endurance in training.
9.9 / 10
He does not give bright cheerfulness, but power with endurance will definitely become higher. For beginners will be just right.
C4 Original by Cellucor
1 650 (can, 30 servings)

Classic resource predtren with good dosages of working ingredients. The main component is beta-alanine for muscular endurance.Arginine creates pamp, and creatine gives energy. From stimulants - a good portion of caffeine in combination with tyrosine, which improves concentration. Good pre-training complex for beginners.

Main advantages:
  • classics of the genre among pre-workouts,
  • without undue stress on the nervous system.
9.8 / 10
It is very cool to begin acquaintance with pre-workouts with him - it works gently and does not give any waste. Of the benefits - a decent portion of beta-alanine, it is great increases stamina.
Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition
1 300 (can, 30 servings)
Strictly speaking, this product is not quite a pretraining. To a large extent, it is an amino acid complex, enhanced by caffeine, acting here as a mild stimulant.

It consists of micronized free-form amino acids, including BCAA, especially important for muscle building, and the well-known beta alanine for muscle endurance.

Main advantages:
  • very easy predstrenik for the beginning athletes.
  • amino acids for 1 portion of the product comes out a bit - only 5 g.
9.7 / 10
Gradually increase stamina and elevate mood. Often I drink them in the morning instead of coffee to cheer up.
Jack 3D from USPlabs
1 750 (can, 45 servings)

Once it was a very famous and powerful predpren, because it included geranium. After the introduction of a ban on this stimulator in the USA, the composition of Jack3d was changed. Now it has a rather mediocre effect, but, nevertheless, it will be interesting for beginners and for those who do not like hard pretrains.

Main advantages:
  • in the composition there are extracts of lemongrass and rhodiola, which are very good adaptogens.
  • very mild effect.
9.6 / 10
With geranium, he was, of course, fierce. Now I use sometimes, when strong stimulation is not necessary.

The best aggressive pre-training complexes

Black Annis by Gold Star
1 300 (can, 25 servings)

Black Annis (Black Witch) refers to aggressive predprenikam, because in its composition there are 2 stimulants - geranium and caffeine, reinforcing the effect of geranium.

Of the resource components in Black Annis is beta-alanine, arginine with agmatine, creatine, and acetyl tyrosine.

Main advantages:
  • strong stimulating effect
  • availability of essential amino acids for training.
  • should be taken with caution because of the possible occurrence of side effects.
9.9 / 10
It is better to drink this complex for an hour before the workout. I drank in half an hour, and the main acceleration happened somewhere in another half an hour after the start of the training. And so pins, no questions.
Stimul 8 from Finaflex
2 000 (can, 40 servings)
Good pre-training complex with an unusual composition. The chip is guayus leaf extract, which contain caffeine and antioxidants. In addition to it, Stimul 8 contains caffeine itself, theobromine and theocrine, which have a caffeine-like stimulating effect, as well as yohimbine.
Main advantages:
  • another blend - Irisin XD (green tea + theobromine) - provides a powerful antioxidant effect.
  • Like all aggressive predrills, Stimul 8 has side effects in the form of sweating, insomnia, nausea.
9.8 / 10
The pretrain is very good, powerful, but it is not worthwhile to partly be better, since after the euphoria there comes a waste.
Black Spider by Cloma Pharma
1 800 (can, 30 servings)

This pretra has the same name as the Black Spider fat burner of the same manufacturer. And in principle, it is positioned as a 2-in-1 product - pre-training + fat burner.

As part of the Black Spider is the main bundle - ECA (ephedra + caffeine + aspirin), supplemented by a number of stimulants and thermogenics. It is ECA that causes such a strong effect that accelerates the nervous system when taking a pretrain.

Main advantages:
  • it also contains a complex for enhancing mental focusing (DMAE, choline + inositol, tyrosine).
  • side effects are possible in the form of sweating, fever, palpitations and pressure.
9.8 / 10
High-quality and very powerful predtren, well, or fat burner. Acts strongly, therefore possible side-cutting.
Shizo by Insane Labz
2 000 (can, 30 servings)

Another pretren in Insane Labz lineup. Like in Psychotic, this complex contains creatine and AMPiberry. An unusual component here is the patented formula Oxygold - a complex of fulvic and humic amino acids that slow down the aging process of cells.

Main advantages:
  • The complex contains an extract of ginseng - a powerful adaptogen.
  • despite the absence of strong stimulants in the composition, it is better to start taking a predprene with half the proportion.
9.7 / 10
safe ingredients that do not load the central nervous system, so othodnyakov with Schizo will not. It helps to concentrate as much as possible on each exercise and not to be distracted by external stimuli.
Psychotic by Insane Labz
2 100 (can, 35 servings)

The name itself, and the appearance of the banks, suggests that this predtren has a powerful effect. Stimulants are caffeine with yohimbine, as well as pride.

The main chip is such an exclusive component as AMPiberry. This is a complex of juniper berries with yeast. It is an excellent anti-catabolic, and also has analgesic and antioxidant properties.

Main advantages:
  • In the composition there is a DMAE, which increases concentration of attention during training.
  • a strong effect on the psyche and accelerates the pulse.
9.7 / 10
A feeling of euphoria is provided, but take care of the heart. Often use as a nootropic to work well with brains.
Fit Fire by FitaFlex
2 300 (can, 25 servings)

Mesomorph is being replaced by new products. Fit Fire is now sold as its counterpart. The composition is almost identical: creatine matrix, the classic complex of beta-alanine, arginine and citrulline. In addition to geranium, the neurostimulating matrix contains glucuronolactone and caffeine.

Main advantages:
  • strong prettrain with non-rigid but tangible stimulation.
  • Receiving predprene recommended to start with half the mean due to possible individual intolerance.
9.6 / 10
For all those who are nostalgic for geraniums, this pretra will be the best choice. Turns on the work gently, but the result exceeds expectations.
Mesomorph (old version with DMAA) by APS
2 400 (can, 25 servings)

As in the case of Jack3d, Mesomorph was good and popular due to the presence of geranium in it. This stimulator combined with a good portion of creatine and pre-workout amino acids gave the Mesomorph greater strength.

Now the place of geranium in the pretrain is occupied by synephrine with caffeine and glucuronolactone.

Main advantages:
  • famous geranium prettrain with attorney in practice efficiency.
  • The new composition, but it’s probably not a minus, but rather just a moment that has not yet been studied.
9.6 / 10
It is a pity that I had to remove the geranium. Mesomorph did an excellent job with his work.

How much, how and when to take pre-workout complexes

Each manufacturer must indicate the number of one portion of his pre-workout in grams. And in order that the consumer does not overshoot with the right amount, a measuring spoon supplied for the complex itself, calculated for exactly one serving.

Some manufacturers recommend to start taking pretraining with half a measuring spoon. Most often this applies to aggressive pretrains that have a strong stimulating effect.

The required amount of the complex should be mixed approximately in a glass of water and drunk before training, approximately 30-40 minutes before the start of the session. Although there are nuances. Due to the individuality of the organisms, some athletes of the predtraine should be drunk almost 1 hour before the workout so that all the components of the complex have time to digest. And to find out this moment (the right time) can only be experienced.


Pretraining complexes have contraindications. Before you start using them, you should always consult a doctor! And before use - carefully read the instructions for their use and follow the manufacturer's instructions for dosage and rules of administration.

It is better not to get involved in predrills in the evening.Because excessive excitation of the central nervous system will certainly lead to insomnia. Moreover, with frequent admission of such complexes, the body begins to get used to the action of stimulants. And such an effect as at the first intake of the predrone is already possible and not felt.

Therefore, it is necessary either to alternate pre-training complexes, using ordinary and strong ones in turn. Or, in general, periodically take breaks in the reception of pretrains.

Attention!There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.
Updated: 19.03.2019
Attention! The accuracy of the information and the results of the ranking is subjective and is not an advertisement.
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